
where can I track native call when user wants to call through app on another device

假如想象 提交于 2020-01-16 16:35:21
问题 How can I check the native call is running before call start or accept. Whatsapp is not allowing to call when the user hit the call icon through it's application while native call in progress. It's showing alert view "you can't place a call on Whatsapp if you are already on a phone call iOS SDk Call kit" Example : Device A and Device B on native call in progress. Now Device B open the app and wants to call to device C through Application. I am not able to find the native in progress call in

iOS10 CallKit简单开发

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-07 14:20:09
iOS10,对于voip 应用的app来了一个强有力的功能,系统级通话界面的支持。 参考之:【Dev Club 分享第十一期】QQ电话适配iOS10 Callkit框架分享 上面的分享已经对CallKit的主要流程做了比较详细的说明,这边就不重复了。主要说下几点我在实际过程中遇到的比较重要的地方。 1.CXProviderConfiguration 配置项: 如果需要实现类似whatsApp 长按系统联系人中的呼叫或视频 弹出app内拨打该号码的功能。如下图所示: 那你可能需要实现它的属性supportedHandleTypes 可支持的事件类型,且这个功能只有在这个方法调用到之后,才会注册到系统,所以要注意调用这句话的时机! typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CXHandleType) { CXHandleTypeGeneric = 1, CXHandleTypePhoneNumber = 2, CXHandleTypeEmailAddress = 3, } API_AVAILABLE(ios(10.0)); 2.CXHandle call的事件:它的value 如果是电话号码,呼入和呼出时,value最好与通讯录中的号码格式保持一致(有无+区号)