

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-01-05 05:30:38
—————— · 今天距2021年 341 天 · —————— 这是ITester软件测试小栈第 99 次推文 大家好 我是vivi小胖虎 今天分享 最 最 最 新版本的 PyCharm的 激活 方法 PyCharm 有专业版和社区版 社区版功能没收费版强大 但也能满足一般使用 vivi小胖虎使用的是专业版 花钱是不可能的 这辈子都不可能 为什么要用破解的专业版呢? 专业版 是收费的,只能试用 一个月 。 网上有破解教程,只要用于学习或科研用途,是可以进行破解滴。 社区版 适合个人或小团队开发使用,完全是够的,一些功能没法使用(比如Web开发,Python Web框架,Python的探查,远程开发能力,数据库和SQL支持)。 付费版 第一年199美元,第二年159美元,第三年119美元......就是不会免费。 安装包准备 准备工具: PyCharm安装包,补丁jar包 。 pycharm安装包&补丁jar包下载:微信公众号后台回复 pycharm 一 下载安装PyCharm 切记:使 用百度网盘里下载的2019.3.1PyCharm版本 ,其他的版本不能保证一定能激活。 选择安装路径: 勾选设置: 之后,下一步,下一步...默认安装就行了, 安装完先不用启动pycharm。 二 PyCharm永久激活 1.将下载的jetbrains-agent.jar破解补丁,放到

Fiddler doesn't capture request from Insomnia but does capture rquest from Postman

大憨熊 提交于 2021-01-04 09:25:57
问题 Just sending a simple POST request to Fiddler captures the request when I send it from Postman, but doesn't when I send it from Insomnia. Is there some setting I need to enable either in Fiddler or Insomnia? 回答1: By default, Fiddler changes the system proxy to point to the port it's listening onto, http://localhost:8888. Contrary, Insomnia doesn't use the system proxy, but could be manually configured to use a specified proxy: Choose Settings -> HTTP Proxy and set


我的梦境 提交于 2021-01-02 08:37:29
不知道你有没有听过一个词叫做:MITM, 也就是 man in the middle〔attack〕 ,意思就是中间人***。 比如你在跟你另一半(单身狗,暂时假设你有另一半 )网上聊天的时候,本来你们聊得好好的,哥们聊得挺嗨啊。突然间,小帅b在走进了你们两的网络通讯之间,并且跟你们两同时建立了联系,这时候,你原本要发给你另一半的信息,被我拦截下来了,而这时候我还可以对你要发的数据进行篡改,然后再发给你的另一半。你们两还全然不知,以为就是对方说的话。 这就是中间的人,坏坏,这时候你可能想到了 fiddler 类似的抓包工具,但是这次,小帅b要跟你说一个牛逼的: mitmproxy ,它不止是可以像 fiddler 那样进行一些数据的请求分析,还可以 直接使用 Python 写一些脚本 进行中间操控。 那么,怎么玩呢? 接下来就是: 学习python的正确姿势 正是因为 mitmproxy 这种比较牛逼的请求拦截定制化骚操作,使得它又一不小心成了我们爬虫的一个工具,使用它我们可以更加方便的爬取一些 APP 上面的数据。 安装起来特别简单,pip install 下就可以了,使用如下命令安装: pip install mitmproxy 就是这么一顿下载之后,你就成为了中间的人了,这时候你的电脑就有了 mitmproxy 、 mitmdump 、 mitmweb 这三个牛逼的东西

How to capture Visual Studio Code traffic through Fiddler?

为君一笑 提交于 2020-12-30 09:37:35
问题 How can we capture VS Code traffic through Fiddler? I ran my Fiddler and seems working fine. It could capture browsers' traffic but not VS Code traffic. I really appreciate if anyone can give me the solution for that. Thanks 回答1: Assuming that you are using some REST client plugin and want to capture the traffic, This worked for me: In VS Code, go to File -> Preferences -> Settings In the settings Search field, type in "proxy" Set the "Http: Proxy" setting to "http://localhost:8888" 来源: https

