
Application turns black when dragged from a 4k monitor to a FullHD monitor

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-11 06:45:22
问题 My notebook has a 4k display. My external monitor is 1920. When I drag my Java Swing app window from the 4k display onto the external monitor it gets completely black except for the window frame. It doesn't matter whether I maximize it on the external monitor or not. Here is the HelloWorldSwing example I got from Oracle.com. It shows the exact same behaviour. import javax.swing.*; public class HelloWorldSwing { /** * Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety, * this method should be

dragging objects in processing

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-11 06:34:22
问题 I am having an issue implementing Daniel Shiffman's awesome dragging example into my sketch. I have used it before and it is great, however I am attempting to use it with some "fancy" for looping to apply it to multiple objects(in this case text) but to no avail. Everything works correctly except for the objects don't drag when they should. Logically, this makes since because the offsetX and offsetY properties in the Line class continue to update thus forcing the object to remain stationary.

Dragging and highlighting

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-11 06:28:04
问题 In this jsfiddle user is supposed to be able to drag a node, and while he/she is dragging, only that node and his neighbors, and links between them, should be highlighted. I thought I have a good solution, but a problem was reported if the user drags node to the boundary, and in such case there is undesired behavior - all nodes suddenly are highlighted: (ERROR IS WHEN DRAGGED NODE HITS THE WALL) This is due to the fact that mouse pointer went away from the node, but user is still keeping the

Disabling Drag Scroll for Text Inputs with JQuery

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-11 06:18:06
问题 I need to disable the drag scroll functionality when clicking on text inputs. The page is in the format of a table of a div with inputs inside, and you can drag the page horizontally when you click and drag anywhere. I want to make this so you can only drag when you don't click on one of the inputs, and disable the drag when an input is clicked so the input can be edited. Here is my go at it: $('.dataContent').mousedown( function (event) { if($(this).children().size()>0) {$(this) .data('down'

Drag Image in HTML5 Canvas with defined Boundaries

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-11 05:57:27
问题 I am working on HTML5 Canvas 2D, is there any function which can help to do like example given in below link - http://www.html5canvastutorials.com/kineticjs/html5-canvas-drag-and-drop-bounds-tutorial-with-kineticjs/ 回答1: Below is the link and code. http://html5.litten.com/how-to-drag-and-drop-on-an-html5-canvas/ <html> <head> </head> <body> <section> <div> <canvas id="canvas5" height="300" width="400"> This text is displayed if your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas. </canvas> </div>

FabricJS: object:moving event doesn't fire when user selects multiple objects

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-11 05:21:27
问题 In FabricJS, there is an object:moving event you can fire a function for, which I have rigged up to keep lines attached to dots in the same way they have here in the stickman demo: http://fabricjs.com/stickman/ In their demo, they have turned of the ability to select dots by clicking and dragging a square around them, then moving that selection of objects by clicking and dragging it. In my case, I want the user to be able to select multiple dots and drag them at the same time, but right now

DnD - Why is dragged label displayed below other components?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-11 04:54:45
问题 I've written a basic DnD program that has four JLabels in a row. I've noticed that when I drag a label to the left, it is displayed below the next label. However, when I drag the label to the right, it is displayed above the next label. The labels are added in order, left to right. So the dragged label is being displayed below other labels that were added before the dragged label, and displayed above other labels that were added after the dragged label. Can anyone explain why this happens?

JQuery UI selectable plugin - Multiple mouse drag selection and unselect option

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-11 04:06:01
问题 I am using the JQuery UI selectable plugin to select table cells, here is the example code: http://jsbin.com/ejewes/edit#javascript,html,live I want to make changes to this so that I am able to 1. do multiple mouse drag selects (without using the ctrl key) 2. deselect cells by drag or click on single/multiple selected cells I went through related questions on this forum, but no solution has worked for me so far! Can anybody please help me customize this plugin or point me to some resource

Which API can be used to _capture_ the mouse when moving OS X “Carbon” windows?

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-11 04:03:21
问题 On request I have implemented support for moving an OS X window by dragging it using an area within the content part of the window, i.e replicating the drag and move functionality of the title bar but in another area. The problem I have yet to resolve is the fact that if the user drags the mouse quickly it can leave the window area and then no more mouse move events are received. On windows this type of problem can simply be fixed by calling the win32 method SetCapture(), what's the

Excel like drag selection in Wpf itemscontrol

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-10 23:07:17
问题 I am looking to make a selection rectangle in Wpf items control just as in MS Excel.I have looked at decorators and adoners but got little help.I need the thick border around the cells that i select using mouse(check screenShot) 回答1: I have a solution for you, that seems to work fairly well with just an attached property for you to attach to an items control such as a listbox. The code makes guesses as to whether or not selected items are contiguous by just checking that they are contiguous