

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-08-11 22:23:54
   大 数据文摘出品 作者:刘俊寰      看过 《双子杀手》 的朋友想必对女主塞在牙齿内的窃听器留有十分深刻的印象,这个窃听器帮助男主躲过了手雷的埋伏。      在现实生活中,窃听技术也一直在不断发展,从专门的窃听器到电话,到墙上的微型机器虫,甚至最近,研究人员开发了一种窃听新方式, 能够通过安装在建筑物上的玻璃反射的光束进行窃听……   你以为这就到头了吗?如今,一种更新的音频间谍工具,被以色列内盖夫本古里安大学和魏茨曼科学研究所的研究人员共同研发出来,他们 利用到的,是悬挂在你房间内的电灯。      这项技术被称为“lamphone”,实现窃听十分方便,也足够便宜,只要你有一台笔记本电脑、一台望远镜和一台光电传感器,就能够实时监听数百英尺外的任何微小的声音,实验中用到的后两者 价格没有超过1000美元 。   至于如何实现窃听,研究人员解释道, 房间内的声音会在灯泡玻璃表面上产生微小振动,通过测量这些振动引起的灯泡输出光的微小变化,就能够清晰地获取声音,以辨别对话内容,甚至连音乐都能识别!   安全研究员Ben Nassi说:“ 房间中的任何声音都可以进行窃听并还原,而且无需破坏任何东西,也不需要什么太过精密的设备。 ”   站在25米远的测量点,看微米级振动如何引起信息泄露   实验自然是必不可少的。   在准备过程中


 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-04-30 00:12:53
包是一种通过用“带点号的模块名”来构造 Python 模块 命名空间的方法。 例如,模块名 A.B 表示 A 包中名为 B 的子模块。正如模块的使用使得不同模块的作者不必担心彼此的全局变量名称一样,使用加点的模块名可以使得 NumPy 或 Pillow 等多模块软件包的作者不必担心彼此的模块名称一样。 假设你想为声音文件和声音数据的统一处理,设计一个模块集合(一个“包”)。由于存在很多不同的声音文件格式(通常由它们的扩展名来识别,例如:.wav, .aiff, .au),因此为了不同文件格式间的转换,你可能需要创建和维护一个不断增长的模块集合。 你可能还想对声音数据还做很多不同的处理(例如,混声,添加回声,使用均衡器功能,创造人工立体声效果), 因此为了实现这些处理,你将另外写一个无穷尽的模块流。这是你的包的可能结构(以分层文件系统的形式表示): __init__ .py Initialize the sound package formats / Subpackage for file format conversions __init__ .py wavread.py wavwrite.py aiffread.py aiffwrite.py auread.py auwrite.py ... effects / Subpackage for sound effects _

How can I implement Equalizer in my iPhone application? [closed]

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-23 04:45:55
问题 Closed . This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 5 years ago . I am Developing the iPad app which has Equalizer functionality,which means sound play on three properties( Low, High, Medium). I googled it and found this link: iPhoneMixerEQGraphTest Its basically mixes the sound but I want to apply equalizer effects on my sound. Please help. 回答1

Add iPod Equalizer effect using AVPlayer

心不动则不痛 提交于 2019-12-21 04:46:12
问题 We are developing a music app using AVPlayer, which is at the end stage. Everything was on track until we started working on iPod Equalizer applying effects to the currents song. We are able to fetch the built in Equalizers list when we apply the AudioUnitProperty we don't see any effects in songs. Your valuable response will be helpful to us. 回答1: You can most certainly accomplish various EQ effects using an AUGraph and AudioUnits in iOS. Basically, you would insert the effect between the

Foundation equalizer plug + BS 3.2?

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-20 03:53:23
问题 Trying to use equalizer plug, but id doesn't work, and no errors. It`s look like http://goo.gl/OvKy1g. Here is a page http://goo.gl/INMqUL. Do i need include some css for it. 回答1: You can use the Foundation Equalize plugin along with Twitter Bootstrap, but you need to do a couple of things to make it work. DEMO First, your principle issue is that foundation.js is looking for the corresponding foundation.css. Since you're using Twitter Bootstrap as your base styles, you probably don't want to

How to capture output stream of audio in Android?

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-20 02:35:18
问题 I am a newbie in development and I trying to create an equalizer on Android platform. How I can capture output audio stream on android? I just need to take audio information that goes out from my application. (I already searched www.developers.android.com and i have not found any information) 回答1: There's currently no functionality in Android for recording audio output (well, there's the Visualizer API that let's you grab partial, low-quality audio for audio visualization purposes). If you

how to implement the equalizer with my mediaplayer activity

时光毁灭记忆、已成空白 提交于 2019-12-13 22:02:57
问题 I have created my online radio in media player. I have to set equalizer for the variable sound effects like bass, treble, reverb and so on, and my media player is in main Acitvity. How to implement this activity that contains equalizer with my main activity? My Equalizer with seek bars only : public class EqualizerActivity extends AppCompatActivity { MediaPlayer mediaPlayer; LinearLayout linear; SeekBar seekbar; private Equalizer mEqualizer; TextView tvequalizer,tvcenfreq,tvmineq,tvmaxeq;

Zurb foundation equalizer resize after ajax

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-13 04:47:43
问题 I ran into a problem with Foundation equalizer, I am trying to dynamically readjust div heights with equalizer after I change content with ajax. I searched Foundation documentation, Stack overflow but I found no answer to this problem. I noticed that it readjusts when I resize the browser, so it is possible, I just want to find out how to trigger it. (I obviously don't want to tell visitors to resize the browser every time they click a link) edit: This seems to work, but is that the best

Core Audio Swift Equalizer adjusts all bands at once?

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-13 02:09:05
问题 I am having trouble setting up a kAudioUnitSubType_NBandEQ in Swift. Here is my code to initialize the EQ: var cd:AudioComponentDescription = AudioComponentDescription(componentType: OSType(kAudioUnitType_Effect),componentSubType: OSType(kAudioUnitSubType_NBandEQ),componentManufacturer: OSType(kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple),componentFlags: 0,componentFlagsMask: 0) // Add the node to the graph status = AUGraphAddNode(graph, &cd, &MyAppNode) println(status) // Once the graph has been opened get

How to add iPod EQ when playing audio with AVPlayer?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2019-12-12 08:36:24
问题 I am able to play songs from iPod library using AVPlayer class. Now what I want to do is to insert equalizer to the audio produced. Anybody has experienced in doing this? 回答1: There is no way to play MPMediaItem and adding sound equalizer with AVPlayer. We have to use Audio Unit processing. 回答2: I have done this leveraging a class provided in the Apple Samples: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/avTouch/Listings/Classes_CALevelMeter_h.html Hope this helps. 来源: https:/