
HorizontalScrollView custom adapter?

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-06 03:46:59
I'm trying to make a Gallery widget using HorizontalScrollView , So inside the HorizontalScrollView I add ImageView s, and the problem is that I'm going to add 600+ images! Can I make some kind of a custom adapter in order to override the GetView method and utilize convertView in order to make the app smoother and avoid adding 600+ views at the same time? HorizontalScrollView can contain only one View , so you have to draw that whole View anytime you are drawing any part of it. This could, however, be worked around by extending ViewGroup as child of your HorizontalScrollView using your custom

Selecting/highlighting multiple items in listview with custom adapter - Android

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-05 03:36:26
I followed a good tutorial, with some changes, to create a custom ListView that will allow me to display multiple images for each row in my ListView. What I would like to do is highlight by selecting multiple items in the list and then perform some sort of action to all of those list items by selecting an option on my Options Menu. However, the problem I seem to be running into is that I cannot select multiple items, even though I have added android:choiceMode="multipleChoice" to the ListView in the .xml file. I realize that this can be done using check boxes or radio buttons, but I would

After maintaining collapse/expand state for N-level or Multilevel expandablelistview some subgroups are not displayed

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-05 01:00:33
I worked a lot to create **N-level expandableListView. I am able to make it to any level but my requirement is to maintain the state of opened groups even after scroll. I tried with multiple ways but still unsuccessful. This Expandable listview is meeting with all company requirement other than this issue. *This is one way, which i tried. I am able to save the states within objects but few subgroups are not getting displayed. * I tried with onMeasure(width,height) method to maintain the height when dynamic generated list but still failed to get perfect one. Also i went through a number of

Android ListView row color

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-04 05:51:22
问题 I'm trying to change the row color of my listView in customAdapter. There's an array of integer that include 0 and 1, I'm trying to read from the array and change the color of rows like this: 0 = white 1 = yellow but it shows a yellow color in all rows. This is my CustomAdapter: package com.example.test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import android.content.Context; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view

Android AutoCompleteTextView shows object information instead of text in landscape mode

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-04 01:20:30
I am using a Custom Adapter with AutoCompleteTextView. It works fine on the emulator and my tablet. However, there is an issue on my phone in landscape mode. The auto complete hints being shown in this mode are object info rather than text. However, when I select any item the fields gets populated correctly with text in the respective fields. Auto Complete for other fields that are based on Android Stock Array Adapter works fine. Do I have to do something for this in my Custom Adapter? I saw only one similar question on SO. One response for that question was talking about overriding the

How can inflate a layout containing listview in a alert dialog?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-04 00:29:28
I am using a listview with a custom adapter in a layout. Now i am trying to bring that layout containing list to my alertdialog. I tried to bring simple layouts not containing list to alert dialog with this code and its is working good. But i am unable to bring the list containing layout into alertdialog. AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder( this ); dialog.setView( getLayoutInflater().inflate( R.layout.smill, null ) ); dialog.setIcon(R.drawable.androidsmile); dialog.setInverseBackgroundForced(true); dialog.setTitle( "Select smiley"); dialog.setPositiveButton( "Cancel", null );

Custom Adapter Not showing data

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-03 21:07:06
I have developed an custom adapter which takes data from SQLite. Data is selecting and adapter also gets data. But its not showing in the list view. I don't get any errors. I printed data get in the adapter but only one set of data is shown. Not all data. I have developed and follow normal custom adapter implementation example. I have some doubts. 1-In my customAdapter class. when i am inflating XML for the custom rows in adapter when findviewById() is called only one Text View shows 'it may produce null pointer Exception'.Why ? my xml for list view row. <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http:/

How to let OnClick in ListView's Adapter call Activity's function

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-03 17:30:27
问题 I have an Android application with a ListView in it, the ListView will setup fine but now I want a image in the ListView to be clickable. I do this by using 2 classes, the Activity class (parent) and an ArrayAdapter to fill the list. In the ArrayAdapter I implement a OnClickListener for the image in the list that I want to be clickable. So far it all works. But now I want to run a function from the activity class when the onClick, for the image in the list, is run but I do not know how. Below

How to use setTag and getTag with custom adapter

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-03 12:03:56
问题 I get stucked and I need help. I'm trying to use set and get Tag but i can't get how it works for this action: I'm using list view to show images loaded to extended adapter The custom Adapter inflate a layout with imageview_1, textview_1 and button_1 On my principal activity, I have a "Public Void OnClickHandler" for button_1 and was configurated on layout with "android:onClick", so when button is clicked it do something When button_1 is clicked, I want to get the text from textview_1 from

How to let OnClick in ListView's Adapter call Activity's function

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2019-12-03 05:56:39
I have an Android application with a ListView in it, the ListView will setup fine but now I want a image in the ListView to be clickable. I do this by using 2 classes, the Activity class (parent) and an ArrayAdapter to fill the list. In the ArrayAdapter I implement a OnClickListener for the image in the list that I want to be clickable. So far it all works. But now I want to run a function from the activity class when the onClick, for the image in the list, is run but I do not know how. Below are the 2 classes that I use. First the Activity class: public class parent_class extends Activity