
Python unittest discovery with subfolders

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-30 07:52:26
问题 My unittest folder is organized this way. . |-- import | |-- import.kc | |-- | `-- |-- module | |-- module.kc | |-- | `-- `-- I'd want to simply run to run each of my * using unittest python module. Currently, my contains #!/usr/bin/env python import unittest if __name__ == "__main__": suite = unittest.TestLoader().discover('.', pattern = "*") unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) The python

How To Discover RSS Feeds for a given URL

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2019-12-17 08:30:38
问题 I get a URL from a user. I need to know: a) is the URL a valid RSS feed? b) if not is there a valid feed associated with that URL using PHP/Javascript or something similar (Ex. fails a), but b) would return their RSS feed) Edit: See my answer below 回答1: Found something that I wanted: Google's AJAX Feed API has a load feed and lookup feed function (Docs here). a) Load feed provides the feed (and feed status) in JSON b) Lookup feed provides the RSS feed for a given URL

Getting MAC address of a bluetooth using BluetoothManager private framework

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-14 03:47:41
问题 I'm trying to implement device discovery using bluetooth in IOS 5.0.1 iPhone 4S. I'm using the private framework BluetoothManager. My code is: - (IBAction)searchForDevices:(id)sender { [self.indicator setHidden:NO]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(bluetoothAvailabilityChanged:) name:@"BluetoothAvailabilityChangedNotification" object:nil]; btCont = [BluetoothManager sharedInstance]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:

Is “tip-of-the-day” good? [closed]

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-09 14:45:48
问题 Closed . This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post. Closed last year . Many programs (often large ones, like MS Office, The GIMP, Maxthon) have a feature called "tip-of-the-day". It explains a small part of the program, like this one in Maxthon: "You can hide/show the main menu bar by pressing Ctrl+F11" You can usually browse through them by

ubuntu 安装 PHPUnit

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-07 10:05:03
sudo apt-get remove phpunit apt-get autoremove apt-get autoclean root@ubuntu:~# pear channel-discover root@ubuntu:~# pear channel-discover root@ubuntu:~# pear channel-discover root@ubuntu:~# pear update-channels root@ubuntu:sudo pear upgrade-all root@ubuntu:sudo pear install --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit //这个可以省略 root@ubuntu:~# sudo pear install --force --alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit 来源: oschina 链接:


徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-06 06:49:25
1.下载html插件 (只支持python2,python3好像要重新找,不确定) 2.放入安装的python37/lib目录下 3.放入工程文件的support文件夹下 4.在main入口文件编写代码: discover是用例集,读取在某某目录下以py结尾的文件,用于组织用例 来源:


混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-05 20:36:09
About unittest是Python内置的单元测试框架(模块),不仅可以完成单元测试,也适用于web自动化测试中。 unittest提供了丰富的断言方法,判断测试用例是否通过,然后生成测试结果报告。 必要的准备与注意事项 首先,准备这样一个目录: M:\tests\ # 我的是M盘的tests目录,所有操作都在tests目录内完成 ├─discover │ ├─son │ │ ├─ │ │ └─ │ ├─ │ ├─ │ └─ ├─loadTestsFromTestCaseDemo │ └─ ├─ ├─ # 代码演示文件,所有演示脚本文件 ├─ └─ 目录 如果跟流程走, 请务必建立和理解这样的一个目录,目前这些文件都是空的,后续会一一建立,各目录内的 也必须建立,虽然它是空的,但是它无比重要,因为它标明它所在目录是Python的包。 有4个函数,分别计算加减乘除,并且代码不变: """ 用例集 """ def add(x, y): """ 两数相加 """ return x

Is “tip-of-the-day” good? [closed]

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2019-12-04 00:30:34
Closed . This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. Learn more . Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post . Closed 11 months ago . Many programs (often large ones, like MS Office, The GIMP, Maxthon) have a feature called "tip-of-the-day". It explains a small part of the program, like this one in Maxthon: "You can hide/show the main menu bar by pressing Ctrl+F11" You can usually browse through them by clicking next. And other options provided are "Previous", "Close", "Do not show at startup

Metaprogramming: How to discover the real class of an object?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:10:03
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I was kidding with metaprogramming in Ruby and I did this code: class Class def ===(other) other.kind_of?(self) end end class FakeClass def initialize(object) methods.each {|m| eval "undef #{m}" if m.to_sym != :methods } define = proc do |m| eval(<<-END) def #{m}(*a, &b) @object.#{m}(*a, &b) rescue Object raise $!.class, $!.message.gsub("FakeClass", @object.class.to_s), $!.backtrace-[$!.backtrace[-caller.size-1]] end END end object.methods.each {|m| define[m] } def method_missing(name, *a, &b) if @object.methods.include?(name.to_s) define