

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:43:01
汇编语言学习 参考书: 使用王爽写的《汇编语言》第三版 学习工具(win7 x64): 另外需要一款编辑器,用来编辑源程序,推荐sublime text。需要到这里下载支持汇编语法高亮的插件: 目录介绍 学习工具 :包含win7 64位下需要的工具:DOSBox 0.74安装包、masm.exe、link.exe、debug.exe experiment.asm :参考书上面的练习与实验(不全,但需要的代码都在里面) 64位windows7下DOSBox使用方法: step1: 新建文件夹(下面以 C:\coding\assembly-language-learning 为例) step2: 将 debug.exe 、 masm.exe 、 link.exe 放到 C:\coding\assembly-language-learning 文件夹下 step3: 打开DOSBox。这里可以看到Z:\DOSBox里的虚拟盘,我们采用mount命令将其转变到 C:\coding\assembly-language-learning 目录下,如果只是用这一次,可以直接在命令行中输入如下命令: Z:\> mount d C:\coding\assembly-language-learning Z:\>


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:43:01
在安装DOSBOX后,打开应用,会出现运行窗口特别小,字体也很小的情况, 使用时会感觉特别费劲,眼睛也会受不了,因此这时就需要调整一下窗口大小: 1、点击配置文件并打开: 2、找到图片所示位置: 3、进行修改: windowresolution=1080x800 output=opengl 4、保存即可!再次打开DOSBOX运行窗口,视图就会变大! 文章来源:


て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-02 10:56:00
在去年写过如何bc3.1编译ucos,不过现在很少去用到,但是那是用dosbox也是懵懵懂懂的,参见 随着c语言使用的不断熟悉,偶尔看到一篇pdf,是姚新颜写的《c语言的标准和实现》,里面有提到如果要深入学习c语言,要懂点x86的汇编,之前我增加学过51的汇编,多多少少有点理解,就是x86的很多寄存器和51的不一样,自然界联想到了王爽的《汇编语言》第三版,那么学习之前要有汇编的编译环境,网上有虚拟机+dos的方案,但是我用过dosbox,那么不用费尽安装虚拟机,因为我的老电脑已经带不动了,但是dosbox肯定没问题的,所以就使用了这个方案。 网上下载的masm5.0和debug.exe,dosbox下载最新版,和之前不会冲突,这样我之前的配置文件依然有效,会有两个conf文件,这样我0.74.3用学习汇编,0.74.2学习ucos,互不干扰。 在C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\DOSBox下会有 dosbox-0.74-3.conf文件。很不错哦~~ 末尾添加如下: [autoexec] # Lines in this section will be run at startup. # You can put your


梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-02 05:12:34
1、建立一个文件夹xxx将masm中的lnk.exe,masm.exe,ml.exe和debug.exe放到文件夹中,并mount C X:\xxx C: 单步运行程序 debug xxx.exe debug将程序加载入内存,设置CS:IP指向程序的入口,但debug并不放弃对CPU的控制,所以可以使用相关命令单步执行程序。 来源:

Getting keyboard input without echo in DOS

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-02 05:06:52
问题 I am making the game "Connect Four". The players have to enter a number between 1-4 so that the disc will drop into one of the columns. I am currently working on the first column. The problem is that you can enter any character and it will work (it only needs to work when you press '1') and I cant figure out how to fix it. Moreover, the number appears on the left side of the screen. How do I make it so when I enter the number it won't show on the screen? PlayerOneTurn: cmp [Player1Turn], 255

Looping statement that works in Windows 7 debug instructions won't work in DOSBox 0.74

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-12-02 02:51:24
问题 We had an activity about looping in assembly language. Our task is simple: display the numbers 0 to 9 with spaces in-between each number. I got the code to work in the command prompt using the 'debug' command in WINDOWS 7 in our school. My laptop is Windows 10 and I recently found out that there's no 'debug' command in the command prompt. So I tried writing my code in DOSBox 0.74 (latest, maybe). Every time i run it in DOSBox, the programs suddenly hangs up and then crashes. Here's the code

Looping statement that works in Windows 7 debug instructions won't work in DOSBox 0.74

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-02 00:49:39
We had an activity about looping in assembly language. Our task is simple: display the numbers 0 to 9 with spaces in-between each number. I got the code to work in the command prompt using the 'debug' command in WINDOWS 7 in our school. My laptop is Windows 10 and I recently found out that there's no 'debug' command in the command prompt. So I tried writing my code in DOSBox 0.74 (latest, maybe). Every time i run it in DOSBox, the programs suddenly hangs up and then crashes. Here's the code mov cx,0a mov ah,02 mov dl,30 int 21 mov bl,dl mov dl,20 int 21 mov dl,bl inc dl loop 0107 int 20 Can

Vectors header file in DosBox

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-01 18:53:12
I am using DosBox 0.74 and I want to use vectors function, but I can't locate its header file ? its not <vector.h> nor <vector> . I tried it with Visual Studio and it was working fine. It has a different name in DosBox or what ? Please help me, since I have to submit my work with DOSBox. Arun A S Vectors were implemented in C++ after Turbo C++. In fact, C++ (as the standardised language we know it today) didn't exist until after Turbo C++! It is a truly ancient IDE and anyone would recommend not to use it. It's better to use IDEs of this century. So, there are no STL libraries like <vector> in

Writing to a file in assembler

北战南征 提交于 2019-12-01 09:05:39
I'm tasked with creating a program that would write some string to a file. So far, I came up with this: org 100h mov dx, text mov bx, filename mov cx, 5 mov ah, 40h int 21h mov ax, 4c00h int 21h text db "Adam$" filename db "name.txt",0 but it doesn't do anything. I'm using nasm and dosbox. You have to create the file first (or open it if it already exists), then write the string, and finally close the file. Next code is MASM and made with EMU8086, I post it because it may help you to understand how to do it, interrupts are the same, as well as parameters, so the algorithm : .stack 100h .data