
How to display duplicate rows in same color using datatable

孤街醉人 提交于 2020-12-15 07:11:46
问题 I am using DataTable plugin for show rows in table. I want to show duplicate rows in same color. How i can do this someone pls help me. In the below example Black Winters we have duplicate row. I want to show these type of duplicate rows in different colors. Like I have duplicate data Black Winters and Orange i want to show these both duplicate rows in different color combination eg.: Black Winters color will be red and Orange color will be like blue. $(document).ready(function() { var data =

How to display duplicate rows in same color using datatable

安稳与你 提交于 2020-12-15 07:11:10
问题 I am using DataTable plugin for show rows in table. I want to show duplicate rows in same color. How i can do this someone pls help me. In the below example Black Winters we have duplicate row. I want to show these type of duplicate rows in different colors. Like I have duplicate data Black Winters and Orange i want to show these both duplicate rows in different color combination eg.: Black Winters color will be red and Orange color will be like blue. $(document).ready(function() { var data =

AJAX Update DataTable after On Success

心已入冬 提交于 2020-12-15 06:28:18
问题 I have a datatable on userX.php. which has three tabs and each tab contains a table. (table1 table2 and 3) Scenario is there is an action button on each rows in tab 1 and 2, when it is clicked it will move the particular row to the next table / tab using AJAX for preventing page load. below image is the table TABLE using AJAX I would be changing the status column in the table in order to push into the next tab. below is the jquery ajax part $(".changeStatus").click(function(event){ event

jQuery--dataTable 前端分页与后端分页 及遇到的问题

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-12-14 06:01:58
(1)区别 前端分页:一次性把所有数据全都放在前端,由前端进行处理;适合请求的数据量不大的情况 后端分页:服务器模式,所有的分页,搜索,排序等操作在服务器端完成,然后前端去请求数据;适合量大的情况 (2)前端分页 前端分页比较简单 引用jquery.js 和 jquery.dataTables.js即可 (3)后端分页 (4)遇到的问题: datatables 行元素事件翻页后失效问题 参考链接:    a, bug现象 使用前端分页方式,导致只有第一页内table的行元素可以“编辑”‘删除’, 后面的分页点击无反应。    b,bug原因 前端分页方式是一次性将所有的数据加载到页面,然后dataTable.js会去分页的,数据请求只会在第一页,所有的 js 只会加载在第一页上面。所以当翻页的时候,数据不会向服务器请求数据,页面不会再加载,出现分页按钮时效的问题    c,解决措施 1,使用后端分页的方式(但是不适用于页面数据量较小的情况); 2,在前端分页的情况下,将事件绑定到table上,这样翻页之后,js 会随着dataTable的更新而更新。 //

Datatables server-side processing in ASP.NET Core 3.1

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-12-08 05:01:11
问题 I am new to Datatables with AJAX calls. I need to implement server-side processing for thousands of records. I was following a tutorial but I got confused somewhere with server side processing. I am getting an error while trying to render the data from the data source. Let me post all the relevant code and hope that you help me identify where I am getting it wrong. Since I am new to Datatables and Ajax, I will appreciate more answers with examples, textual answers accompanied by code or link

How can I implement new line in a column (DataTables)

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2020-12-06 03:49:31
问题 I have an SQL query that grabs some data ( language column in dbtable table). The query uses GROUP_CONCAT, so one cell has several results, e.g. "Ajax, jQuery, HTML, CSS". What I want to do is to show the result in new lines, like: "Ajax jQuery HTML CSS" How can I do that? I tried to make it by changing "columns": [{ "data": "id" }, { "data": "languages" } ... but it didn't work. I also tried to fix it by adding "< br >" in query as a Separator, but didn't work. Thank you! 回答1: You can use

How can I implement new line in a column (DataTables)

孤人 提交于 2020-12-06 03:48:15
问题 I have an SQL query that grabs some data ( language column in dbtable table). The query uses GROUP_CONCAT, so one cell has several results, e.g. "Ajax, jQuery, HTML, CSS". What I want to do is to show the result in new lines, like: "Ajax jQuery HTML CSS" How can I do that? I tried to make it by changing "columns": [{ "data": "id" }, { "data": "languages" } ... but it didn't work. I also tried to fix it by adding "< br >" in query as a Separator, but didn't work. Thank you! 回答1: You can use