
Extract P-Values from Dunnett Test into a Table by Variable

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-07-09 03:44:05
问题 I have a list of 25 columns that I am testing to by group (4 levels) through a Dunnett test. I was able to use the sapply function to get the Dunnett to work for all the columns by group and am having some trouble pulling the p-values into a table. Below is an example of what I am trying to do using the iris dataset. iris <- iris iris$group <- ifelse(iris$Species =='setosa', 1, ifelse(iris$Species =='versicolor', 2, ifelse(iris$Species =='virginica', 3, 0))) iris$group <- as.factor(iris$group

Batch Script To Extract Lines Between Specified Words

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-06-17 04:56:46
问题 I have a log file like below. [Tue Aug 19 10:45:28 2014]Local/PLPLAN/PL/giuraja@MSAD/2172/Info(1019025) Reading Rules From Rule Object For Database [PL] [Tue Aug 19 10:45:28 2014]Local/PLPLAN/PL/giuraja@MSAD/2172/Info(1013157) Received Command [Import] from user [giuraja@MSAD] using [AIF0142.rul] with data file [SQL] . . . . . Clear Active on User [giuraja@MSAD] Instance [1] . . I want to extract the line starting with "[Tue Aug 19 10:" until the line that starts with "Clear Active on User"

Extract rows between two specific cells pandas

我是研究僧i 提交于 2020-05-23 21:12:27
问题 I need to extract n rows between the cells epic and story from the column col2 . This is my input: import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame({'col1': ['aze ', 'az a', 'az a', 'azs abv','aze ', 'az a', 'azs abv', 'abc 45','wqas', 'foo bar abc', 'foo abv', 'abc 45', 'abc 45'], 'col2': ['epic', 'ac4', 'ac5', 'story','story', 'ac10', 'ac6', 'epic','ac11', 'ac1', 'ac2', 'ac3', 'story'], 'col3': ['hey', 'hello', 'hola', 'yoopy','hawdi', 'yiiha', 'yow', 'yalla', 'yiiha', 'yow', 'yalla', 'yalla', 'yalla'