
Vertx EventBus Reply a 'Specific' Message

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-29 07:25:24
问题 We have a case as below: The concern is that, the Coordinator sends out a message from a method context and gets the reponse from another: private void forwardToVWClient(Message msg) { vertx.eventBus().send(RESTClient.ADDRESS, msg.body(), deliveryOptions, res -> { if (res.succeeded()) { log.info("forwardToVWClient. VW got result : success."); // do not reply ok until we get an OK from the Listener verticle } else { log.error("forwardToVWClient VW got result : failure."); msg.fail(500, res

Vue2 call parent method from child in looped component

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-01-28 10:41:05
问题 I'm looping root component, which have with child component. <root-select v-for="offer in offers" > <child-options v-for="item in options" > </child-options> </root-select> But, when I $emit root function from child, all my roots component changed those data. child: EventBus.$emit('toggle', value); root: EventBus.$on('toggle', this.toggle); But I need, that data changes only in triggered component. Thanks. 回答1: Try not to use Event bus to emit. Use normal Emit way to emit from child to parent

Is it possible to avoid serialization when using the Vert.x eventbus 'locally' (java, single jvm)?

孤人 提交于 2020-12-30 06:48:07
问题 My case is: single JVM Java only (i don't need to be polyglot) I don't want to pay serialization costs to publish an immutable event on the bus (publishing the reference to the java object would work). I understand the scope of the vert.x event bus is much broader than my use case. I had in mind a behaviour similar to akka: when you go distributed you have to provide serialization for your messages, if you stay local references get passed. Is there anything that would allow me to do that in

Is it possible to avoid serialization when using the Vert.x eventbus 'locally' (java, single jvm)?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2020-12-30 06:46:16
问题 My case is: single JVM Java only (i don't need to be polyglot) I don't want to pay serialization costs to publish an immutable event on the bus (publishing the reference to the java object would work). I understand the scope of the vert.x event bus is much broader than my use case. I had in mind a behaviour similar to akka: when you go distributed you have to provide serialization for your messages, if you stay local references get passed. Is there anything that would allow me to do that in

How do you eventBus a bus to communicate updates to a view in a Vue component?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-12-26 09:11:39
问题 Listen for custom events for the bus in component b. However, after dispatching events in component a, it accesses component b. the listening function of component b is executed, but msg of data function is not updated Please don't say Vuex . The relevant code is based on Vue CLi3 Here code: Component A: <template> <div> Component A <button @click="sendMsg">pushB</button> </div> </template> <script> import bus from './bus' export default { methods: { sendMsg() { bus.$emit('send', 'hello

Is it possible to combine REST and messaging for microservices?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-08-02 12:25:19
问题 We have the first version of an application based on a microservice architecture. We used REST for external and internal communication. Now we want to switch to AP from CP (CAP theorem)* and use a message bus for communication between microservices. There is a lot of information about how to create an event bus based on Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc. But I can't find any best practices for a combination of REST and messaging. For example, you create a car service and you need to add different car

Is it possible to combine REST and messaging for microservices?

孤者浪人 提交于 2020-08-02 12:25:11
问题 We have the first version of an application based on a microservice architecture. We used REST for external and internal communication. Now we want to switch to AP from CP (CAP theorem)* and use a message bus for communication between microservices. There is a lot of information about how to create an event bus based on Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc. But I can't find any best practices for a combination of REST and messaging. For example, you create a car service and you need to add different car

Vue Checkbox filter component not working

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-07-09 13:12:55
问题 In a single file component I made a checkbox array: <label v-for="(category, index) in categories" :key="index" > <input type="checkbox" :value="category.value" @change="emitSearchValue"> <span class="ml-2 text-gray-700 capitalize">{{ category.value }}</span> </label> With EventBus I transfer the data to the List component: methods: { emitSearchValue() { EventBus.$emit('checked-value', 'this.checkedCategories') } } In the List component I listen for the EventBus: created() { EventBus.$on(

Vue Checkbox filter component not working

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-07-09 13:12:25
问题 In a single file component I made a checkbox array: <label v-for="(category, index) in categories" :key="index" > <input type="checkbox" :value="category.value" @change="emitSearchValue"> <span class="ml-2 text-gray-700 capitalize">{{ category.value }}</span> </label> With EventBus I transfer the data to the List component: methods: { emitSearchValue() { EventBus.$emit('checked-value', 'this.checkedCategories') } } In the List component I listen for the EventBus: created() { EventBus.$on(

EventBus/PubSub vs (reactive extensions) RX with respect to code clarity in a single threaded application

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-03-12 06:57:31
问题 Currently, I am using an EventBus/PubSub architecture/pattern with Scala (and JavaFX) to implement a simple note organizing app (sort of like an Evernote client with some added mind mapping functionality) and I have to say that I really like EventBus over the observer pattern. Here are some EventBus libraries : https://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/wiki/EventBusExplained http://eventbus.org (currently seems to be down) this is the one I am using in my implementation. http://greenrobot