

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-26 23:45:16
---恢复内容开始--- 一、多进程    1、multiprocessing模块用来开启子进程,并在子进程中执行我们定制的任务(比如函数),该模块与多线程模块threading的编程接口类似。 import time from multiprocessing import Process def func(name): print('%s 函数开始,time:%s' %(name,time.ctime())) # time.sleep(2) print('%s 函数结束,time:%s' %(name,time.ctime())) if __name__ == "__main__": p1=Process(target=func,args=('one',)) p2=Process(target=func,args=('two',)) p3=Process(target=func,args=('three',)) p4=Process(target=func,args=('four',)) p5 = Process(target=func, args=('five',)) p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() p4.start() p5.start() print(u'主进程%s'%time.ctime())结果: one 函数开始,time:Sat

Issue with using ctime to advance a given date to next calendar date

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-25 05:23:06
问题 I wrote the following piece of code to advance the input date to the following calendar date. This works well when tested in a dummy source file compiled with g++ 4.1.2 However, when running the following code from within my firm's simulator(intricate details of which are unavailable to me at this point), it breaks on 20021027; i.e. for dates other than 20021027, it works as intended but for 20021027, it returns 20021027 itself. Please advise as to what could be going wrong? int nextday(const

With python: intervals at x:00 repeat

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-24 09:48:23
问题 How do I sched a repeat timer for 5 min intervals. Which fire at 00 seconds, then repeat at 00. Ok, not hard real-time but as close as possible with sys lags. Trying to avoid a build up in lags and get near 00. Lang: Python, OS: WinXP x64 System has 25ms resolution. Any code would be helpful, tia 回答1: I don't know how to do it any more accurately than with threading.Timer. It's "one-shot", but that just means the function you schedule that way must immediately re-schedule itself for another

What are the disadvantages to using ctime's tzset?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-23 17:24:09
问题 In a question about getting a system's time zone, this answer did not get up-voted. It suggests the use of tzset() and some system globals (e.g. daylight , timezone , and tzname ) from time.h . After some testing, I was able to get accurate results from this method on both Windows and Mac. But I'm guessing the answer mentioned above was not up-voted for a reason. Is this true? Should I prefer OS-specific calls instead of this C-standard? 回答1: No, if there is not an standard C function (and


Deadly 提交于 2019-12-23 00:50:41
Python中创建线程有两种方式:函数或者用类来创建线程对象。 函数式: 调用 _thread 模块中的start_new_thread()函数来产生新线程。 类: 创建 threading.Thread的子类来包装一个线程对象。 一.函数式:调用thread模块中的start_new_thread()函数来产生新线程 thread.start_new_thread ( function, args[, kwargs] ) function - 线程函数 args - 传递给线程函数的参数,他必须是个tuple类型 kwargs - 可选参数 例:通过thread来创建新线程 import thread,time def timer(name,delay): count = 0 while count < 5: time.sleep(delay) count +=1 print "%s:%s" %(name,time.ctime()) #创建两个线程 thread.start_new_thread(timer,('Thread-1',2,)) #timer表示执行timer函数,后面元组内表示timer函数的两个参数 thread.start_new_thread(timer,('Thread-2',4,)) while 1: pass 输出结果: Thread-1:Tue Oct


折月煮酒 提交于 2019-12-20 09:31:33
上一节中鸡啄米讲了MFC常用类CString类的用法,本节继续讲另外两个MFC常用类-日期和时间类CTime类和CTimeSpan类。 日期和时间类简介 CTime类的对象表示的时间是基于格林威治标准时间(GMT)的。CTimeSpan类的对象表示的是时间间隔。 CTime类和CTimeSpan类一般不会被继承使用。两者对象的大小都是8个字节。 CTime表示的日期上限是3000年12月31日,下限是1970年1月1日 12:00:00 AM GMT。 CTime类的主要成员函数 下面列出CTime类的主要成员函数,并加以讲解。 CTime(); 构造一个未经初始化的CTime对象。此构造函数使我们可以定义一个CTime对象的数组,在使用数组前需要以有效的时间值为其初始化。 CTime(__time64_t time); 以一个__time64_t(注意:最前面的下划线有两条)类型的数据来构造一个CTime对象。参数time是一个__time64_t类型的值,表示自GMT时间1970年1月1日零点以来的秒数,这里要注意的是,参数time代表的时间会转换为本地时间保存到构造的CTime对象中。例如,我们传递参数0构造一个CTime对象,然后调用CTime对象的GetHour成员函数将返回8,因为参数0代表的GMT时间转换为北京时间后为1970年1月1日 8:00:00。 CTime(

如何在VC中加减日期及 CTime COleDateTime的常用操作

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-20 09:22:00
如何在VC中加减日期 使用CTime类,如: CTime t1( 1999, 3, 19, 22, 15, 0 ); // 10:15PM March 19, 1999 CTime t2( 1999, 3, 20, 22, 15, 0 ); // 10:15PM March 20, 1999 CTimeSpan ts = t2 - t1; // Subtract 2 CTimes ASSERT( ts.GetTotalSeconds() == 86400L ); ASSERT( ( t1 + ts ) == t2 ); // Add a CTimeSpan to a CTime. ASSERT( ( t2 - ts ) == t1 ); // Subtract a CTimeSpan from a CTime. CTime COleDateTime的常用操作和比较 1) 获取当前时间。 CTime time; time = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); 2) 获取时间元素。 int year = time.GetYear() ; int month = time.GetMonth(); int day = time.GetDay(); int hour = time.GetHour(); int minute = time.GetMinute(); int


ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-18 11:34:41
我有一个脚本,该脚本需要根据文件创建和修改日期执行一些操作,但必须在Linux和Windows上运行。 在 Python 中获取文件创建和修改日期/时间的最佳 跨平台 方法是什么? #1楼 最好的功能是 os.path.getmtime() 。 在内部,这仅使用 os.stat( file name).st_mtime 。 datetime模块是最好的操作时间戳,因此您可以将修改日期作为 datetime 对象获取,如下所示: import os import datetime def modification_date(filename): t = os.path.getmtime(filename) return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t) 用法示例: >>> d = modification_date('/var/log/syslog') >>> print d 2009-10-06 10:50:01 >>> print repr(d) datetime.datetime(2009, 10, 6, 10, 50, 1) #2楼 通过运行系统的stat命令并解析输出,我能够在posix上获得创建时间。 commands.getoutput('stat FILENAME').split('\"')[7] 从终端(OS X

How to parse a string to a ctime struct?

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-18 07:20:02
问题 Is there an established way to parse a string to a Time structure? What I would ideally like to do is the reverse of strftime(...) , where instead of producing a string from a time struct and format string, I get a time struct from a string parsed according to the provided format string. I would prefer not to add additional overhead by including a DateTime class such as that found in Boost or .NET 回答1: The corresponding method for parsing strings to struct tm * is strptime. Unfortunately this

How to parse a string to a ctime struct?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-18 07:18:21
问题 Is there an established way to parse a string to a Time structure? What I would ideally like to do is the reverse of strftime(...) , where instead of producing a string from a time struct and format string, I get a time struct from a string parsed according to the provided format string. I would prefer not to add additional overhead by including a DateTime class such as that found in Boost or .NET 回答1: The corresponding method for parsing strings to struct tm * is strptime. Unfortunately this