
WebDriverException: Message: Missing 'marionetteProtocol' field in handshake

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-02 14:11:35
问题 I'm currently trying to run a robotframework test scripts locally (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit). The issue that I faced was not able to launch FF browser in Open Browser. Below is the details/specs of the setup that I have. Firefox (v26.0) Selenium2Library selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar geckodriver-v0.9.0 Please note that I used same machine as hub and node (selenium grid) Here the command to launch my hub : java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -role hub -port 4444 While here's

Taking a whole page screenshot with Selenium Marionette in Python

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-28 18:52:25
问题 After the recent Firefox upgrade to version 47 we were forced to install the Marionette extension to keep being able to use selenium webdriver, and in my case also upgrade selenium from 2.52 to 2.53. I use the python version of selenium webdriver to acquire high resolution images of maps rendered in HTML and JavaScript. previously this worked fine in firefox and the screenshots could be taken of the whole page, far beyond the dimensions of my own screen. However with the recent changes the

Taking a whole page screenshot with Selenium Marionette in Python

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-28 18:51:19
问题 After the recent Firefox upgrade to version 47 we were forced to install the Marionette extension to keep being able to use selenium webdriver, and in my case also upgrade selenium from 2.52 to 2.53. I use the python version of selenium webdriver to acquire high resolution images of maps rendered in HTML and JavaScript. previously this worked fine in firefox and the screenshots could be taken of the whole page, far beyond the dimensions of my own screen. However with the recent changes the

What are the benefits of using Marionette FirefoxDriver instead of the old Selenium FirefoxDriver for a Selenium tester?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-28 03:51:09
问题 Last weeks there has been a lot of noise about this new FirefoxDriver called Marionette. To use Firefox with Selenium, we used to use the "old" Selenium FirefoxDriver. From Firefox 48.0 onwards it is going to be required to use this new FirefoxDriver developed by Mozilla. I understand it is required to change to that direction to get every browser supports and develops its drivers and to get drivers independent of Selenium. Besides, it is supposed if Mozilla develops its own driver, it will

Selenium - NoSuchElementException after switching from frame[0] to window[1] - Firefox GeckoDriver Error - Python

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-24 09:48:50
问题 I have receive an error, element not found in the Firefox GeckoDriver browser when i switch from window[1] to frame[0], back to window[1], and then click the close frame button. I want to continue using GeckoDriver because i was having performance issues with ChromeDriver . Sorry this is an internal website and I can't share the HTML . I have done the following to pinpoint the issue. Tested with exact same code and works properly in Chrome driver Works in Firefox when i switch to window[1]

C#: Selecting Dropdown Items with Marionette Driver

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-24 06:34:12
问题 I am using Selenium Webdriver with C# bindings and trying to switch from the old FirefoxDriver (pre-FF 47) to the new Marionette driver (FF47 and above) and it's working great after some teething problems that seemed to be fixed with the release of Selenium 2.53.1 and FF 47.0.1 . The only problem now is that it seems to have an issue selecting option tags under a select tag. The following code works for all other browsers that I am testing in (FF < 46, Chrome, IE). I am passing the following

Selenium Marionette driver UnreachableBrowserException upon second launch

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-23 07:38:40
问题 I'm currently playing around with the Selenium Marionette WebDriver . In my application, I want to open multiple Marionette drivers sequentially. Basically something like this: MarionetteDriver driver = new MarionetteDriver(); // do some stuff driver.quit(); // a while later driver = new MarionetteDriver(); // do some stuff driver.quit(); Now I'm facing the problem, that only the first Marionette instance can be successfully started and for each later attempt, I'm getting the following

Marionette Driver Unreachable exception

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-11 06:06:52
问题 I am using Firefox 47.0.1 with Marionette driver geckodriver-v0.8.0-win32 . But I got unreachable browser exception and firefox not opening. My code snippet looks like below : System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "C:/Documents and Settings/Admin/Desktop/wires-0.6.2-win/wires.exe"); GeckoDriverService service = new GeckoDriverService(new File("C:/Documents and Settings/Admin/Desktop/wires-0.6.2-win/wires.exe"), PortProber.findFreePort(), null, null); DesiredCapabilities cap =

Adding second instance of Firefox with Marionette (change port)

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-08 01:01:23
问题 I'm having great difficulties creating two instances of firefox via marionette. Having one instance works fine: Starting up Firefox with marionette enabled: firefox.exe -marionette Controlling it with python: from marionette import Marionette client = Marionette('localhost', port=2828) client.start_session() client.execute_script("alert('o hai there!');") Now I'd like to add a second client alongside the current one, a quick search resulted in the --address command: firefox.exe -marionette -

WebDriverException: Message: Missing 'marionetteProtocol' field in handshake

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-06 10:43:31
I'm currently trying to run a robotframework test scripts locally (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64 bit). The issue that I faced was not able to launch FF browser in Open Browser. Below is the details/specs of the setup that I have. Firefox (v26.0) Selenium2Library selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar geckodriver-v0.9.0 Please note that I used same machine as hub and node (selenium grid) Here the command to launch my hub : java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -role hub -port 4444 While here's the command to register my node : java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar -role node -hub http: