
youtube embed single video loop with playlist shows twice the same video

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-25 03:37:19
问题 I am trying to embed a YouTube video with loop mode on, and to do so I have to set the playlist parameter otherwise it won't work: documentation The problem is when I do so i get a playlist with 2 videos on it, the same video appearing twice, which produces a very bad visual effect since i want one video to loop endlessly. Any suggestions on how to do so? Thanks Here's my code: <iframe width="600" height="338" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VIDEO_ID/?playlist=VIDEO_ID&autoplay=1&loop=1

Embedding a shockwave file in HTML5

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-25 03:32:48
问题 What's the best way to go about embedding a shockwave file in HTML5? I've been using the following for some time: <object width="100%" height="100%" classid="clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000" codebase="http://download.adobe.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/director/sw.cab#version=8,5,0,0"> <param name="src" value="shocwave/file.dcr" /> <embed src="shocwave/file.dcr" width="100%" height="100%" type="application/x-director" /> </object> but it appears to have stopped working so I presume

Wordpress Site Admin can't publish <iframe>s on multsite network

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-25 03:31:57
问题 I have a Wordpress multisite network. I've found that if you're not a Network Admin, Site Admins cannot publish <iframe>s or <script> tags. What I've tried: Added the unfiltered_html capability to the Admin role Added iframe to the global $allowedtags Added iframe to the extended_valid_elements using the tiny_mce_before_init filter I've read around a lot, and I know there's an Iframe plugin, but It would really be best to allow my users to copy and paste Iframes from YouTube, etc. Any insight

Android video embedding

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-25 03:11:03
问题 I have an application that fetches some text from a web page , and displays it on the screen. I would like to put after the text a video from the web . How could I do that ? If I do like the following code , the application crashes ( Null pointer exception) . My code : LinearLayout tt= (LinearLayout)findViewById(R.id.kiu); WebView webview; tt.addView(fin); // fin is the TextView webview.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); webview.loadUrl("http://www.youtube.com/embed/j4Wmjl7jxQo"); tt

How to USE <embed> tag for music player control?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-25 01:49:57
问题 I'm using HTML tag to control my mp3 file. I learnt 2 method from Start and stop for a embeded music in html using javascript works only in IE function play() { document.embeds[0].play(); } function stop() { document.embeds[0].stop(); } and my js code is like below: <body> <embed height="50" width="100" src="demo.mp3" AutoStart="false" loop="true"> <script type="text/javascript"> function play() { document.embeds[0].play(); } function stop() { document.embeds[0].stop(); } function pause() {

embedding a matplotlib graph in a Tkinter canvas widget class

大憨熊 提交于 2019-12-25 01:42:08
问题 I am trying to create a Tkinter widget class that embeds a matplotlib graph in a canvas object. The code I have written almost works but doesn't seem to exit properly when the widget is closed. Here is the code I am using. This is not the actual matplotlib graph code I am using but something I wrote for the purpose of asking this question. My original matplotlib graph code is very long and is too impractical to try and copy for this post. from Tkinter import * import matplotlib matplotlib.use


与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-25 01:38:54
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1237210040_2_1.html 去过新浪或者搜狐吗?虽然我们都不愿意看广告,但是它们做广告的技术我们却应该学到手,这不,又一种很流行的做法儿,做成那种两边对称的对联式的广告,而最醒目的地方还有一个关闭的小按扭,这是不是比弹出的小广告更让人容易接受一些呢,你愿意看就看,不愿意看就点击那个按扭关掉,的确是比那种被人家3721或是其它IE插件拦截掉的小弹出广告效果和功能好了许多,而那个对联式广告中的关闭按扭的制作也是有一点学问的。我们姑且不论如何制作对联Flash广告,而主要讲一下那个广告里的小X(关闭按扭)的代码,以及和外部的接合。具体步骤如下:画一个小X式的图形,这应该不难吧?全部选中后,按下F8键转化成一个“按扭”组件,点击选中这个小按扭后,按下F9键打开动作面板,添加以下代码: on (release) { getURL("FSCommand:", ""); } 就这么简单吗?对,在Flash里就是这么简单了,当然,还要在网页里做以下工作。这里我们多运用一些javascript的东西来做我们这个代码块儿移植性很好的对联。全部代码如下: 居顶,不随下拉条滚动的 广告代码 <!-- duilian begin --> <SCRIPT language=javascript event

Flex 4.6: embedded fonts not applied to TextField

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-24 22:43:45
问题 I am trying to use embedded fonts (Flex 4.6) in a UITextField. As long as I use a font that is registered with Windows, it works fine, but for a font not registered, the UITextField defaults to TimesRoman (or something similar) Note that when I check to see if the font is embedded, it returns True (FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.systemManager.isFontFaceEmbedded(txtFormatCoda)) So what am I missing? In the code below, if I add the font Kredit to Windows Font, the UI text field appears in

Embedding a YouTube Video Based on a PHP Variable

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2019-12-24 22:14:07
问题 I have a website that I am creating for a class project. The website shows information about bands (which is stored in a mysql database). I am trying to spruce up the site a bit, and I would like to embed a YouTube video based on the band's name. Say, for instance, I have "Led Zeppelin" stored in my database. How can I take a PHP variable containing "Led Zeppelin", search YouTube using that variable, find a random video, and then embed that in the website? From the research I've done, it

Embedding Ventus in WT

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-24 22:02:15
问题 Hello fellow programmers! My goal is to embed a Ventus window manager (http://www.rlamana.es/ventus/), repo here (https://github.com/rlamana/Ventus) in a WT page (http://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt) and get the "Simple Example" running. I have the ventus window embedded in the WT page, however I am having a styling problem with the window. My guess this is a conflict with CSS of Ventus and WT. Which brings me here, as CSS is not my strong point. I am using visual studio2010 for my development, and I