
sh_none is not a member of 'std::basic_filebuf<_Elem,_Traits>'

你。 提交于 2019-12-11 07:17:15
问题 I am trying to use the Microsoft Specific filebuf::sh_none variable to open an fstream in an exclusive mode (another Microsoft specific function). I am getting the above error. I am importing <fstream> . How can I fix this error? UPDATE : I found this thread, where it was suggested that I try _SH_DENYNO instead. The code compiles, I am testing it now. This doesn't make any sense to me, as this isn't documented in the function. 回答1: What version of Visual C++ are you using? The Visual C++ 6

iTunes File Sharing - Showing Document Folder Contents

心已入冬 提交于 2019-12-11 04:58:36
问题 One of my requirement is to make the user able to move-in files from desktop to my application via (iTunes File Sharing Option). Further, in one of the screen, I will list the files available in the Documents's Folder in table from which the user can select the files to be processed further. I have implemented and it is working as expected. But , i just want to confirm, whether we can have such screen in our application where the contents of the Documents folder are being displayed to the

Check link works and if not visually identify it as broken

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-10 10:23:04
问题 I am working on a project which lists file sharing urls from the likes of Oron, filespost, depositfiles etc that reports sharing of copyrighted materials to identified content owners and rights holders in my network. To better improve the service, which currently stands at a table populated from MySQL database with some filters built in to the php, I want to be able to identify the links that have ceased to function. My thoughts are that when the data is retrieved from the MySQL database the

Dropbox API - Using Dropbox as a server

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-10 10:20:42
问题 I was wanting to use a file sharing server to keep certain files up-to-date and constant across multiple instances of my application across multiple computers - like (for example) writing a multiplayer game, which stores all the player's positions in a text file, and uses something like Dropbox to keep the text file constant across all the applications, and each application instance can change the file with that application's player's position, and then the rest of the applications can update

iOS: filesharing without iTunes?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-09 04:48:39
问题 I develop an enterprise application for iOS and the user should be able to add files from the desktop to the application. I implemented this using filesharing, which works great. Now this company wants to get rid of iTunes from their machines (which is quite understandable, iTunes is a very invasive process). The question is, is it still possible to somehow use filesharing without iTunes? maybe with another application? Or what other way is there to send files to the app (preferrably without

ios file sharing/sync to devices from mac/pc

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-08 20:45:35
I have developed the ipad app which displays images and other product details from sqlite db. I have also developed .net based windows application which resides on Windows xp pc. This application generates data in sqlite db and also map each record with related images. This flow is working fine till now with itunes filesharing feature enabled. So the user copy sqlite db and images(around 2-3 gb) to iPad through itunes file sharing. Recently I came across Bonjour service which is used to communicate in local network. I was wondering is it possible that my .net based application creates Bonjour

File Name NSString adds unnecessary %20 in space

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-08 19:55:14
问题 SOLVED (Thanks Regexident) I have an app that passes the file path of a PDF to a custom -(id)init init method. It is added to the table and when it is selected, it calls the else statement for a non existent file: - (void) gridView:(AQGridView *)gridView didSelectItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index { NSLog (@"Selected theArgument=%d\n", index); UIViewController *viewController = [[[UIViewController alloc]init]autorelease]; { //if file is built-in, read from the bundle if (index <= 3) { // first

How to make our iPad application to share files through iTunes

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-08 05:40:38
问题 I have made an iPad application. Now i have a requirement to upload any file into my application shared/document folder from my System through iTunes. I have learned from this link that we can make our application for File Sharing. If our application has enabled File Sharing then our application will be seen under File Sharing Tab in iTunes. So i want my app to be seen under File Sharing Tabs so that i can share any file into my application. Please can

Are there problems with using a Dynamic View in RAD 7.5?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-08 04:07:43
问题 Our team recently switched from using WSED 5.2 to using RAD 7.5 for our code development (we're a little behind the curve in development software). This, as well as a move to a WAS 7 server, is a mandatory move for us to complete, so moving to a different developer or server is not an option. Since moving to this new developer, I've been having problems making changes to the app and testing them on my local server. Refreshing the server doesn't help, nor does a Clean or a Publish to the

Are there problems with using a Dynamic View in RAD 7.5?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-06 20:31:32
Our team recently switched from using WSED 5.2 to using RAD 7.5 for our code development (we're a little behind the curve in development software). This, as well as a move to a WAS 7 server, is a mandatory move for us to complete, so moving to a different developer or server is not an option. Since moving to this new developer, I've been having problems making changes to the app and testing them on my local server. Refreshing the server doesn't help, nor does a Clean or a Publish to the server. Even clearing and rebuilding the projects doesn't seem to do the trick. The only thing that does