
Scanning for beacons on iOS thru' web browser

十年热恋 提交于 2021-02-19 05:57:06
问题 Is there any way to make a web page scan for beacons on iOS ? I know that no iOS web browser supports Web Bluetooth at the present. I even could not find any information about if Chrome team is planning to add support for Web Bluetooth for Chrome on iOS. Is there any other way to scan for the beacons on iOS thru' web browsers (be it Safari or Chrome) ? Thanks 回答1: Unfortunately, Google can't add Web Bluetooth to Chrome for iOS without Apple's participation , and Apple has given no indication

Progressive web app beacon search

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2020-08-08 13:52:29
问题 Is it possible to search for beacon data (uuid, url, ...) with a progressive web application using just web technologies that is without using native mobile technologies (Android, ios, ...)? Thanks in advance. 回答1: Unfortunately, this is not possible as of July 2020. While Google has been working on the WebBluetooth project to bring support for many bluetooth operations to the browser, at least in Google Chrome implementations on Android 6+, Mac or ChromeOS. Scanning for beacons is not yet

Transmit an Eddystone Beacon with name using Altbeacon Library

北城余情 提交于 2020-05-17 07:45:16
问题 I use the following code transmiting as Eddystone using my Android device; try { byte[] urlBytes = UrlBeaconUrlCompressor.compress("http://www.****.com"); Identifier encodedUrlIdentifier = Identifier.fromBytes(urlBytes, 0, urlBytes.length, false); ArrayList<Identifier> identifiers = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); identifiers.add(encodedUrlIdentifier); Beacon beacon = new Beacon.Builder() .setBluetoothName("devicename") .setIdentifiers(identifiers) .setManufacturer(0x0118) .setTxPower(-59)

Can I listen for Eddystone beacons when my app is not running?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-01-29 03:17:18
问题 With Google's new Eddystone standard they will be providing support for android in Google Play services Nearby Api. Can we register for eddystone beacons and have our app receive an intent even if the app is not running? 回答1: Yes, it is possible to do exactly this using the Android Beacon Library, which has full support for Eddystone. The mechanism for background launching of your app works the same way on Eddystone as it does for other kinds of beacons supported by the library. You use a

Can I listen for Eddystone beacons when my app is not running?

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-29 03:16:07
问题 With Google's new Eddystone standard they will be providing support for android in Google Play services Nearby Api. Can we register for eddystone beacons and have our app receive an intent even if the app is not running? 回答1: Yes, it is possible to do exactly this using the Android Beacon Library, which has full support for Eddystone. The mechanism for background launching of your app works the same way on Eddystone as it does for other kinds of beacons supported by the library. You use a

No eddystone service in Radius beacons?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-07 02:52:31
问题 I am building an android app and I am trying to read the available services of my Radius Networks Radbeacon. I have clicked the beacon so that it comes to connectible mode. The available services are the following: BluetoothGatt: onGetService() - Device=0C:F3:EE:04:2B:57 UUID=00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb BluetoothGatt: onGetService() - Device=0C:F3:EE:04:2B:57 UUID=f0cec428-2ebb-47ab-a753-0ce09e9fe64b ..and no Eddystone service (a3c87500-8ed3-4bdf-8a39-a01bebede295) , even though it

Does the Advertisement Rate of a beacon affect battery of a detector application

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-06 15:59:53
问题 I was trying to test battery consumption caused by Android and IOS beacon detector application for different beacon protocols and advertisement rates. My question is that will the advertisement rate of beacons in anyway affect the battery consumption of detector applications? These applications scan for a fixed amount of time and after a fixed interval, will different advertisement rates have any effect? Thanks 回答1: Yes, in most cases an app that detects more beacons will use somewhat more

Linking a progressive web app to a beacon to trigger a event

萝らか妹 提交于 2020-01-04 17:46:12
问题 I'am trying to make a progressive web app where I will use beacons to transmit the eddystone URL. As soon as the phones catch the Eddystone URL and click on the notification(using physical web) it will open the Progressive web app. My question is that is there a way to integrate the web app with beacons such that when the phone comes in the range of a certain beacon, it triggers an event specific to that. For eg: if i go in a park and there is a beacon on a bench, the PWA should know be aware

Eddystone beacon detecting issue

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-01-02 08:11:52
问题 Here is a code I use to detect Eddystone using iPhone iOS 9: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; if ([CLLocationManager locationServicesEnabled]) { _locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init]; self.locationManager.delegate = self; self.locationManager.pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = NO; [self.locationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization]; NSUUID *uuid = [[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:@"f7826da6-4fa2-4e98-8024-bc5b71e0893e"]; NSString *bundleIdentifier = [[NSBundle

Eddystone Javascript find UID

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-12-25 03:51:55
问题 I am trying to build an android app in js that can detect eddystone beacons emitting UID. I followed this : https://evothings.com/detecting-eddystone-beacons-in-javascript-made-easy/ But I can only detect beacon html. I cannot find the line where you can look for UID. Does anyone has an idea ? 回答1: Are you sure your beacon is set to broadcast the Eddystone-UID packet? The thing to keep in mind is, Eddystone-UID and Eddystone-URL are two completely separate types of packets, and your beacon