
Start Flyway migration from specific version

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-12-08 08:21:13
问题 I try use flyway for migration. I find this option # Target version up to which migrations should be considered. But I need set version with which to start migration. For exmple I need start migration from V3_foo.sql Can I do it? Briefly why I need it. I have a database with data. No migration tools have been used before. Everything was done manually. Now I have created an init.sql and placed in it the creation of the entire base structure. Now, when adding changes, I

Start Flyway migration from specific version

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-12-08 08:20:34
问题 I try use flyway for migration. I find this option # Target version up to which migrations should be considered. But I need set version with which to start migration. For exmple I need start migration from V3_foo.sql Can I do it? Briefly why I need it. I have a database with data. No migration tools have been used before. Everything was done manually. Now I have created an init.sql and placed in it the creation of the entire base structure. Now, when adding changes, I


别来无恙 提交于 2020-11-22 03:36:26
本文由 网易云 发布。 作者:刘超,网易云解决方案架构师 一、持续集成对于微服务的意义:拆之前要先解决合的问题 在很多微服务化的文章中,很少会把持续集成放在第一篇,因为大多数的文章都会将如何拆的问题,例如拆的粒度,拆的时机,拆的方式。 为什么需要拆呢?因为这是人类处理问题的本质方式:将一个大的复杂问题,变成很多个小问题解决。 所以当一个系统复杂到一定程度,当维护一个系统的人数多到一定程度,解决问题的难度和沟通成本大大提高,因而需要拆成很多个工程,拆成很多个团队,分而治之。 然而当每个子团队将子问题解决了,整个系统的问题就解决了么?你可以想象你将一辆整车拆成零件,然后再组装起来的过程,你就可以想象拆虽然不容易,合则更难,需要各种标准,各种流水线,才能将零件组装称为车。 我们先来回顾一下拆的过程。 最初的应用大多数是一个单体应用: 单体应用 一个Java后端,后面跟一个数据库,基本上就搞定了。 随着系统复杂度的增加,首先Java程序需要做的是纵向的拆分。 纵向拆分 首先最外面是一个负载均衡,接着是接入的Nginx,做不同服务的路由。 不同的服务拆成独立的进程,独立部署,每个服务使用自己的数据库和缓存,解决数据库和缓存的单点瓶颈。 数据库使用一主多从的模式,进行读写分离,主要针对读多写少的场景。 为了承载更多的请求,设置缓存层,将数据缓存到Memcached或者Redis中,增加命中率。


半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-08-05 02:02:01
简介 在团队开发当中,有可能每个人都是使用自己本地的数据库。当数据库的表或者字段更新时,往往需要告知团队的其他同事进行更新。 Flyway数据库版本迁移工具,目的就是解决该问题而诞生的(我自己想的)。每当我们更新数据库的时候,只需要添加SQL文件到指定目录中。Flyway会在数据库创建一个表,专门记录已更新的SQL文件。当我们下次执行时则不会执行已记录并且执行成功的SQL文件。 整合 maven 现在的Flyway的最新版本已经到了 6.4.2 。我用的是 6.3.3 。 <!-- --> <dependency> <groupId>org.flywaydb</groupId> <artifactId>flyway-core</artifactId> <version>6.3.3</version> </dependency> application配置 搞定了Flyway的依赖后,修改一下SpringBoot的 application.yml 或 application.xml 配置。 spring: flyway: url: jdbc:mysql://

How to ignore placeholder expressions for Flyway?

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-07-20 07:33:20
问题 I am using flyway version 2.3, I have an sql patch which inserts a varchar into a table having character sequence that Flyway treats as placeholders. I want to flyway to ignore placeholders and run the script as is. The script file is insert into test_data (value) values ("${Email}"); And the Java code is package foobar; import com.googlecode.flyway.core.Flyway; public class App { public static void main( String[] args ) { // Create the Flyway instance Flyway flyway = new Flyway(); // Point

Spring Boot 2.1.0 with Flyway 4.2.0

不问归期 提交于 2020-06-24 08:07:20
问题 I would like to upgrade for my new projects to Spring Boot version 2.1.0, but I am limited with Oracle 11 database, which is supported by the Flyway 4.2.0 library. Everything runs normally on Spring Boot version 2.0.5 Release, but when moving to 2.1.0 release I get this error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/flywaydb/core/api/configuration/FluentConfiguration The POM configuration is as follows: <parent> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-parent<

Java code changeset in liquibase

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-06-09 07:47:12
问题 Is there a way in liquibase to create java code change set (i.e. provide a java class, which will receive a JDBC connection and will perform some changes in the database) ? (I know that flyway has such feature) 回答1: Yes, there is such feature. You can create a customChange: <customChange class=""> <param name="id" value="2" /> </customChange> The class must implements the liquibase.change.custom.CustomTaskChange interface. @Override public void execute(final Database arg0) throws