
How does Facebook Graph API Pagination works and how to iterate facebook user feed with it?

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2019-12-09 11:04:29
问题 I have a facebook Graph API call to get a facebook users feed: dynamic myFeed = await fb.GetTaskAsync( ("me/feed?fields=id,from {{id, name, picture{{url}} }},story,picture,link,name,description," + "message,type,created_time,likes,comments") .GraphAPICall(appsecret_proof)); The above returns a number of the latest user posts in a while say 21 or maybe 22 posts but not the complete list of user posts. I searched for a way to iterate through a users feed using facebook pagination and I ended up

How to specify a Windows Desktop platform with Facebook App

早过忘川 提交于 2019-12-09 06:12:34
问题 I have written a windows desktop app (WinForms) in VS2010 .Net C#, which runs on Vista through to Win 8. I am now looking to adding facebook photo uploading functionality to the app using the facebook c# sdk. The problem I have is with Facebook Developer where I have started the process of registering my desktop app as a Facebook app so that I can then have it reviewed and then ultimately be given permissions to upload photos, but on the Facebook Developer website there is no option to choose

Migration guide facebook-c#-sdk 4.1 to 5.10

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-08 13:31:16
问题 is there a migration guide from facebook-c#-sdk 4.11 to 5.10? Thanks! 回答1: Here are some major changes: FacebookApp,FacebookSignedRequest and FacebookSession is moved from Facbook.dll to Facebook.Web.dll but the namespace still remains under "Facebook" (For silverlight and windows phone FacebookApp is in Facebook.dll) FacebookApp still exsits but is hidden from the Visual Studio intellisense and also marked as obsolete. FacebookWebClient is preferred if you are writing new codes, though you

OAuthException not catched with C# FacebookSDK

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-08 13:01:52
问题 I try to get my code working with catching certain errors. I store the token for a user after he or she grants permission to my app (this is a WP7 app). When I try to post on the wall by using the stored token it works. When I remove the permissions on facebook it throws an OAuthException. I can't catch it it seems. My app just crashes. This is the code I used: private object PostToFacebook() { _fbApp = new FacebookClient(_appsettings.faceBookToken); FacebookAsyncCallback callback = new

Authentication to display my Wall on my website

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-08 10:45:32
问题 I'm trying to get a JSON object of my Facebook wall posts to display on my website but it seems to be ridiculously complicated for such a simple task. Do I need to implement server-side redirects and then post data back 'pretending' to be a user just so that I can get a token or am I misunderstanding something here?! How can I request the JSON object of my Wall Stream given the fact that I have an API key & secret etc? Currently I can't work out how to turn these details into a proper access

WP7 application how to post a local picture with facebook C# SDK?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-08 09:41:36
问题 I am developing a WP7 application and want to post a picture to the wall. I find that it need a URI for the picture but if I want to post a local picture from the mobile, what I should specify here or how can i get the uri for the local picture? Thanks a lot! 回答1: The last time I looked at working with the Facebook SDK it wasn't possible to post a local photo to the user's wall; you had to have the photo hosted online somewhere already. However you can post to the user's photos section. There

FacebookSDK- for a Iframe Canvas App, after autherization user is redirected to canvas page

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-12-08 09:37:33
问题 I am working on web application with .net 3.5 using C# facebook SDK. Loading page inside Page Tab iframe with some information, and input button, on click of button i am doing auth.Authorize() with some permissions, FB Permission window opens fine, but once user click on allow button it is redirecting to application canvas page instead of Page tab. Is there anything i am missing? Regards Imran 回答1: Answer is to set auth.ReturnUrlPath which will bring user back to selected tab in facebook page

Facebook App: Make the landing page redirect to a URL?

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-08 09:07:16
问题 Is it possible to make the landing page (what I understand by landing page: the page the user first sees when they view the FB app or the page they get redirected to after they accepted an invitation to the app, right?) redirect to some URL of my choosing? Like mysite.com/User/Register ... would that work or does Facebook not allow that? 回答1: You should be able to configure the landing page to be whatever you want it to be. But if that's not an option (maybe you want to track it as a hit to

Even with a valid access_token with right set of permissions, FacebookClient does not get ALL of the photos for given album id

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-08 08:39:39
问题 Using Facebook Graph API, I am trying to get ALL of the photos from a given album ID. I tried finding it on Facebook Graph Reference site, but couldn't find any help. So here it is what I am doing. I have a valid access token with permission of user_photos and friend_photos . I already verified that facebook debugger site. I already have the album id. And following is my URL that I am passing: https://graph.facebook.com/<albumId>/photos?access_token=<my-valid-access-token> I do get 4 photos,

Sending Facebook Invitations & Tracking Invitation Codes

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-08 07:59:42
问题 This is a follow up to Invite users to register at my site through Facebook. I'm still working within a prototype application for now. I managed to use the Javascript API to send out invitations, but I'm having problems parsing the response object. Here's my code: <a href="#">Send Application Request</a> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '193005690721590', status : true, cookie : true, xfbml : true }); }; $('a').click