
Can an SVG vector graphic be converted to a PNG file format for use in Fireworks?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-01-02 04:33:08
问题 As many of you know, there are quite a few websites that sell royalty free graphics. Some sites sell vector graphics (svg) or give you the option to download them as such. I don't have a graphics editor that will support SVG. Currently, I'm working with an older version of Fireworks. I cannot open a SVG file type. (I also cannot afford to purchase PhotoShop or Illustrator software). I'm running Windows on my PC. Questions : What are my options? Is there a SVG to PNG converter? Would the

Can an SVG vector graphic be converted to a PNG file format for use in Fireworks?

匆匆过客 提交于 2019-12-05 08:55:45
As many of you know, there are quite a few websites that sell royalty free graphics. Some sites sell vector graphics (svg) or give you the option to download them as such. I don't have a graphics editor that will support SVG. Currently, I'm working with an older version of Fireworks. I cannot open a SVG file type. (I also cannot afford to purchase PhotoShop or Illustrator software). I'm running Windows on my PC. Questions : What are my options? Is there a SVG to PNG converter? Would the converted file retain everything correctly? Would I be able to work with the converted SVG file as I do a

The fireworks PNG format, any insight? Any libs?

安稳与你 提交于 2019-12-04 12:23:51
问题 The ultimate goal is to export the pages in a fireworks png file to individual images. So I have a couple questions: Do you know of anything -- library, application -- that does this already? Do you have any information on the format? They store their information in specialized chunks, I assume. I'm just hoping the format of those chunks' payload is not so difficult to figure out. I have not dug into any fireworks files yet. I am finding no information on the format, so that is next step, but

plot points for image map

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-04 11:40:58
问题 I want to add automatic area highlighting to image maps on my webpage. I've found the mapper.js library to be very useful in achieving this, however creating the x,y plots around a regional map is very time consuming. Is there a quick way to create bounding co-ordinates of a irregular polygon such as can be found on regional maps? EDIT There has got to be a way to do this. I have Fireworks 8 as well as photoshop CS3 on my windows PC, but I'm more familiar with Fireworks. If I create a marquee

The fireworks PNG format, any insight? Any libs?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-03 08:00:55
The ultimate goal is to export the pages in a fireworks png file to individual images. So I have a couple questions: Do you know of anything -- library, application -- that does this already? Do you have any information on the format? They store their information in specialized chunks, I assume. I'm just hoping the format of those chunks' payload is not so difficult to figure out. I have not dug into any fireworks files yet. I am finding no information on the format, so that is next step, but I figured someone may know a bit and save me some time :). What I hope (and probably isnt the case) is


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:38:01
新建文件:ctrl+n 打开:ctrl+o 调出和隐藏标尺:ctrl+r 清除辅助线:视图、辅助线、清除辅助线 放大镜:z;放大镜状态下alt+左键:缩小 抓手:快捷键 测量距离:先拉出2根辅助线,然后切换到指针工具,接着将光标放到2根辅助线之间,按住shift 原文:


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:43:01
前言 在 hexo的next主题的最新优化_1中 和 hexo的next主题的最新优化_2 介绍了一些简单点的操作,希望对你们有所帮助,如果实在看不懂,可以扫一扫文章最后的QQ群二维码,有什么问题可以私聊我呦!好的废话就不多说了。我们开始吧! 主题优化_3 设置动态背景 更改的位置: 提示:这里的设置和老版的next主题有些不同。 next主题常见动态背景样式有canvas_nest、three_waves、canvas_lines、canvas_sphere等 canvas_nest如下图所示 three_waves、canvas_lines、canvas_sphere这三种效果可以自己尝试 开启canvas_nest更改的内容: 第一步:打开Git Bash Here进入自己文件夹下/themes/next文件夹下 $ cd /themes/next 第二步:下载安装 canvas_nest module 执行 这是在主题文件夹下进行的操作 $ git clone source/lib/canvas-nest 提示:执行完命令后会在 /themes/next/source/lib查看会看到 canvas_nest 文件夹。 第三步:在/themes/next/_config


▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-11-28 02:21:27
一直以来切图一直都是在windows下面使用fireworks来做,或者ps来做。 最近转到力linux下面,而且也没有想转回去的意思了。专心研究如何在linxu下面进行切图。 下面简单介绍一下我现在的思路。 1. guide line 这里是介绍参考线的使用。 2. 选择 滤镜-》网页-》slice 配置好(就像fireworks一样) 一切ok 相关参考资料: 猛击这里 转载于: 来源:

marry|psych up|make it|Fireworks|be to blame for|

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-11-27 22:53:44
同位语从句 ADJ 结婚的;已婚的 If you are married, you have a husband or wife. We have been married for 14 years... 我们已经结婚14年了。 She is married to an Englishman. 她嫁给了一个英格兰人。 PHRASAL VERB 使(自己)做好心理准备;为(自己)打气 If you psych yourself up before a contest or a difficult task, you prepare yourself for it mentally, especially by telling yourself that you can win or succeed. After work, it is hard to psych yourself up for an hour at the gym... 下班后,很难打起精神再去健身房锻炼一个小时。 make it (病痛等)好转;达到预定目标;及时抵达;走完路程 ADJ-GRADED (从上到下)深的,厚的 If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of

Watching Fireworks is Fun(CF372C)

假如想象 提交于 2019-11-26 19:49:50
题目 A festival will be held in a town’s main street. There are n sections in the main street. The sections are numbered 1 through n from left to right. The distance between each adjacent sections is 1. In the festival m fireworks will be launched. The i-th (1 ≤ i ≤ m) launching is on time ti at section ai. If you are at section x (1 ≤ x ≤ n) at the time of i-th launching, you’ll gain happiness value bi - |ai - x| (note that the happiness value might be a negative value). You can move up to d length units in a unit time interval, but it’s prohibited to go out of the main street. Also you can be