
Only update some properties on an EF entity that are not set to null

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-19 09:52:59
问题 I've got a browser sending up JSON but it only includes the properties of a given model that have been changed. So once the WCF DataContractJsonSerializer does it's work I have an object that will have perhaps only the ID and Description fields populated. Attaching this to the DbContext as is will result in the description field being updated but all the other fields being set to their types default value in the database. This is because if WCF doesn't see the property specified in the JSON

Should business objects be able to create their own DTOs?

感情迁移 提交于 2019-12-19 07:49:33
问题 Suppose I have the following class: class Camera { public Camera( double exposure, double brightness, double contrast, RegionOfInterest regionOfInterest) { this.exposure = exposure; this.brightness = brightness; this.contrast = contrast; this.regionOfInterest = regionOfInterest; } public void ConfigureAcquisitionFifo(IAcquisitionFifo acquisitionFifo) { // do stuff to the acquisition FIFO } readonly double exposure; readonly double brightness; readonly double contrast; readonly

Confusion between DTOs (linq2sql) and Class objects!

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-12-18 16:59:33
问题 i have been successfully working with linq2sql and the linq DTOs (the classes that are created by linq2sql) .... I am confused, i have the task of updating an old application and i can see that my DTOs will be used how they should be .... to transport date I am using the repository pattern so i am passing data from the repository to the service via the linq2sql dtos... once i am in the service layer (this is basically my business logic) then I need to pass around class objects .. these class

Confusion between DTOs (linq2sql) and Class objects!

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-18 16:59:02
问题 i have been successfully working with linq2sql and the linq DTOs (the classes that are created by linq2sql) .... I am confused, i have the task of updating an old application and i can see that my DTOs will be used how they should be .... to transport date I am using the repository pattern so i am passing data from the repository to the service via the linq2sql dtos... once i am in the service layer (this is basically my business logic) then I need to pass around class objects .. these class

Best approach for building NHibernate DTO's

萝らか妹 提交于 2019-12-18 16:57:40
问题 I'm new to NHibernate (and ORMS) and trying to come to grips with the myriad of different options it presents. For reference, I'm using Fluent NHibernate with seperate business objects which in turn use DTO's purely for data access. My application architecture must support both windows and web "front ends". My quandry is one of general approach as there seem to be so many options. My DTO's look something like the sample below. Each DTO has a reference to an ISession which is passed to them

Breeze.js mixing DTOs and entities

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-18 13:35:52
问题 In Ward's article "The Breeze Server: Have It Your Way": The typical business application has a minimum of 200 domain model types. 90+% of the time the shape of the data I'm sending over the wire is the same as the shape of the entity in my business model. ... When the shape of a client entity doesn't align well with the shape of a server-side business entity, I may switch to a DTO for that particular case. This hits the nail right on the head for our application, but what's the best way to


霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-18 12:54:10
OSharp是什么?   OSharp是个快速开发框架,但不是一个大而全的包罗万象的框架,严格的说,OSharp中什么都没有实现。与其他大而全的框架最大的不同点,就是OSharp只做抽象封装,不做实现。依赖注入、ORM、对象映射、日志、缓存等等功能,都只定义了一套最基础最通用的抽象封装,提供了一套统一的API、约定与规则,并定义了部分执行流程,主要是让项目在一定的规范下进行开发。所有的功能实现端,都是通过现有的成熟的第三方组件来实现的,除了EntityFramework之外,所有的第三方实现都可以轻松的替换成另一种第三方实现,OSharp框架正是要起隔离作用,保证这种变更不会对业务代码造成影响,使用统一的API来进行业务实现,解除与第三方实现的耦合,保持业务代码的规范与稳定。 本文已同步到系列目录: OSharp快速开发框架解说系列 前言   数据层设计真是一个百说不厌的话题,大系统说并发量,说高性能;小系统追求开发效率,易维护性各有各的追求。   OSharp 开发框架的定位是中小系统, 数据层的开发效率与易用性的权重就比较高了,所以,使用ORM当然是首选。在 .net 环境下,有众多的闭源的开源的优秀的ORM组件,从各方便对比来看,EntityFramework 是不二之选。一提起 EntityFramework,不少同学又要蠢蠢欲动来吐槽其性能了。其实,经过几个版本的更新换代

Using DTO to transfer data between service layer and UI layer

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-18 10:12:38
问题 I've been trying to figure this out for days but there seems to be very little info on this particular subject with ASP.NET MVC. I've been Googling around for days and haven't really been able to figure anything out about this particular issue. I've got a 3 layer project. Business, DAL and UI/Web layer. In the DAL is dbcontext, repository and unit of work. In the business layer is a domain layer with all the interfaces and the EF models. In the business layer there is also a service layer

Tracking changes in complex object graph

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-17 23:26:03
问题 I started to think about tracking changes in complex object graph in disconnected application. I have already found several solutions but I would like to know if there is any best practice or what solution do you use and why? I passed same question to MSDN forum but I received only single answer. I would like to have more answers to learn from experience of other developers. This question is related to .NET so for answers with implementation details I prefer answers related to .NET world but

Dependency Injection - use with Data Transfer Objects (DTOs)?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-17 20:11:06
问题 Consider the code below (which has been simplified). I have a service class that returns a list of specific DTO objects that each implement their own specific interface. In the actual code these are getting populated by iterating thru a Dataset as I'm working with legacy code. Questions: How do we create/use a DTO without newing them up or using the Service Locator anti-pattern? It doesn't make much sense to compose an empty DTO object in the Composition Root and inject it into the Service