
How to set/access external swf file's dynamic text field in action script 3?

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-23 16:33:47
问题 I am working in a fla file where i added a swf file. How I set a text on that swf file's dynamic text. Is there any to to direct set text. I don't want to pass as parameter in url. I tried like this var rq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("subwindow/Time_date.swf"); ldr.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done); ldr.load(rq); function done(e:Event):void { var externalSWF:MovieClip = MovieClip(e.currentTarget.content); // I have dynamic text field named dDate. I tried like this but

Is there an unofficial Flash .FLA spec?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-21 02:36:11
问题 Is there an unofficial spec anywhere that explains how to reverse engineer a Flash .FLA file? I'm specifically interested in creating an application that can "auto-scene plan" a Flash document programmatically, pulling in content from other files, arranging that content into layers, without needing the Flash IDE open. Animators would then be able to take these pre-assembled FLA's and begin animating them. I've already built a JSFL script that does this, but it runs very slowly, is difficult

youtube 学习

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-17 22:48:25
1. in-page --------> 970x250====================expand ---------> 970x250--970x500 2. 两个组件:Youtube Video Player Component ,Youtube Close Ad Component 3. parent.fla ------> 50k,不能大于75K; child.fla --------> 1MB(包括不是youtube的视频),30S动画,1像素边框 user-inital fla -----> 1.5M,10M(如果包括非youtube的视频),视频必须progress load。一个close btn(文字必须是: X Close Expanded, 顶部和左边距5像素) , 一像素的边框。展开后关闭按钮马上出现。 backup 图片:最大75k 4 No audio, video, action, or motion inside a masthead ad unit can be initiated on mouse-over 5上传的时候不管inpage还是expand都选择expand类型,但是inpage类型不能用expand组件 6 close ad 组件:用于youtube网站的首页,可以从模板文件里拷贝过来用 7 如果视频包含字幕

(十四)Android NDK混淆

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-07 15:09:40
1、ollvm下载编译 我的是macbook环境。 参考obfuscator官网: https://github.com/obfuscator-llvm/obfuscator/wiki 执行下面的命令下载并编译: $ git clone -b llvm-4.0 https://github.com/obfuscator-llvm/obfuscator.git $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../obfuscator/ $ make -j7 cmake找不到的话,上cmake.org官网下载,并设置环境变量。 编译成功后,生成的文件主要在build/bin 和 build/lib 这2个文件夹。 2、整合到NDK 网上别人有介绍在NDK目录手动创建llvm之类的新文件夹,拷贝build/bin 和 build/lib2个文件夹,有编译问题,懒得去折腾。 我的做法是: 找到Android SDK目录中的 ../ndk-bundle/toolchains/llvm 文件夹,先备份下llvm文件夹,然后将obfuscator编译好的build/bin 和 build/lib2个文件夹直接拷贝到../llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/文件夹下,直接覆盖替换。


↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-05 06:15:16
OLLVM简介 OLLVM(Obfuscator-LLVM) 是瑞士西北应用科技大学安全实验室于2010年6月份发起的一个项目,该项目旨在提供一套开源的针对LLVM的代码混淆工具,以增加对逆向工程的难度。后期转向商业项目 strong.protect 。目前,OLLVM已经支持LLVM-4.0版本。 LLVM是一个优秀的编译器框架,它也采用经典的三段式设计。前端可以使用不同的编译工具对代码文件做词法分析以形成抽象语法树AST,然后将分析好的代码转换成LLVM的中间表示IR(intermediate representation);中间部分的优化器只对中间表示IR操作,通过一系列的Pass对IR做优化;后端负责将优化好的IR解释成对应平台的机器码。LLVM的优点在于,中间表示IR代码编写良好,而且不同的前端语言最终都转换成同一种的IR。 LLVM IR 是LLVM的中间表示,优化器就是对IR进行操作的,具体的优化操作由一些列的Pass来完成,当前端生成初级IR后,Pass会依次对IR进行处理,最终生成后端可用的IR。下图可以说明这个过程: OLLVM的混淆操作就是在中间表示IR层,通过编写Pass来混淆IR,然后后端依据IR来生成的目标代码也就被混淆了。得益于LLVM的设计,OLLVM适用LLVM支持的所有语言(C,C++,Objective-C,Ada,Fortran)和目标平台

Is there an unofficial Flash .FLA spec?

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-03 08:29:36
Is there an unofficial spec anywhere that explains how to reverse engineer a Flash .FLA file? I'm specifically interested in creating an application that can "auto-scene plan" a Flash document programmatically, pulling in content from other files, arranging that content into layers, without needing the Flash IDE open. Animators would then be able to take these pre-assembled FLA's and begin animating them. I've already built a JSFL script that does this, but it runs very slowly, is difficult to debug or re-purpose. scope_creep I've spent days looking around the internet, to see if there is