
linux下的火狐flash 的安装

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2020-02-26 09:16:28
linux系统上用火狐浏览器看视频的时候发现没有安装flash player插件,无法播放视频。简单几步安装插件,就可以快乐地使用linux系统看视频了。 1.在下载的时候选择tar的规格下载,然后点download 2.由于这个是下载在tmp文件夹下,所以cd /tmp 进入tmp下 3.由于我的是安装在/tmp/mozilla-liuru0的目录下,所以还得进入mozilla下,解压缩 sudo tar -zx -f install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins 复制插件到火狐浏览器插件文件夹 cd /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins 定位到插件目录 sudo chmod 755 libflashplayer.so 更改插件权限 4.升级完毕以后打开视频网站,这个时候会提示要你升级插件。不用理会,直接点击旁边没有文字的地方,视频就可以正常播放了 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/future-liu1121/p/6505942.html

[Flex]Adobe Flash Builder 4 beta 和 Flash Catalyst beta download

别来无恙 提交于 2020-02-25 15:55:59
Adobe Flash Builder 4 beta 和 Adobe Flash Catalyst beta 终于在6月1日,国际儿童节这天放出了下载地址( Adobe 儿童节快乐!) Adobe Flash Builder 4 beta 下载地址: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/entitlement/index.cfm?e=labs_flashbuilder4 Adobe Flash Catalyst beta 下载地址: http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/entitlement/index.cfm?e=labs_flashcatalyst 详细请看: http://www.k-zone.cn/zblog/post/flash-builder-4-download.html 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/flexblog/archive/2009/06/01/flash-builder-4-download.html

AS3 URLRequest Timeout (not AIR)

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-02-25 05:03:39
问题 I am building a web-app that should send some data to the server. Flash has a built in timeout limit for URLRequest set to 30 seconds. I cannot use AIR (as this solution should run from the browser) and sometimes the request is for more than 30seconds. Flash ignores any data received after 30 seconds and sends an IO Error event although when I check the server, the script would have been executed. Is there any solution to modify the timeout limit? Maybe a smarter way? (any libraries to divide

AS3 URLRequest Timeout (not AIR)

核能气质少年 提交于 2020-02-25 05:02:14
问题 I am building a web-app that should send some data to the server. Flash has a built in timeout limit for URLRequest set to 30 seconds. I cannot use AIR (as this solution should run from the browser) and sometimes the request is for more than 30seconds. Flash ignores any data received after 30 seconds and sends an IO Error event although when I check the server, the script would have been executed. Is there any solution to modify the timeout limit? Maybe a smarter way? (any libraries to divide

What is the best way for a website to check if a user has installed a client app?

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-02-25 03:36:44
问题 Let's say I've got a website that works better if a client has installed and logged into a desktop application. I'd like to be able to do 2 things: Alter the website if they haven't installed the app (to make it easy for them to find a link to the installer) If they've installed the app on a couple of machines, determine which machine they are browsing from I'd like something that works on Windows and OSX, on any of the major browsers. Linux is a bonus. A few thoughts: Websites can detect if

What is the best way for a website to check if a user has installed a client app?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-02-25 03:35:32
问题 Let's say I've got a website that works better if a client has installed and logged into a desktop application. I'd like to be able to do 2 things: Alter the website if they haven't installed the app (to make it easy for them to find a link to the installer) If they've installed the app on a couple of machines, determine which machine they are browsing from I'd like something that works on Windows and OSX, on any of the major browsers. Linux is a bonus. A few thoughts: Websites can detect if


你。 提交于 2020-02-25 02:37:24
作者:zccst 我自己用过fusioncharts和highchart。 jQuery插件有: TufteGraph flot js charts jqchart elycharts jquery visualize plugin 普通的: 1 highcharts http://www.highcharts.com/ Highcharts 是一个用纯JavaScript编写的一个图表库, 能够很简单便捷的在web网站或是web应用程序添加有交互性的图表,并且免费提供给个人学习、个人网站和非商业用途使用。HighCharts支持的图表类型有曲线图、区域图、柱状图、饼状图、散状点图和综合图表。 2 jscharts http://www.jscharts.com/ JS Chart是需要一些简 单或无需手工书写编码的基于Javascript的免费图表生成器。使用JS Chart可以很简单很容易的完成你的生成图表任务,因为你只需要使用客户端脚本(即浏览器端),无需多余的插件或服务器端模块。你只需要准备好JS Chart脚本、包含图表数据的XML或Javascript数组。 3 fusioncharts http://www.fusioncharts.com/ FusionCharts是一个Flash的图表组件,它可以用来制作数据动画图表,其中动画效果用的是Adobe Flash 8


一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-02-25 01:17:25
下载 install_flash_player_22_active_x22.0.0.192.exe 和 uninstall_flash_player.exe 运行uninstall_flash_player.exe卸载flashplayer; 再运行install_flash_player_22_active_x22.0.0.192.exe安装flashplayer 安装结束时点上“从不检查更新(不建议)” 附卸载不成功处理办法: Adobe Flash Player 版本太低无法安装 当你将高版本卸载后,再安装低版本时,会出现这种情况,在安装flash player 时遇到提示“正尝试安装的adobe flash player不是最新版本。请访问http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer 以获取最新、最安全的版本。” 解决方法: “开始”-“运行”-执行“regedit”,即打开注册表,找到以下位置:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Macromedia\FlashPlayer\SafeVersions] 将“SafeVersions”右侧所有子项中“名称”列数值比你现在想安装的Flash Player 版本的数值大的项删除!即是将“SafeVersions”右侧所有子项中“名称”列高于你当前安装版本的项删掉即可。


◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-02-24 23:02:10
STM32F103处理器内部存储器结构及映射    STM32F103存储器映像为 预定义形式 ,严格规定了哪个位置使用哪条总线。    STM32F103的程序存储器、数据存储器、寄存器和IO端口被组织到一个4GB的线性地址空间。数据字节以小端模式存放在存储器中。地址空间分8块,每块512MB。 注: 小端模式 :与大端模式相对应,将数据的低字节保存在内存的低地址中,高字节保存在高地址中。 其中:      代码区 :(0x00000000 ~ 0x1FFFFFFF,512MB)      主要包括 : 启动空间 (0x00000000 ~ 0x07FFFFFF,128MB)                Flash (0x08000000 ~ 0x08xxxxxx,16KB~1MB)                系统存储区 (0x1FFFF000 ~ 0x1FFFF800,2KB)     Flash :用于存放用户编写的程序     系统存储区 :存放串口下载程序,当系统上电后,根据用户设定的启动配置,将Flash或系统存储区映射到启动空间,执行用户程序或串口下载程序。    内部 SRAM (0x20000000 ~ 0x200xxxxx,6~96KB):保护程序运行时产生的临时数据的随机存储器。     外设区 :外设寄存器地址空间,用于调试组件等私有外设。例如:FPB

AS3 How to make only 1 movieclip clickable at a time when there are multiple movieclips

冷暖自知 提交于 2020-02-24 11:20:33
问题 Ok, so I have a page with 5 movieclips/buttons on it. When you mouse over each one they light up (OVER state) and when you click on them they expand (DOWN state). The problem is if you have multiple movieclips expanded (in the DOWN state) they overlap and it looks awful. I want to code them so only 1 can be expanded at a time. How can I do this? I imagine I need an IF statement on each button like "If any other movieclips are in the DOWN state, then disable DOWN for this movieclip, if no