
Deploy SSIS Project using TFS Command Line

a 夏天 提交于 2021-02-08 15:11:34
问题 How do I deploy an SSIS project from TFS 2015? For regular database projects, it is sqlpackage.exe /publish with publish profile. What is the command line argument to auto deploy SSIS Project Model into a server? We are using SQL Server 2016 Enterprise. 回答1: Why using runas command?? Runas command allows a user to run specific tools and programs with different permissions than the user's current logon provides. Based on Deploy an SSIS project from the command prompt with ISDeploymentWizard


為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2021-02-08 13:41:32
电子商务平台,是一个历史悠久而又充满挑战的行业,他和社交一起成为中国互联网市场的两极。电子商务系统是一个非常复杂的系统,他实现了人与物、人与人的链接,同时也需要大量的技术来支撑,实现系统的高可用。这些技术包括DevOPS、容器技术、领域驱动设计、物联网、微服务、全文检索等。电商涉及的技术体系非常庞大,对开发者来说是一个充满挑战的宝库,可以说电商业务的技术学习可以贯穿职业生涯的非常漫长的时间。不过在此之前,我们先实现一个最简单的理想模型 ,只考虑最简单的实现模式,下面这个项目是从一个典型的电商项目中,抽出的一些典型场景。 这个项目目前采用C#进行构建,其主要目的是搭建一个极简的电商平台的demo。在这个简单的电子商务系统中,采用目前不少企业使用的比较传统的软件管理方式,以ER图设计为主然后再从数据库出发设计业务的传统模式,而不是按照UML的方式进行软件设计再进行软件功能开发。在本项目中,设计了顾客、商家、商品、订单四个简单的表结构, 1、顾客:负责下单,购买商品。 2、商家:负责对商品信息和价格信息进行维护。 3、商品:商品的描述信息。 4、订单:顾客下单记录为订单。 本项目主要实现了以下功能: 1、商家:可以进行商品信息的维护。 2、顾客:可选择下单的商品=》建立订单,以及查询订单。 项目的代码地址为:

Kafka on Multiple Servers

好久不见. 提交于 2021-02-08 11:41:48
问题 I followed this link to install Kafka + Zookeeper. It all works well, yet I am setting up Kafka + Zookeeper on 2 servers. I have setup the kafka/config/ to have: Server 1: = 0 Server 1: zookeeper.connect = localhost:2181, Server 2: = 1 Server 2: zookeeper.connect = localhost:2181, I am wondering the follwing: When I publish a topic, does it go to both Instances, or just the server it's loaded on? In order to use multiple

Whats the difference between a build pipeline and a release pipeline in Azure DevOps?

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-06 19:57:25
问题 I have set up several multi-staged build pipelines in Azure DevOps by using .yaml files. I've read about the "Release Pipelines" available, and I'm wondering what the benefits of those are? They seem to do the same, don't even offer .` YAML's support. So what's the main difference here? What can I do by using release pipelines, rather than usual build pipelines? 回答1: In Azure DevOps, before there was the multi stage yaml pipelines (now known as " Pipelines ", you usually used the Build

Whats the difference between a build pipeline and a release pipeline in Azure DevOps?

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-02-06 19:56:41
问题 I have set up several multi-staged build pipelines in Azure DevOps by using .yaml files. I've read about the "Release Pipelines" available, and I'm wondering what the benefits of those are? They seem to do the same, don't even offer .` YAML's support. So what's the main difference here? What can I do by using release pipelines, rather than usual build pipelines? 回答1: In Azure DevOps, before there was the multi stage yaml pipelines (now known as " Pipelines ", you usually used the Build