How to capture Visual Studio Code traffic through Fiddler?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-12-30 09:35:34
问题 How can we capture VS Code traffic through Fiddler? I ran my Fiddler and seems working fine. It could capture browsers' traffic but not VS Code traffic. I really appreciate if anyone can give me the solution for that. Thanks 回答1: Assuming that you are using some REST client plugin and want to capture the traffic, This worked for me: In VS Code, go to File -> Preferences -> Settings In the settings Search field, type in "proxy" Set the "Http: Proxy" setting to "http://localhost:8888" 来源: https

How to capture Visual Studio Code traffic through Fiddler?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-12-30 09:35:06
问题 How can we capture VS Code traffic through Fiddler? I ran my Fiddler and seems working fine. It could capture browsers' traffic but not VS Code traffic. I really appreciate if anyone can give me the solution for that. Thanks 回答1: Assuming that you are using some REST client plugin and want to capture the traffic, This worked for me: In VS Code, go to File -> Preferences -> Settings In the settings Search field, type in "proxy" Set the "Http: Proxy" setting to "http://localhost:8888" 来源: https


*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-12-29 17:47:47
写在前面:在日常开发过程中,有人做前端开发,有人负责后端开发。接口的主要作用就是连接前后台。但是,由于前端和后端开发的速度可能不一样,尤其是后端开发好了,但前端还未开发。这种时候我们需要做接口测试吗? 在日常工作中,我们主要测试的都是功能板块,如果你想真正了解接口测试,那么这篇文章或许能给你一定帮助。 1、为什么我们要做接口测试? 首先,我们先来看看测试金字塔(接口测试是在中间部分,底层是单元测试,最顶端是界面测试)。 从三者的面积大小来看,单元测试和接口测试,才是重点,而界面测试真的是太少。这个面积,你可以理解为代码覆盖,也可以理解为测试的工作量。 在国内公司越来越重视接口测试了。之前的几年,很多测试资源都放在了界面的测试,看趋势接下来应该会逐步放在接口测试功能、性能、自动化和稳定性测试上面。 2、什么是接口测试? 这个有太多文章,就不细说了,百度或者论坛里找就好了。 3、接口的分类 在开始做接口测试之前,有必要了解一下接口的分类。这里的分类,主要是HTTP请求方法分类。下面是我们最常见的GET/POST/PUT/DELETE四种方法。工作中接口用到最多是GET和POST方法。 4、设计接口测试用例 接下来,我们就一起来聊聊进行接口测试的准备工作。有些同学很好奇,接口测试要流程干嘛?不就是拿着接口文档利用接口测试工具测试。 如果只是三五个接口,你可以这么做一个临时的接口测试

How to use NGINX as forward proxy for any requested location?

梦想与她 提交于 2020-12-27 07:56:59
问题 I am trying to configure NGINX as a forward proxy to replace Fiddler which we are using as a forward proxy. The feature of Fiddler that we use allows us to proxy ALL incoming request to a 8888 port. How do I do that with NGINX? In all examples of NGINX as a reverse proxy I see proxy_pass always defined to a specific upstream/proxied server. How can I configure it so it goes to the requested server, regardless of the server in the same way I am using Fiddler as a forward proxy. Example: In my

How to use NGINX as forward proxy for any requested location?

我的梦境 提交于 2020-12-27 07:53:47
问题 I am trying to configure NGINX as a forward proxy to replace Fiddler which we are using as a forward proxy. The feature of Fiddler that we use allows us to proxy ALL incoming request to a 8888 port. How do I do that with NGINX? In all examples of NGINX as a reverse proxy I see proxy_pass always defined to a specific upstream/proxied server. How can I configure it so it goes to the requested server, regardless of the server in the same way I am using Fiddler as a forward proxy. Example: In my

How to use NGINX as forward proxy for any requested location?

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-12-27 07:53:04
问题 I am trying to configure NGINX as a forward proxy to replace Fiddler which we are using as a forward proxy. The feature of Fiddler that we use allows us to proxy ALL incoming request to a 8888 port. How do I do that with NGINX? In all examples of NGINX as a reverse proxy I see proxy_pass always defined to a specific upstream/proxied server. How can I configure it so it goes to the requested server, regardless of the server in the same way I am using Fiddler as a forward proxy. Example: In my