

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 23:32:01
原文: ASP.NET执行存储过程 一. 执行一个没有参数的存储过程的代码如下: connectionString为连接字符串 SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); da.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(); da.SelectCommand.Connection = conn; //myProc存储过程的名字 da.SelectCommand.CommandText = “myProc”; da.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 二. 执行一个有参数的存储过程的代码如下 SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(); da.selectCommand = new SqlCommand(); da.selectCommand.Connection = conn; da

XNA 2D vector angles - what's the correct way to calculate?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-02 19:31:35
what is in XNA in 2D the standard way vector angles work ? 0 degrees points right, 90 points up, 180 left, 270 down ? What are the 'standard' implementations of float VectortoAngle(Vector2 vec) and Vector2 AngleToVector(float angle) so that VectortoAngle(AngleToVector(PI)) == PI ? To answer your first question, 0 degrees points up, 90 degrees points right, 180 degrees points down, and 270 degrees points left. Here is a simple 2D XNA rotation tutorial to give you more information. As for converting vectors to angles and back, I found a couple good implementations here : Vector2 AngleToVector


*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-02 18:19:56
import pygame import sys from pygame.locals import * pygame.init() # 帧速率(frame rate)或刷新速率(refresh rate)是程序每秒钟绘制的图像的数目, # 用FPS或帧/秒来度量(在计算机显示器上,FPS常见的名称是赫兹。很多显示器的帧速率是60Hz,或者说每秒60帧)。 # 视频游戏中,较低的帧速率会使得游戏看上去抖动或卡顿。 # 如果游戏包含的代码太多了,以至于无法运行来频繁地绘制到屏幕上,那么,FPS会下降。 FPS = 30 fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() DISPLAYURF = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 300), 0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption('Animation') WHITE = (255, 255, 255) catImg = pygame.image.load('cat.png') # 将图像(精灵)加载到Surface对象上,返回一个Surface对象 catx = 10 caty = 10 direction = 'right' while 1: DISPLAYURF.fill(WHITE) if direction == 'right': catx += 5 if


我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-02 08:06:16
package com.jiayiworld.baselibrary.widgets; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import static android.animation.ObjectAnimator.ofFloat; /** * 仿今日头条图片浏览上下滑动退出界面 */ public class UpDownHideLayout extends FrameLayout { private ScrollListener mScrollListener; // 最小缩放比例 private final float MIN_SCALE =

how to find wifi signal direction of another device in android?

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-12-01 17:29:02
I am using my android phone as Access Point. Now I want to find the distance and direction of the wifi devices connected with my phone. Please help me through suitable example and code. Thanks in advance. I downloaded Wifi Radar that you mentioned and tried it. There's an important step there - it asks you to rotate on the spot for a bit while holding the device to your body. So my guess is that it uses the internal compass to figure out which direction you're pointing to, and then measures the signal. When the signal gets stronger, it figures that you're pointing toward the AP. Since the app

How to get cardinal mouse direction from mouse coordinates

故事扮演 提交于 2019-12-01 17:23:35
is it possible to get the mouse direction (Left, Right, Up, Down) based on mouse last position and current position? I have written the code to calculate the angle between two vectors but I am not sure if it is right. Can someone please point me to the right direction? public enum Direction { Left = 0, Right = 1, Down = 2, Up = 3 } private int lastX; private int lastY; private Direction direction; private void Form1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { lastX = e.X; lastY = e.Y; } private void Form1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { double angle = GetAngleBetweenVectors(lastX

地图相关API - 行驶方向判断函数

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-01 12:57:44
calculateDrivingDirection(newCoordinates,oldCoordinates){ let o = { direction: '', deviation:null, isTop: false, isRight: false, newLng: newCoordinates[0], newLat: newCoordinates[1], oldLng: oldCoordinates[0], oldLat: oldCoordinates[1], } o.deviation = Math.abs((o.newLng - o.oldLng)) - Math.abs((o.newLat - o.oldLat)) o.newLng - o.oldLng > 0 ? o.isRight = true : o.isRight = false o.newLat - o.oldLat > 0 ? o.isTop = true : o.isTop = false if(o.deviation > 0){ // 大于零 水平方向移动 o.isRight ? o.direction = 'right' : o.direction = 'left' }else{ // 小于零 垂直方向移动 o.isTop ? o.direction = 'top' : o.direction =

iPhone - CLHeading to find direction

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2019-12-01 12:06:47
In my iPhone application, I'm using using CLLocationManager to find the direction in which my iphone is pointing to. I'm using the property "heading". Its giving me x,y and z values. How can I find from these values in which direction (north or south or east or west) I'm currently pointing to? heading is a CLHeading object. As one look in the documentation would have told you, it also has properties for the true and magnetic headings in degrees. zhangcy you should use method [locationManager startUpdateHeading] to enable get the angle relative to the geographic North Pole or magnetic North

Reverse scroll direction with 180 flipped scroll list

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-01 09:57:20
问题 I'm building a ionic / angular app and I'm in a situation that I would like to reverse the scroll direction on scroll input. Here jou can find a example of my situation: jsfiddle example In the example above I flipped the scroll list 180 degrees and flipped the divs inside the scroll list back 180 degree. I did this so that the messages are always starting at the bottom with no need of scrolling it down on page load etc. The downside is that also the scroll direction is flipped and this is

Needs use right “text-overflow” when “direction” is set to “rtl”

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-01 01:16:47
I need to put "..." in the front of text and show only last part of it, when it fills div. And do nothing when it is normal <span class="file-upload-status" style="max-width:200px"> C:\fakepath\996571_1398802860346752_2094565473_n.jpg </span> <br/> <span class="file-upload-status" style="max-width:200px"> C:\fakepath\1.jpg </span> Here is what i have : Here is what i need : Is it possible to do by Css, without using JavaScript or jQuery. Maybe something like this: white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; This is