path of view is incorrect in extjs 4 mvc application
I'm trying to deploy my mvc app into my large web application. I have defined the app folder and can see in fire bug that it is calling the correct files with the exception of the initial view. So "App.view.Jobs" is calling https://www.estore.localhost/Jobs/Edit/ext/jobs/App/view/Jobs.js?_dc=1328471746967 when i would like it to call https://www.estore.localhost/ext/jobs/App/view/Jobs.js?_dc=1328471746967 Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true }); Ext.application({ name: 'MyApp', appFolder: '/ext/jobs/app', models: ['Part', 'Material', 'Job', 'Process'], stores: ['SalesContact', 'Parts',