托管节点池助力用户构建稳定自愈的 Kubernetes 集群

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-06 14:57:18
简介: 随着容器技术的不断发展迭代,Kubernetes 已成为云原生时代的标准操作系统,那么如何构建一个稳定自愈的云原生操作系统事关重大。尤其是分布式环境下,各类硬件和软件故障已成为常态,直接导致 Kubernetes 集群工作节点时常处于一种不稳定的状态,人肉运维不仅效率低下,误操作及 24 小时 OnCall 也是巨大的挑战,因此容器服务通过托管节点池为用户提供了一个自愈的免运维的云上 Kubernetes 集群服务。本文将重点介绍如何通过托管节点池实现 Kubernetes 节点自愈能力 随着容器技术的不断发展迭代,Kubernetes 已成为云原生时代的标准操作系统,那么如何构建一个稳定自愈的云原生操作系统事关重大。尤其是分布式环境下,各类硬件和软件故障已成为常态,直接导致 Kubernetes 集群工作节点时常处于一种不稳定的状态,人肉运维不仅效率低下,误操作及 24 小时 OnCall 也是巨大的挑战,因此容器服务通过托管节点池为用户提供了一个自愈的免运维的云上 Kubernetes 集群服务。本文将重点介绍如何通过托管节点池实现 Kubernetes 节点自愈能力。 首先,我们需要定义什么是节点自愈? 什么是节点自愈? Kubernetes 集群作为一个典型的分布式系统,是由一组 Master 管控节点,加上若干个运行工作负载的节点组成

Commit a file to remote github repo through Azure DevOps

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-05 11:49:37
问题 A build definition in Azure DevOps generates a .ipa file(iOS app file). I want to push this .ipa file generated by Azure DevOps build, directly into a remote GitHub Repository. 回答1: A build definition in Azure DevOps generates a .ipa file(iOS app file). I want to push this .ipa file generated by Azure DevOps build, directly into a remote GitHub Repository. It's not recommended to add build output into Source Control. If you have special reason to do this, you can run git commands in Command

Commit a file to remote github repo through Azure DevOps

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2021-02-05 11:48:24
问题 A build definition in Azure DevOps generates a .ipa file(iOS app file). I want to push this .ipa file generated by Azure DevOps build, directly into a remote GitHub Repository. 回答1: A build definition in Azure DevOps generates a .ipa file(iOS app file). I want to push this .ipa file generated by Azure DevOps build, directly into a remote GitHub Repository. It's not recommended to add build output into Source Control. If you have special reason to do this, you can run git commands in Command


白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-02-05 09:21:09
DevOps已经走过了很长的一段路,毫无疑问,它将在今年继续闪耀。由于许多公司都在寻找围绕其数字化转型的最佳实践,因此了解领导者认为该行业的发展方向非常重要。从这个意义上说,下面的文章收集了DevOps高层对2021年DevOps趋势的回应。 让我们看看他们每一个人在未来一年对DevOps有什么看法。 1.迁移到微服务成为必选项。 “从单一服务到微服务和容器架构的转变对所有公司的数字化转型都是必须的。它不再是一个或多个选择。Kubernetes的应用将会越来越多,当组织采用多云时,Terraform将会是自动化基础设施的最终选择。”——威普罗DevOps首席工程师Sachidananda Pattnaik 2.混合模式将成为部署规范。 “2020年加速了远程工作,加快了向云的迁移,并将DevOps从最佳实践转变为每个业务的重要组成部分。随着我们进入2021年,该行业将在多个方面采用混合动力。首先,企业将充分采用混合劳动力,将远程工作和现场团队协作的优势结合起来。第二,商业模式将变得混合,例如将虚拟规模与本地网络相结合的会议。最后,混合动力将成为部署标准,因为公司将其堆栈现代化,以利用云本地技术,但意识到并非所有东西都能脱离prem。2021年的赢家将是在其业务、模型和产品中采用混合动力的公司。”—— 杰蛙科技开发者关系VP Stephen Chin 3.DataOps 将繁荣发展。

Is it possible to download files during the build pipeline on Azure DevOps?

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-02-05 08:27:12
问题 We're starting to use Azure DevOps to build and deploy my application. Currently, we do not upload the application images to our repo. I Would like to know if I could download all the images to the artifact that is going to be generated during the build pipeline. My yml pipeline : trigger: - develop pool: vmImage: 'windows-latest' variables: solution: '**/*.sln' buildPlatform: 'Any CPU' buildConfiguration: 'Release' steps: - task: NuGetToolInstaller@0 task: NuGetCommand@2 inputs: