
Universal Link broken in iOS 11.2

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-11-27 21:19:34
I am using Branch deep links in an app for sharing links to content in the app via social media. Everything was working fine quite a while. When updating to iOS 11.2 I encountered the following behavior: 1) After the update the Universal Links still worked. 2) I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. 3) Since then, all links always open the Branch deep view in Safari. 4) Tapping "Open The App", opens the AppStore. It does not matter in which app I tap on the link (Notes, WhatsApp, Messages, Facebook, ...), it is always the same behavior. The Universal Link was not bypassed by tapping the "go

Deeplink solution for IOS and Android apps works in Facebook

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-11-27 04:54:37
There are too much Deep Linking (Universal Links or App Links) tutorials. But most of them shows how to enable it in Android or IOS Apps. Also there are paid cloud solutions but they offer to much features. But there are three main problems I faced in real life: Some browsers doesn’t allow App Links to work. For example you can configure to be caught in app, but if this link is clicked by user through Facebook app it is not handled, and Facebook browser shows the web site. There is no unique standard solution to handle links both for Android and IOS apps. No practical

Universal Link broken in iOS 11.2

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-11-26 20:37:14
问题 I am using Branch deep links in an app for sharing links to content in the app via social media. Everything was working fine quite a while. When updating to iOS 11.2 I encountered the following behavior: 1) After the update the Universal Links still worked. 2) I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it. 3) Since then, all links always open the Branch deep view in Safari. 4) Tapping "Open The App", opens the AppStore. It does not matter in which app I tap on the link (Notes, WhatsApp, Messages,

Deeplink solution for IOS and Android apps works in Facebook

余生长醉 提交于 2019-11-26 11:24:58
问题 There are too much Deep Linking (Universal Links or App Links) tutorials. But most of them shows how to enable it in Android or IOS Apps. Also there are paid cloud solutions but they offer to much features. But there are three main problems I faced in real life: Some browsers doesn’t allow App Links to work. For example you can configure to be caught in app, but if this link is clicked by user through Facebook app it is not handled, and Facebook browser shows the web site.