To sort out atoms first and then sublists from a list in LISP
I have this homework in LISP where I need to sort out atoms and then sublists from a list. I'm sure this is supposed to be easy task but as I'm not much of a programmer then this is really taking quite a while for me to understand. I have this list of numbers: (5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6) And if I understand correctly my task then I should get something like this: (5 -1 -6 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4))) So far all I found out is how to count atoms and/or sublists but I don't need that. (DEFUN ATOMNUMBER (L) (COND ((NULL L) 0) ((ATOM (CAR L)) (+ 1 (ATOMNUMBER (CDR L)))) (T (ATOMNUMBER (CDR