
How good is Dotfuscator Community Edition? What is “good enough obfuscator”? [closed]

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-03 03:01:29
问题 Closed . This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed 6 years ago . I plan to release one small, low priced utility. Since this is more hobby than business, I planned to use Dotfuscator Community Edition that is shipped with VS2008. How good is it? I could also use definition of "good enough obfuscator" - what features are missing from


|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-02 17:46:47
Dotfuscator 是专业的.NET程序 代码混淆 工具,拥有 重命名 、字符串加密、流程模糊、自定义规则和水印等功能,倍受开发人员喜爱。其中 类重命名 的使用方法非常普遍,涉及到既要保护代码信息,又要在以后能实现运行维护及多程序协同工作。 那么 类重命名 到底有几种方法?每种方法是如何实现的?接下来将解析各种类重命名方法及其实现过程。 整体重命名 默认的类重命名方法是整体重命名,会把类命名为一个新的、简单的名字。这是最简单的一种重命名方式。举例如下: 原来名字 新名字 Preemptive.Application.Main a Preemptive.Application.LoadData b Preemptive.Tools.BinaryTree c Preemptive.Tools.LinkedList d 保留命名空间 当需要维持命名空间层次结构时,使用保留命名空间重命名方法是很重要的。虽然放弃了一些混淆处理的潜力,但可以使混淆代码链接回代码库让其他应用程序可以调用混淆代码。保证应用程序的兼容性。其重命名实现是通过设置选项为保留命名空间层次。简单举例如下: 原来名字 新名字 Preemptive.Application.Main Preemptive.Application.a Preemptive.Application.LoadData Preemptive

How good is Dotfuscator Community Edition? What is “good enough obfuscator”? [closed]

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-02 15:04:15
I plan to release one small, low priced utility. Since this is more hobby than business, I planned to use Dotfuscator Community Edition that is shipped with VS2008. How good is it? I could also use definition of "good enough obfuscator" - what features are missing from Dotfuscator Community Edition to make it good enough. Edit: I checked pricing on number of commercial obfuscators and they cost a lot. Is it worth it? Are commercial versions that much better protecting from reverse engineering? I'm not very afraid of my application being cracked (it will be disappointing if application is so

MonoTouch: How to protect my application

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-01 15:18:03
问题 I used Dotfuscator to protect my application from reverse engineering I encrypted the dll files in windows application, but how can I do it in OSX/MonoTouch? Extract the dll from ipa, then confuse the dlls in windows, and repack the encrypted dlls into IPA, then publish it to appstore? Is there any simple solution? 回答1: Foremost you need to remember that iOS does not allow JIT (just in time) compiling. This means everything needs to go thru the AOT (ahead of time) compiler. This results that


倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-01 09:31:33
转载自: 转载自: dotfuscator如何对.net程序进行混淆保护对于程序代码的保护,网上有很多资料,有的说混淆,有的说加密,我比较支持混淆的方法,这样可以让反编译劳工,头晕一阵子,哈哈开玩笑。对于加密如果不是不得已,我想没有必要。加密性能消耗比较大。 dotfuscator相信做程序的人很多都知道,dotfuscator与XenoCode都是代码混淆工具,做为保护代码安全的一个工具。既然说到.net的程序,那当然要扯扯dotfuscator,都同属微软的产品,兼容性绝对是天生一对。 闲话不多说,说最直接的东西,最实用东西。 下面来说说dotfuscator的用法,我用的是Dotfuscator Professional Edition 4.2版,Dotfuscator的版本有多好,具体请看微软官方说明 用法一 使用默认混淆 打开软件点击input选项卡,把dll或exe添加,Libray不要选,否则的话


吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-01 09:31:19
.NET开发人员都知道,.NET的优点是比较多的,如:标准集成,简化应用,对移动设备的支持等,它是一个巨大的跨时代进步。但.NET程序有个致命的缺点:易被反编译。试想一个团队花了几个月甚至几年时间辛苦开发的劳动成果被轻易破解,那将情何以堪?因此,为了保护软件安全,进行 源码混淆 ,加壳和授权控制是行之有效的安全策略,而使用最多的保护手段就是使用代码混淆器。本人简单对比了常见的3款. NET源码混淆器 ,希望使开发人员对这3款.NET源码混淆器的选择有初步的了解。 源码混淆 源码混淆指在不影响功能的前提下,通过对程序源码的分析,改变源码的原始面貌,将代码变得模糊难以理解,这样可以降低源码可读性。有效的源码混淆还增加了代码的复杂度,使变换后的代码不可逆转。 常用的.NET源码混淆工具 目前市场上的混淆器品种繁多,比较出名的.NET源码混淆工具有:Dotfuscator,Skater .NET obfuscator,Xenode.NET Obfuscator。 Dotfuscator 在众多的.NET源码混淆产品中, Dotfuscator 是最出名的。Dotfuscator是全球著名的源码混解决方案提供者PreEmptive公司的明星产品,可以使得您的应用程序更加小巧以及高效,是提高.NE应用程序效率的最佳选择。而且,从Visual Studio 2003到现在,

How to use obfuscation for ClickOnce?

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-11-30 00:25:12
If one will release a ClickOnce version, how can it be obfuscated by Dotfuscator ? You can use the commercial version of Dotfuscator to automatically obfuscate a ClickOnce application by adding the deployment manifest ("foo.application") as an input to your Dotfuscator project. Dotfuscator will allow you to add any necessary exclusions to the assemblies contained in the ClickOnce application and will create updated deployment and application manifests containing the obfuscated assemblies. The free version of Dotfuscator included in Visual Studio (including Visual Studio 2010) does not have the

Dotfuscator throwing error on Xamarin.Android project

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-29 02:35:26
I followed the steps to integrate Dotfuscator into my Xamarin.Android project as described here , but when it's time to build the project, I'm getting the following error: The "_DotfuscatorXamarin_DetermineDefaultInputsTask" task failed unexpectedly. 2>\path\to\PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Xamarin.targets(570,5): error MSB4018: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 2>\path\to\PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Xamarin.targets(570,5): error MSB4018: at InlineCode._DotfuscatorXamarin_DetermineDefaultInputsTask.Execute() in \path\to\AppData\Local\Temp\eruovv3u.0.cs

Dotfuscator throwing error on Xamarin.Android project

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-11-27 21:58:41
问题 I followed the steps to integrate Dotfuscator into my Xamarin.Android project as described here, but when it's time to build the project, I'm getting the following error: The "_DotfuscatorXamarin_DetermineDefaultInputsTask" task failed unexpectedly. 2>\path\to\PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Xamarin.targets(570,5): error MSB4018: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 2>\path\to\PreEmptive.Dotfuscator.Xamarin.targets(570,5): error MSB4018: at InlineCode.