
Running Docker for Windows, Error when exposing Ports

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-03 02:55:45
问题 I am aware there are a lot of questions about running Docker on windows, however this question is about running the brand new Docker for Windows, on Windows. In my case I am using Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. According to the site this version should be supported. I have been following a tutorial I found here: I also tried following the official guide of course: In both tutorials I get the same error message when

Minikube vs Kubernetes in Docker for Windows

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-03 00:06:06
Most tutorials I've seen for developing with Kubernetes locally use Minikube. In the latest Edge release of Docker for Windows, you can also enable Kubernetes. I'm trying to understand the differences between the two and which I should use. Minikube lets you choose the version of Kubernetes you want, can Docker for Windows do that? I don't see a way to configure it. Minikube has CLI commands to enable the dashboard, heapster, ingress and other addons. I'm not sure why because my undertstanding is that these are simply executing kubectl apply -f http://... . With Minikube I can do a minikube ip

How to connect to docker VM (MobyLinux) from windows shell?

孤街醉人 提交于 2019-12-02 17:18:49
Is there away to log into host VM's shell, similarly to how can we easily enter into running containers bash? docker exec -it bash I accidentally broke one container's crucial file, so that it couldn't start. Unfortunately, that container stored it's data inside. The result was that whenever I tried to run it, it couldn't start. The only solutions I saw were about navigating to host docker daemon's files. However, I'm running docker VM on windows, and I cannot access the files inside VM (MobyLinuxVM). I'm using Docker for Windows, version 1.12.3-beta30.1 (8711) Hack your way in run a container

Running Docker for Windows, Error when exposing Ports

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-02 16:29:56
I am aware there are a lot of questions about running Docker on windows, however this question is about running the brand new Docker for Windows, on Windows. In my case I am using Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. According to the site this version should be supported. I have been following a tutorial I found here: I also tried following the official guide of course: In both tutorials I get the same error message when trying to assign a port using either the -P parameter or when trying to specify a port -p 8080:5000 : In

Which Visual Studio component contain the MSVC Hostx files?

元气小坏坏 提交于 2019-12-02 06:46:00
问题 My .NET solution contains an editbin command in PostBuild events. We try to create a Docker Container for compiling our solution. To do that, we installed the VS17 with the installer. We can't find which component we should select to get the editbin . In my machine, the editbin exist in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\Host{x86/x64}\{x86/x64/arm64} in 6 places- all the compinations of the placeholders. 回答1: editbin is part of the C++

Error “Failed to OpenForBackup failed in Win32” when pulling microsoft/nanoserver container

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-01 19:05:28
I encounter the following error when attempting to pull the microsoft/nanoserver image. The download is successful. This error occurs during extraction of the image. 482ab31872a2: Download complete failed to register layer: re-exec error: exit status 1: output: Failed to OpenForBackup failed in Win32 : open \?\C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\07bd46b89b4520e984bc0892bad2c955afec4b347f961ca6c31bfe5e30601806\Files\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts: Access is denied. (0x1f) \?\C:\ProgramData\Docker\windowsfilter\07bd46b89b4520e984bc0892bad2c955afec4b347f961ca6c31bfe5e30601806\Files\Windows

Can I mix linux-based and windows-based containers in same docker engine host?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-01 18:07:17
问题 I'm using Docker Desktop for Windows with the new feature of Windows Containers now Windows-based containers are possible but it raised this question? Can I mix linux-based and windows-based images in same docker engine host? If yes, are going to work all network features? Is this independent of the host OS for the user? 回答1: No you can't. You will need a Linux to launch Linux containers and a Windows Server 2016 to launch Windows containers I said in Run normal Win32 applications in Docker

Expose container port to Host using Docker for Windows in Windows 10

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-30 17:46:33
I've reading docker API and trying to create a simple container and expose 1 port. In my example, I have an application that listen on TCP port 9595 inside the container and I want to access it from outside world (i.e. the host of the container) on port 9090 . When creating the container I have "ExposedPorts": { "9595/tcp: {}" } and the "PortBindings": { "9595/tcp": [{ "HostPort": "9090" }] } . So, if I access from the Host machine http://container_internal_ip:9595 it works! However, when I access http://localhost:9090 , which is what I expect using this port map feature, it doesn't work...

selenium inside windows docker container fails with ff/chrome “session deleted because of page crash”

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-30 17:29:34
DOCKER WITH SELENIUM AND ASP.NET 4.5 MVC What am I trying to do? Attempting to have a docker image that does following. Yes, I'm aware there are other ways to accomplish the end game here but I have a specific request on this. Runs an ASP.NET MVC 4.5 web app Has selenium driver via a c# console exe testing the code Current status - when test is run in regular Windows 10 or Windows 2016 it runs fine. When the test is run in a Windows docker container it blows out with " session deleted because of page crash ". Note I'm focusing on chrome tests but we get similar results using FireFox as well. I

Connect docker container to local workbench MySQL DB

好久不见. 提交于 2019-11-30 15:35:56
问题 HI I have my web app running on my local machine and connected to Mysql workbench , I am now trying to dockerize the webapp. I can't seem to get it to connect to the DB on my local dev machine (I am running Docker Desktop for Windows ), can anyone tell me how I would go about this? Here is what I have so far. `docker run -it -e " -DPARAM1=DEV" -p 8080:8080 -p 8005:8005 -p 8009:8009 -p 3306:3306 --add-host=docker: -v C:\myapp\trunk\target