
How do I get the Blazor Client browser selected language? (So I can use the right decimal separator for calculations on that client browser)

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-10 06:20:12
问题 I try to show and use the right digit separator depending on the clients browser selected language. I'm using a Blazor Server App. I've tried to use the 'Sytem.Globalization' namespace but this only shows the settings of the Server Side browser. Is there a way to get the Client browser language/culure settings? 回答1: You could use javascripts navigator.language property via Interop. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NavigatorLanguage/languages public static class JsInterop {

Add 'decimal-mark' thousands separators to a number

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-27 11:44:21
问题 How do I format 1000000 to 1.000.000 in Python? where the '.' is the decimal-mark thousands separator. 回答1: If you want to add a thousands separator, you can write: >>> '{0:,}'.format(1000000) '1,000,000' But it only works in Python 2.7 and higher. See format string syntax. In older versions, you can use locale.format(): >>> import locale >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') 'en_AU.utf8' >>> locale.format('%d', 1000000, 1) '1,000,000' the added benefit of using locale.format() is that it

Are digit separators allowed before the digits in a hex or binary number?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-23 08:54:43
问题 C++14 introduced the concept of digit separators into literals, along the lines of 3'141'592'653'589 . Now this is a great feature for readable code but I was wondering whether it allowed quotes before the numeric portion of a 0x/0b -type literal. It seems to me that: unsigned int topThreeBits = 0b'1110'0000; unsigned int hexNum = 0x'dead'beef; is more readable than the one without a leading separator: unsigned int topThreeBits = 0b1110'0000; unsigned int hexNum = 0xdead'beef; because it

Thousand seperator does not work correctly in data gridview

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-18 09:46:54
问题 please let me explain it clearly, if there is misconception please let me know, firstly you suppose I have a grid with three column: ItemName Count Fee my code works perfectly when I click on ItemName and the go to fee column, mean in this case when I type 12345 it becomes 12,345 actually when I am typing. but when I go to count column and then fee column it does not work for example when I am typing 12345 it does not put comma. my code: Public Override string Text { get { return base.Text; }

thousand comma separator in gridview when typing in winforms

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-12 01:26:04
问题 I hope someone can help me, I need something like this : for example I type 12345 in fee column in gridview it becomes 12,345 not after the user left the column, but when she is typing, you should suppose this is my grid ItemNameColumn QuantityColumn FeeColumn I wrote my solution here here it workd perfectly provided that the user firstly click on the fee column, In case I fill the quantity column which is before the Fee column it does not work anymore, Now I am not strict on the approach I

Are C++14 digit separators allowed in user defined literals?

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-09 07:23:28
问题 While clang compiles the following line, g++ 6.1 complains about the digit separator (see live example on Coliru): auto time = 01'23s; Which compiler, if any, is correct according to the C++14 standard (N3796)? Otherwise, is allowing digit separators (§2.14.2) just an implementation detail in the user-defined literals (§2.14.8) of the <chrono> library (§ IMHO it should be not, since these literals are defined on unsigned long long parameters. I remember Howard Hinnant using 10'000s

How can I get a number with a thounds separator on top?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-04 06:52:15
问题 SELECT count(*) FROM table A let's say the result is 8689 . How can I convert it to 8'689 on the SQL Server? 回答1: Try This way:- select replace(convert(varchar,convert(Money, count(*)),1),'.00','') from table_name and be sure you really need this approach, formatting the application is the usual and best as SqlZim said. UPDATE:- for setting the separator on top, Try the next:- select replace( replace(convert(varchar,convert(Money, count(*)),1),'.00',''),',','''') from table_name 来源: https:/

Are C++14 digit separators allowed in user defined literals?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-03 10:21:06
While clang compiles the following line, g++ 6.1 complains about the digit separator (see live example on Coliru ): auto time = 01'23s; Which compiler, if any, is correct according to the C++14 standard (N3796)? Otherwise, is allowing digit separators (§2.14.2) just an implementation detail in the user-defined literals (§2.14.8) of the <chrono> library (§ IMHO it should be not, since these literals are defined on unsigned long long parameters. I remember Howard Hinnant using 10'000s as an example during his CppCon 2016 talk "A <chrono> tutorial" (at about 42 minutes in his talk).

Add 'decimal-mark' thousands separators to a number

拥有回忆 提交于 2019-11-26 16:33:51
How do I format 1000000 to 1.000.000 in Python? where the '.' is the decimal-mark thousands separator. If you want to add a thousands separator, you can write: >>> '{0:,}'.format(1000000) '1,000,000' But it only works in Python 2.7 and higher. See format string syntax . In older versions, you can use locale.format() : >>> import locale >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') 'en_AU.utf8' >>> locale.format('%d', 1000000, 1) '1,000,000' the added benefit of using locale.format() is that it will use your locale's thousands separator, e.g. >>> import locale >>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de