
how to create a new ACL in Documentum with DQL

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2020-01-06 11:10:26
问题 I am doing a Java project connected to Documentum data storage and I need to create a ACL using DQL . Any idea on how can I do that ? I've found the following in my researches in EMC forums but I dont really understand how to use it ? create,c,dm_acl set,c,l,object_name your_acl_name set,c,l,owner_name dm_dbo grant,c,l,dm_world,1 // Granting Permission revoke,c,l,dm_world,execute_proc,change_permit // Revoking permission grant,c,l,your_admin,7,execute_proc,change_permit // granting permission

Documentum cmis restful integration with android?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-24 20:27:18
问题 I want to implement documentum cmis restful api with android. So where i can get all the materialsand learn about it . I am very new to this and want to understand documentum and cmis restful api. So that i can integrate with android. 回答1: Your starting point for CMIS should be the CMIS specification. Then the implementation of CMIS specification in Chemistry project There is a specific Android client for

how to fill format (a_content_type) while creating a document in DFS?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-24 05:29:12
问题 I am developing a DFS application (оn С#) that imports a document into Documentum as dm_document. A document may be in any format – DOC, DOC, PDF, whatever. Thus, when I create a document, I have to specify corresponding format (it will be put into a_content_type): “gif”, “msw8” etc. How can I solve this task? I have looked through DFS_66_reference.pdf and DFS-SDK Help – do not see simple solution yet. Can you give me an advice? 回答1: I usually do what David suggests for common formats that I

How can I use REST to copy an object in Documentum 7.x

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-13 02:56:52
问题 I am looking to create a physical copy of a sub type of dm_document using the DCTM REST API. I am pretty new to the DCTM world, especially when it comes to the REST API. The use case that I have is when a certain action happens, I need to clone the document (meta & content) and alter 1 or 2 pieces of meta and save that new document back the repository. I have reviewed all the examples located here: however, I am unable to figure out how to retrieve the

Documentum NPE when running as jar

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-12 17:13:53
问题 I'm writing a simple application to create a Documentum folder structure from a directory structure on disk. When I run the application through SpringSource Tool Suite, it works fine. When I package it as a jar, with all dependencies, and run it, I receive the following error: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.documentum.fc.common.impl.preferences.PreferencesManager.locateMainPersistentStore( at com.documentum.fc.common.impl.preferences.PreferencesManager

Can encryption be solution in this situation

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-11 08:57:33
问题 I am using a EMC Documentum content management system. I am trying to automate some file importing (moving files to CMS repository) with the help of their own API. (Dont panic by this next sentence, just read it, since its EMCs' own API that you may be unaware of) For that, I have to first create an object of type IDfFile and then pass that object to IDfImportNode.add() which performs importing. What I want to do is to fetch the file at runtime from one server and immediately perform import

Create new page in Webtop

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-11 07:29:10
问题 How do I create a new webpage in the Documentum front end Webtop? 回答1: Why WebTop? You should use Web Publisher which is built on WebTop with the specific purpose of managing web content. Is this an OOTB installation? Web Publisher / WebTop requires significant amount of customization in order to start being useful. Do you have templates defined? If so, then just go to File New and select your template. Is a good site with some very good how-to's. 回答2: The short

retrieve a row of data from documentum via DQL

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-11 04:49:39
问题 I have a list of users in my list view which is populated by retrieving data from documentum . If I click on any row of this least (each row represent one user) I should be able to see all of their information listed down .( This is my problem ) public void selectedItemFromListView(){ selected = lwAllUserGrp.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); System.out.println(selected); String query =" select * from dm_user where user_name = '@aclName'" ; String test = query.replace("@aclname", selected

Documentum DQL query to import a file form cliet machine to repository

久未见 提交于 2019-12-11 03:18:40
问题 Can anyone tell me how to import a document from client machine to documentum repository using only "DQL", below is the command I am using... it's not working thought... The error I am getting is [DM_SYSOBJECT_E_CANT_ACCESS_FILE- Unable to access file due to operating system error. CREATE abc OBJECT set object_name='xyz', set folder_title='pqr', set doc_subtype_code='XXXX', set template_code='00', set doc_subtype_nme='abc Documents', set isworkflowrequired=1, set iscreatedfrombiztemplate=0,

DFC reading a file

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-08 05:00:51
问题 I am using the DFC to access documentum. I am trying to read a file. I have the r_object_id and I now wish to return the document assoicated with this. How would I do this in java? 回答1: assuming you also have a valid session with at least read access to the file: String docId= getDocId(); IDfSysObject doc = (IDfSysObject)session.getObject(new DfId(docId)); ByteArrayInputStream stream = doc.getContent(); see the javadocs for the return type here for info on how to process the return. Also I've