
EGit(Git Eclipse Plugin)使用

可紊 提交于 2021-02-16 23:20:07 前言: 1)Git于SVN的不同 Git是分布式数据库,本地创建仓库,即可在本地完成版本控制(等价于SVN在本地安装服务器和客户端,SVN服务器如果在远程,断网情况将无法完成提交及版本维护)。 Git协作开发,大家可以互相克隆版本库(相当于SVN下载项目),进行开发,每人都有完整的库(分布式)。通常为了方便,远程还是会建立一个共享库,如GitHub,方便大家同步和共享,不用互相在线,点对点同步修改。 2)Git元素概念 工作区(Working Directory):代码开发和修改的区域,Eclipse将Workspace区域的文件显示给用户,用于操作。 暂存区(Index):修改不同文件,通过Add to Index,添加到暂存区,暂存该批次的多个修改。 注:在最初的Git,文件提交前必须提交到暂存区。EGit这不是必要的,Team => Commit可以提交unstaged变化。可以和暂存区的状态比较和回退暂存区修改。 (状态参见二) 版本库(Repository):该到一定程度时,可以提交一批次暂存区的修改,操作后修改提交版本库,并标记版本,是后续分享和回退的批次。 3)Git教程:

Switch to another branch in EGit cannot work

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-10 15:15:28
问题 I have Branch A and Branch B in the local branch folder. Branch A is under working. Now I want to switch to B. The window pops out: Checkout Conflicts The files shown below have uncommitted changes which would be lost by checking out 'master'. Either commit the changes, stash the changes, or discard the changes by resetting the current branch. There are 3 options: Commit.. Stash... Reset No matter which option I choose, it does not work. For example, if I choose "Stash"

Using multiple Git accounts

a 夏天 提交于 2021-02-08 20:55:36
问题 Is it possible to have multiple git accounts in Eclipse(egit) and choose which one to use each time? Example: I currently have a git account, with username: workuser and email: and this account is used for the company's repositories. I want to use another account which will be used for my github repositories and will not have any relation to the first account ( workuser ), e.g. username:githubuser and email: Is it possible to have both accounts

How to use Submodules with EGit

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-08 05:21:55
问题 The Eclipse Team Provider for Git works but i do not see any changes for submodules when I use synchronize. I see changes with the diff on the command line and also with tortoise i see the changes. So, does anyone know ho to use Git and Eclipse in a way that synchronize and commit works with submodules? 回答1: The "Working with Submodules" section shows the submodules in the Git Repositories view: From there, you have access to two actions: Selecting the Update Submodule action on a submodule

What is GIT Staging and Difference between Add To Index and Add To GIT Index?

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2021-02-07 21:01:11
问题 I am using GibHub private repository. I don't have enough knowledge about it. What is Git Staging ? what is the purpose of Git Staging ? When to use Git Staging ? I found two different options to add file in Git Staging. Project Explorer --> Team --> Add to index Team Synchronize --> Add to Git Index Both of them send files to Git Staging. Then What is the difference between these two ? Which is better to user ? Both of them send files to Git Staging. Thanks. 回答1: They do the same thing. It's

What is GIT Staging and Difference between Add To Index and Add To GIT Index?

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-07 21:00:13
问题 I am using GibHub private repository. I don't have enough knowledge about it. What is Git Staging ? what is the purpose of Git Staging ? When to use Git Staging ? I found two different options to add file in Git Staging. Project Explorer --> Team --> Add to index Team Synchronize --> Add to Git Index Both of them send files to Git Staging. Then What is the difference between these two ? Which is better to user ? Both of them send files to Git Staging. Thanks. 回答1: They do the same thing. It's

What is GIT Staging and Difference between Add To Index and Add To GIT Index?

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-07 20:59:37
问题 I am using GibHub private repository. I don't have enough knowledge about it. What is Git Staging ? what is the purpose of Git Staging ? When to use Git Staging ? I found two different options to add file in Git Staging. Project Explorer --> Team --> Add to index Team Synchronize --> Add to Git Index Both of them send files to Git Staging. Then What is the difference between these two ? Which is better to user ? Both of them send files to Git Staging. Thanks. 回答1: They do the same thing. It's

What is GIT Staging and Difference between Add To Index and Add To GIT Index?

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-02-07 20:59:34
问题 I am using GibHub private repository. I don't have enough knowledge about it. What is Git Staging ? what is the purpose of Git Staging ? When to use Git Staging ? I found two different options to add file in Git Staging. Project Explorer --> Team --> Add to index Team Synchronize --> Add to Git Index Both of them send files to Git Staging. Then What is the difference between these two ? Which is better to user ? Both of them send files to Git Staging. Thanks. 回答1: They do the same thing. It's

What is GIT Staging and Difference between Add To Index and Add To GIT Index?

戏子无情 提交于 2021-02-07 20:58:38
问题 I am using GibHub private repository. I don't have enough knowledge about it. What is Git Staging ? what is the purpose of Git Staging ? When to use Git Staging ? I found two different options to add file in Git Staging. Project Explorer --> Team --> Add to index Team Synchronize --> Add to Git Index Both of them send files to Git Staging. Then What is the difference between these two ? Which is better to user ? Both of them send files to Git Staging. Thanks. 回答1: They do the same thing. It's


最后都变了- 提交于 2021-02-04 08:01:50
注意:本文所说的问题只出现在Linux上的特定版本的eclipse中。 之前一直都是在windows7上使用eclipse,用着也挺舒心的。最近由于一些原因,需要切换到Linux上去,我选择的是redhat系的fedora,(本文所说的问题应该和具体的发行版无关,因为eclipse官方打包Linux只区分了32位和64位),比起在windows下,界面稍微丑了一点,反应速度慢了一点,但还不错...直到我在进行egit提交的时候,发现了一个大问题。 对于这个问题,开始忍了一段时间(这段时间用eclipse的时间并不多),后来确实觉得这不是办法,于是上网最终还是找到了”解决“办法,这个办法的寻找也比较曲折,在这里记录一下,希望对有同样问题的人有所帮助。 0、问题描述 使用过egit的都知道,在进行提交的时候是会把有改动的文件列表出来供你选择需要提交的,但是我在提交的时候只是显示了文件数目以及那个选择框,并没有看见文件名!刚开始我还以为是我是用的主题或者某一些其他的设置(我使用了第三方的配色方案),后来我几经尝试,甚至还专门下载了官方版本的来试验(我是用的是经过spring定制的STS),最终确定————确实是eclipse自己的原因造成的。 而且同时我还发现了eclipse的dark主题菜单栏根本就看不清 1、找解决办法 再确认不是我自己的问题之后,我就上网找一找