

前提是你 提交于 2020-11-24 05:29:43
开始接触不太清楚rtmp协议的流,后来折腾了一番采用了videojs的插件下面是案例 videojs案例 1 < html > 2 < head > 3 < title ></ title > 4 5 < meta charset ="UTF-8" name ="viewport" content ="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" > 6 < meta name ="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content ="yes" /> 7 8 < script type ="text/javascript" src ="./src/jquery-1.7.2.min.js" ></ script > 9 < script src ="./src/video_5.19.min.js" ></ script > 10 < link href ="http://vjs.zencdn.net/5.19/video-js.min.css" rel ="stylesheet" > 11 </ head > 12 < body > 13 14 < div class ="page" > 15 < div class ="pinch-zoom" > 16 <

There is a long delay before an MP4 video will start in flowplayer

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-13 04:11:32
问题 Flowplayer at my site is working fine with (.flv) format, but for (.mp4) format it first downloading the whole file and then start streaming. Any solution? Will I have to make some changes in setting of flowplayer or there is even a solution exists for this problem. thanks. 回答1: I had the same problem as you, fortunately found the reason and solution: With the release of the Flash Player 9 Update that supports H.264, we can now play a subset of H.264 movie files. The problem is most of the H

Auto play flowplayer video when video in viewport

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-01-04 06:07:45
问题 Is there any known way of auto playing video when video is in viewport, I use the following function to determine when an element is in viewport var isScrolledIntoView = function(elem) { // get the position of the viewport var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height(); // get the position of the player element var elemTop = $(elem).offset().top; var elemBottom = elemTop + $(elem).height(); // determine if the player element is in fully in the

swf works within <embed> only - not working with bumpbox (lightbox alternative)

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-25 02:07:47
问题 I have this code http://www.bodom.eu/fsproblem There is one .swf within tag and when you click on full screen button, it WORKS. When you click on flash01 link, there is the same .swf within < a> tag (in lightbox style window), where it does NOT WORK. All I need is to make work the fullscreen button in the bumpbox window. Thank you very much. Bumpbox use mootools and flowplayer. 回答1: The issue you're having is actually coming from Mootools. Mootools has an Flash embed class called Swiff, which

Flowplayer set start time of a .flv video from Amazon S3

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-23 02:26:09
问题 What I have so far: When I open a jquery dialog, a Flowplayer in that dialog box starts autoplaying and autobuffering a url from s3. What I need: I have a time variable(let's say 300 seconds). When I open that dialog box I want the video to start from 300.second (autoplay and autobuffer on.). I want to do this in any way i.e in html if flowplayer supports it or in javascript. The way does not matter. Do you know how I can accomplish it? When I use script code like: clip: { onStart: function (

How to display HTML after video play finishes?

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-23 01:46:12
问题 I am new here. I would like to know how can I display HTML code after a video is finished playing. I am using FlowPlayer (http://www.flowplayer.org) . I have tried to achieve this using JW Flash Player (http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/jw-flv-player/), but was unable figure out anything. Also, let me know if it's possible or not. And if it is, please share with me and everybody on StackOverflow. P.S. I am using PHP. 回答1: According to the FlowPlayer documentation an onFinish event is fired

set autoPlay false on Flowplayer in jQuery

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-14 02:54:41
问题 I'm using jQuery and Flowplayer to turn links to FLV files into embedded videos like this: $(document).ready(function() { if($('a[type^="video"]').length > 0) { $('a[type^="video"]').each(function() { var video_path = $(this).attr('href'); var video_box = $(this).parent(); video_box.html(''); video_box.css('width', '680px'); video_box.css('height', '460px'); video_box.flowplayer('/sites/default/files/flowplayer-3.2.7.swf', video_path); }); } }); This is working fine except that all the videos

seek on flowplayer is not right

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-13 02:57:18
问题 I'm trying to seek video with no steaming. this is my page: <html><head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <script type="text/javascript" src="flowplayer-3.2.13.min.js"></script> <title>Flowplayer test</title> </head><body> <a style="display:block;width:640px;height:360px" id="player"></a> <script> flowplayer("player","flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.18.swf",{ clip: {url:'sp/gailun640x360.mp4'}}); function vgoto(val) {$f(0).seek(val);} </script> <a href="javascript

How to stop AnythingSlider when Flowplayer clicked

折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-13 02:37:24
问题 I'm using the Flowplayer plugin inside the AnythingSlider control. I'd like to stop the slider from moving to the next slide when the user clicks to interact with the Flowplayer. I've tried the following but the slider continues to move to the next slide; the .click() call on the #start-stop item didn't work either. I'd like it to stop when the user clicks on any part of the Flowplayer, though in this case I tested it for the onStart. $f("vid", "flowplayer-3.2.1.swf", { clip: { autoPlay:

Error with HTML5 video in Chrome, using RangeFilePathResult

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-13 00:20:00
问题 Using MVC3 and flowplayer, I have a video player that is set up to get video files with the following markup: <div id="video"> <div id="video-viewport"> <!-- The data-ratio is a decimal number represeting the height of the video in proportion to the width --> <div class="flowplayer" data-swf="http://releases.flowplayer.org/5.1.1/flowplayer.swf" data-ratio="0.417" data-engine="html5" data-keyboard="true" data-native_ipad_fullscreen="true" data-volume="0.6"> <video> <!-- By default Flowplayer