
eXist-DB / XQuery - XSL transform unable to set up transformer: no protocol

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-24 10:22:42
问题 Environment: eXist-db 4.2.1 , XQuery 3.1, XSLT 2.0 I am firing off a transformation of an XML document in eXist-DB - XQuery which produces the following error: exerr:ERROR Unable to set up transformer: no protocol: /db/apps/deheresi/styles/ms609__testxsl-withmodes.xsl [at line 265, column 26] I haven't been able to locate this error in online documentation or searches. It's triggered by this XQuery: declare function document:doc-xsl-docview($node as node(), $model as map(*), $currentdoc as xs

eXist DB and Xquery : xincludes or collections (TEI-XML)?

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-24 10:08:05
问题 I have a corpus in TEI-XML which uses a 'master' corpus XML document that then contains, via xi:include , thousands of other documents. Each of these documents themselves contain xi:include s to master lists of named entities (people, places, etc linked by xml:id s) . All of this works very well in XSLT (and in my IDE Oxygen for fast encoding). I am now embarking on building a website using eXist-DB applications. I am rewriting everything directly in Xquery (to replace XSLT), and I have hit

XQuery - output series of HTML elements with separator

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-24 05:57:30
问题 In XQuery 3.1 I am constructing an HTML table. In one <td> element I'm outputting a series of <a ref=""> . So, currently this simple for : <td> { for $b in collection($globalvar:URIdata)/tei:TEI/tei:text//tei:seg[@type="dep_event" and @corresp = $a/data(@corresp) and @xml:id != $a/data(@xml:id)] order by $b/data(@xml:id) return <a href="{concat($globalvar:URLdoc,$b/ancestor::tei:TEI/tei:text/@xml:id)}">{$b/data(@xml:id)}</a> } </td> Outputs this: <td> <a href="http://localhost:8081/exist/apps

XQuery - output series of HTML elements with separator

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-24 05:57:09
问题 In XQuery 3.1 I am constructing an HTML table. In one <td> element I'm outputting a series of <a ref=""> . So, currently this simple for : <td> { for $b in collection($globalvar:URIdata)/tei:TEI/tei:text//tei:seg[@type="dep_event" and @corresp = $a/data(@corresp) and @xml:id != $a/data(@xml:id)] order by $b/data(@xml:id) return <a href="{concat($globalvar:URLdoc,$b/ancestor::tei:TEI/tei:text/@xml:id)}">{$b/data(@xml:id)}</a> } </td> Outputs this: <td> <a href="http://localhost:8081/exist/apps

using authenticated session/user for REST API in eXist-db

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-24 04:01:18
问题 I have a public website running from an eXist app. I am now developing an interface for logged in users to edit certain documents through HTML forms and AJAX. I've set up a module in eXist to receive AJAX POST requests through the eXist REST interface (ie. http://www.example.com/exist/rest/db/myapp/api/myxquery.xql). However this module does not seem to be aware of the fact that the user is already logged in! How do I get the REST module to use the session/authentication of the logged in user

exist-db cardinality for parameter

情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-12-24 00:37:21
问题 I am new in exist-db and XQuery. In exist-db I have this site map: The catalog "registranten" contains the catalog "data" (with xml-files) and the two files "regBasic.xql" and "regSearch.xql". I am trying to search in the xml-files using the script regSearch.xql: xquery version "3.0"; declare option exist:serialize "method=xhtml media-type=text/html"; declare variable $pageTitle := "Resultat"; declare variable $searchphrase := request:get-parameter("searchphrase", ()); <html> <head> <meta

search a path between two graph nodes in XQuery

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2019-12-23 09:55:49
问题 I'm trying to make an algorithm that searchs and returns a path between two nodes in a graph in xQuery, i've had no luck so far as it returns just one node and it's adyacent nodes. First i should make clear that the graph is a directed graph and every node can have zero, one or more origins, in the XML a node only has the link to it's origin but not to it's following nodes Here's an example of some nodes and their XML <node> <id> 123-456-789</id> <name> something </name> <Links> <Link>

How to view the source of an Orbeon form saved in eXist-db?

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-23 03:53:30
问题 From the Orbeon XForms tutorial tutorial, I understand that Orbeon saves data in eXist-db (built into Orbeon). The sample application saves the data of a book in xml format in eXist-db. According to the tutorial, to view the data in browser, I first have to disable the orbeon-exist-filter in web.xml , and can then open http://<host_name>/orbeon/exist/rest/db/orbeon/my-bookcast/books.xml . I also understand that when I have made a form using Orbeon Form Builder (without any code using only

eXist-db include html template in .xq data

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-22 10:46:13
问题 i have an index.html data where I included the template through: <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" data-template="templates:surround" data-template-with="templates/page.html" data-template-at="content"> At the index html site I included a keyword search form, and the idea is when I click on the search button it should call an .xq file to request the search results: <form method="GET" action="ksearch.xq"> When I submit the form, the ksearch.xq page opens, but even though I include the

eXist - loading XSLT collection() - Exception thrown by URIResolver

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-20 06:15:54
问题 Environment: eXist-db 4.2.1 , XQuery 3.1, XSLT 2.0 In eXist-db I am loading an XSLT file which includes a reference to a collection in eXist (in order to perform a search on documents found there, using a key). This reference seems to throw an error from Saxon. Exception while transforming node: Exception thrown by URIResolver XML docs are located at /db/apps/deheresi/data/ XSLT docs are located at /db/apps/deheresi/data/styles In the transform function, I am passing a parameter from XQuery