

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-28 14:03:53
tt -20多年前的流行英文键盘练习软件 tt可能是熟悉键盘最经典的软件之一了。20多(1994~1996?)年前狂练tt情景再现。 先给个界面 操作步骤 下载软件:tt 及DOSbox 链接: 密码: 22up DOSbox 官网: 最新是0.74 安装DOSbox 略 运行DOSbox 点击桌面图标: 出现下面的DOSbox界面: 将tt解压到D:\TT 略。 DOSbox映射一个新盘符V 在DOSbox界面中操作如下: DOSbox中运行tt 有个缺点 关闭后重新运行都要执行一次才行。 mount v d:\tt V: 解决这个缺点的方法 创建一个bat处理文件,内容如下就可以直接启动了: DOSBox.exe \tt\tt.exe 来源: oschina 链接:

How to read image file and display on screen in windows tasm dosbox

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-11-28 13:14:57
Im currently learning graphical programming in tasm using dosbox. Ive been using a bunch of loops to draw square blocks of pixels and its really hard. I want to know if theres a way to read an image and display it. I know how to read a txt file maybe this is a start. Pls help You need to write/use image loader or use your own image file format. BMP may look simple but has too much in it like compression pixel formats etc but you still can focus on a specific type of BMP and ignore all the others... Back in the days of MS-DOS I was using 256 color PCX images with palette as I used 256 color

DOSBox: debug.exe reads file - processes commands incorrectly

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-11-28 12:06:17
问题 I'm trying to use DOSBox with debug.exe on a 64-bit system. It works perfectly fine if I enter the commands manually. When I redirect input from a file with: debug < [file] it doesn't work. On every line except for the first it displays an error similar to this: DOSBox will eventually hang and crash. Is there any way to fix this? The input file I am trying to process as commands is: a 100 jmp 145 db 'Hello, World!', 0D, 0A, 'Press any key to continue . . .$' a 145 mov ah, 09 mov dx, 102 int

Print numbers diagonally in assembly

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2019-11-28 11:46:40
问题 I'm trying to display 0-9 diagonally in assembly, but the output puts my diagonally printed numbers in the middle of the window. Here is the code: start: mov ah, 02h mov cl, 0Ah ;counter (10) mov dx, 02h ;mov bx, 02h mov dl, 30h ;start printing 0-9 mov dh, 02h ;start row mov al, 02h int 21h again: int 10h int 21h ;add dx, 01h inc dh inc dx inc al loop again mov ax, 4c00h int 21h The output should be: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The current output prints that, but on the middle of the window. I've

Assembler can't locate existing files

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-11-27 19:33:07
问题 My TASM is mounted to the folder where my my TASM, TLINK, and files are. Specifically it is at C:/TASM/BIN . I have no problems when running a single .asm file but when I include an another file so that my code would look modular, there comes this problem. I have included 6 files as of now which includes printMzpos1.kt . (File extension doesn't matter in assembly file inclusion.) The name of my main file is c.asm . The image shows that printMzpos1.kt is in the folder where my TASM is mounted:

Calculating the sum of two variables in a batch script

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-11-27 13:01:23
This is my first time on Stack Overflow so please be lenient with this question. I have been experimenting with programming with batch and using DOSbox to run them on my linux machine. Here is the code I have been using: @echo off set a=3 set b=4 set c=%a%+%b% echo %c% set d=%c%+1 echo %d% The output of that is: 3+4 3+4+1 How would I add the two variables instead of echoing that string? staticbeast You need to use the property /a on the set command. For example, set /a "c=%a%+%b%" This allows you to use arithmetic expressions in the set command, rather than simple concatenation. Your code

Detect/receive multiple key-presses at the same time in DOS?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-11-27 08:39:30
问题 I'm in the middle of writing air hockey in tasm and I have encounter a problem which is how I get two keys/clicks at once because I need to get both click at once to move both players in one time and Im trying a lot but I don't think I have a way to doing it. I heard that I need to read from the buffer directory and see what keys are there and read each one individually but I don't really know how to do this. 回答1: Do you mind working with scancodes? I know this is not the simple, drop-in,

Calculating the sum of two variables in a batch script

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-11-26 18:12:23
问题 This is my first time on Stack Overflow so please be lenient with this question. I have been experimenting with programming with batch and using DOSbox to run them on my linux machine. Here is the code I have been using: @echo off set a=3 set b=4 set c=%a%+%b% echo %c% set d=%c%+1 echo %d% The output of that is: 3+4 3+4+1 How would I add the two variables instead of echoing that string? 回答1: You need to use the property /a on the set command. For example, set /a "c=%a%+%b%" This allows you to

What is the best way to move an object on the screen?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-11-26 12:32:41
I wanted to know what is the best way for moving an object on the screen- for expample: if some kind of shape presented on the screen(on graphic mode), I would like to move it left and right using the keyboard's arrows keys. I know how to read the keyboard buffer. The important thing is that I would like to know is how to move something smooth on the screen. I'm using DOS-Box, with 8086 architecture. And the movment must be on graphic mode (320X200). OK finally got TASM+TLINK to work with W7 x64 ... (VirtualPC is not working Properly anymore :() So here is one simple Tuneler like game for 3

8086 assembly on DOSBox: Bug with idiv instruction?

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-11-26 02:21:29
I was helping a friend of mine debug his program, and we narrowed it down to an issue which occurs even here: .MODEL small .STACK 16 .CODE start: mov ax, 044c0h mov bl, 85 idiv bl exit: mov ax, 4c00h int 21h end start After assembling it with tasm 4.1, and running it on DOSBox 0.74, it goes into an infinite loop. When inspecting it with turbo debugger one can see it happens after the idiv instruction, which for some reason modifies the cs and ip registers, and after two seemingly random instructions restores them to point to the idiv line, executing it again ad infinitum. Does anyone have any