
Other than UDP Broadcast or Multicast, what other methods can I use on a WiFI network to discover computers?

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-09 07:23:05
问题 I've implemented a simple UDP ping/pong protocol to discover other computers connected to the same WiFI router. This works fine on many WiFI and Ethernet routers, but when I go out on the street to give it a try, many public WiFI networks seem to have either UDP Broadcasts/Multicast disabled, or UDP disabled completely. What other options do I have to discover the computers connected to the WiFI router? (I'd love to create an Ad-Hoc network between the members of my network but this is not

Is there any way to use WCF Discovery in mono?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-08 03:12:06
问题 I'm trying to get WCF Discovery to work in mono 3.2.8. The mono web page mentions that a lot of the Discovery behavior should be there, but I can't get it to work via code set up or App.config setup. This works 100% in .net, so I know that at least the principles are correct. This is similar to the unanswered question at: WCF Udp Discovery in mono but, my specific question is: Is there any way of using WCF Discovery in mono? App.config setup gives this error: [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION

WCF method call returning web service disco page

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-07 21:07:58
问题 I have a WCF web service and application that works fine in developemnt. I've published the WCF on an IIS Server and am able to use it from the web app inside the firewall addressing it by server name. HOWEVER, now that I've put it out for use externally, it is causing problems. My web app is getting an error trying to connect. I can see the service, disco, wsdl, etc from inside and outside the firewall, but when I make my first call for authentication from the outside, the service is howto discover nearby bluetooth devices async in c#

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-07 12:02:49
问题 I am trying to use the 32feet.NET bluetooth library in a C# application to detect nearby devices. The purpose of my little application is to let the PC know who is in the room using the bluetooth feature of people's mobile phones. The best way to do something like this would be to let the devices I want to "track" connect once, then continuously check if they can be detected via bluetooth. Now my questions: Do I need to pair or authenticate a device with my application? How to do this in C#

Host is null in NsdServiceInfo of NsdManager.DiscoveryListener.onServiceFound

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-07 04:44:48
问题 I'm trying to get the mHost of the NsdServiceInfo passed as parameter to NsdManager.DiscoveryListener.onServiceFound() but it's null. I have two android devices where device 1 is the server and device 2 is the client. This is how I register the server in the device 1 public void registerService(int port, InetAddress myIp) { NsdServiceInfo serviceInfo = new NsdServiceInfo(); serviceInfo.setPort(port); serviceInfo.setServiceName(this.serviceName); serviceInfo.setServiceType(SERVICE_TYPE);

Python test discovery with doctests, coverage and parallelism

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-07 00:22:58
问题 ... and a pony! No, seriously. I am looking for a way to organize tests that "just works". Most things do work, but not all pieces fit together. So here is what I want: Having tests automatically discovered. This includes doctests. Note that the sum of doctests must not appear as a single test. (i.e. not what py.test --doctest-modules does) Being able to run tests in parallel. (Something like py.test -n from xdist) Generating a coverage report. Make python test just work. My current

基于已有集群动态发现方式部署 Etcd 集群

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-06 14:46:22
etcd提供了多种部署集群的方式,在「 通过静态发现方式部署etcd集群 」 一文中我们介绍了如何通过静态发现方式部署集群。 不过很多时候,你只知道你要搭建一个多大(包含多少节点)的集群,但是并不能事先知道这几个节点的ip,从而无法使用 --initial-cluster 参数。 这个时候,你就需要使用discovery的方式来搭建etcd集群。discovery方式有两种: etcd discovery 和 DNS discovery 。 这里我们先介绍下 etcd discovery 方式。这种启动方式依赖另外一个ETCD集群,在该集群中创建一个目录,并在该目录中创建一个_config的子目录,并且在该子目录中增加一个size节点,指定集群的节点数目。在这种情况下,将该目录在ETCD中的URL作为节点的启动参数,即可完成集群启动。 etcd discovery 集群方式分为两种:自定义的etcd discovery和公共 etcd discovery。 公共etcd discovery服务 公共的discovery就是通过CoreOS提供的公共discovery服务申请token。 获取集群标识 集群标识可以从已有的etcd集群中创建,这里通过CoreOS提供的公共discovery服务申请token $ curl -w "\n" 'https://discovery.etcd

WCF method call returning web service disco page

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-06 10:53:07
I have a WCF web service and application that works fine in developemnt. I've published the WCF on an IIS Server and am able to use it from the web app inside the firewall addressing it by server name. HOWEVER, now that I've put it out for use externally, it is causing problems. My web app is getting an error trying to connect. I can see the service, disco, wsdl, etc from inside and outside the firewall, but when I make my first call for authentication from the outside, the service is returning the DISCO page instead of processing the authentication method call. This results in a


允我心安 提交于 2019-12-05 16:51:21
原文地址: cluster on multiple machines 总览 启动一个集群静态的要求是每一个集群中的成员需要知道其他成员的位置。在许多情况下,集群成员的IP可能无法提前知道。在这种情况下,etcd集群可以在发现服务的帮助下进行启动。 一旦etcd集群已经启动,添加或移除成员可以通过 运行时重新配置 。在运行时重新配置之前,为了更好地理解设计,我们建议读 运行时重新配置设计文档 。 这篇引导etcd集群的启动将包括以下机制: 静态 etcd发现 DNS发现 每种引导机制都将用于创建具有以下详细信息的三台计算机etcd集群: Name Address Hostname infra0 infra1 infra2 静态 集群的成员,在启动之前它们的地址和集群的大小,我们可以通过设置 initial-cluster 参数使用离线的启动配置。每一个机器将会通过以下的环境变量或命令行获得配置信息: ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER="infra0=,infra1=,infra2=


泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-05 16:50:48
原文地址: Configuration flags etcd通过配置文件,多命令行参数和环境变量进行配置, 可重用的配置文件是YAML文件,其名称和值由一个或多个下面描述的命令行标志组成。为了使用此文件,请将文件路径指定为 --config-file 标志或 ETCD_CONFIG_FILE 环境变量的值。如果需要的话 配置文件示例 可以作为入口点创建新的配置文件。 在命令行上设置的选项优先于环境中的选项。 如果提供了配置文件,则其他命令行标志和环境变量将被忽略。例如, etcd --config-file etcd.conf.yml.sample --data-dir /tmp 将会忽略 --data-dir 参数。 参数 --my-flag 的环境变量的格式为 ETCD_MY_FLAG .它适用于所有参数。 客户端请求 官方的etcd端口 为2379,2380是节点通信端口。可以将etcd端口设置为接受TLS流量,非TLS流量,或同时接受TLS和非TLS流量。 要在Linux启动时使用自定义设置自动启动etcd,强烈建议使用 systemd 单元。 成员标记 --name 人类可读的该成员的名字 默认值:"default" 环境变量:ETCD_DATA_DIR 该值被该节点吃的 --initial-cluster 参数引用(例如 default=http://localhost