
Convert signature from P1363 to ASN.1/DER format using Crypto++?

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-04-13 14:29:29
问题 I have a signature created this way: size_t siglenth = _signer.MaxSignatureLength(); QByteArray signature(siglenth, 0x00); signature.reserve(siglenth); siglenth = _signer.SignMessage(_prng, (const CryptoPP::byte*) (message.constData()), message.length(), (CryptoPP::byte*); My signature have a size of 64 and contains: ECCD530E5F232B7C566CA5322F990B3D55ED91156DF3845C4B9105BFE57606DDD68F332A0A5BF7CAB673E4970D10109B72F114571E7474F93ED7C89CD1B89AD4 From what I have read in dsa.h

Convert signature from P1363 to ASN.1/DER format using Crypto++?

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2020-04-13 14:28:05
问题 I have a signature created this way: size_t siglenth = _signer.MaxSignatureLength(); QByteArray signature(siglenth, 0x00); signature.reserve(siglenth); siglenth = _signer.SignMessage(_prng, (const CryptoPP::byte*) (message.constData()), message.length(), (CryptoPP::byte*); My signature have a size of 64 and contains: ECCD530E5F232B7C566CA5322F990B3D55ED91156DF3845C4B9105BFE57606DDD68F332A0A5BF7CAB673E4970D10109B72F114571E7474F93ED7C89CD1B89AD4 From what I have read in dsa.h

Convert signature from P1363 to ASN.1/DER format using Crypto++?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2020-04-13 14:26:39
问题 I have a signature created this way: size_t siglenth = _signer.MaxSignatureLength(); QByteArray signature(siglenth, 0x00); signature.reserve(siglenth); siglenth = _signer.SignMessage(_prng, (const CryptoPP::byte*) (message.constData()), message.length(), (CryptoPP::byte*); My signature have a size of 64 and contains: ECCD530E5F232B7C566CA5322F990B3D55ED91156DF3845C4B9105BFE57606DDD68F332A0A5BF7CAB673E4970D10109B72F114571E7474F93ED7C89CD1B89AD4 From what I have read in dsa.h


∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2020-04-12 17:59:43
1,非对称加密RSA: (1)乙方生成两把密钥(公钥和私钥)。公钥是公开的,任何人都可以获得,私钥则是保密的。 (2)甲方获取乙方的公钥,然后用它对信息加密。 (3)乙方得到加密后的信息,用私钥解密。 2,使用CryptoPP实现RSA: CryptoPP是一套非常完整的加密解密开源解决方案,如何使用这里就不多说了,请自行Google。 #include "..\cryptopp562\randpool.h" #include "..\cryptopp562\osrng.h" #include "..\cryptopp562\rsa.h" //待加密的字符串 string message = ""; printf("message = %s, length = %d\n", message.c_str(), strlen(message.c_str())); /* //自动生成随机数据 byte seed[600] = ""; AutoSeededRandomPool rnd; rnd.GenerateBlock(seed, sizeof(seed)); printf("seed = %s\n", (char *)seed, strlen((char *)seed)); /

Example of AES using Crypto++ [closed]

夙愿已清 提交于 2020-03-21 10:52:27
问题 Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 5 years ago . I have been searching the Internet for good c++ AES code sample/tutorial that teaches the basics of the encryption technology and the use of the Library but so far I have had no luck getting decent material. good: Easy to understand (Just the basics for on the go study). 回答1: Official document of Crypto++ AES is

How to get/set internal state of a CFB_Mode Encryption Object?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-02-25 09:17:08
问题 Is it possible to create a new Encryption object that has the same internal state as a previously created Encryption object (I need this, to only keep the IV between function calls, and not the whole object)? I thought it should be possible with the function GetNextIV but I didn't get the right result. In the following example the string This is the text gets encoded and the correct encoded text is: 94-41-d2-d4-06-05-f6-cd-d0-25-d6-f4-f6-52-55-7b-7c- But I get: 94-a8-a9-b3-e0-a9-b3-e0-b4-a8

Encrypt big char* using std::string with Crypto++

蓝咒 提交于 2020-02-08 04:19:28
问题 I am new with Crypto++. I want to using Crypto++ library to encrypt/decrypt a large byte array in C++. The data can be anything, so asume its binary format. First, I tried with "byte array" (char * or char[]). byte PlainText[] = { 'H','e','l','l','o',' ', 'W','o','r','l','d', 0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0 }; byte key[ AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH ]; ::memset( key, 0x01, AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH ); // Encrypt ECB_Mode< AES >::Encryption Encryptor( key, sizeof(key) ); byte cbCipherText[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; Encryptor

RSA function generates public key (e) always to 17

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-16 04:35:20
问题 I've been working on a project based on RSA key exchange and I have used Crypto++ Library. I followed the guidelines in and my project works fine. However, I noticed that the public key is always fixed to 17 10 = 11 16 and when I looked in the rsa.cpp in Crypto++ that public key is fixed! Again, my project works fine, but I just want to know why.. 回答1: I noticed that the public key is always fixed to 17 10 = 11 16 and when I looked in the rsa.cpp in

What is the difference between FileSink, StringSink, Filesource, StringSource Crypto++

北战南征 提交于 2020-01-15 20:15:06
问题 I am reading in an image, encrypting it, then decrypting it. The goal is to be looping this eventually and recording the time it takes for the process to complete. Currently what I have it reads the file in, then it encrypts it, encrypts it, the creates another file based on the recovered data. I don't need to make another file with the decrypted picture. Previously I had been using StringSource and StringSink , but that only worked for text files. I received some help at How to read an image

Storing the IV with the ciphertext Crypto++ CBC AES encryption

匆匆过客 提交于 2020-01-14 04:38:05
问题 I'm trying to encrypt(and decrypt after) a file using AES in CBC mode and Crypto++ library Here's what I already did: using namespace CryptoPP; AutoSeededRandomPool rnd; //generating the key and iv SecByteBlock key(AES::MAX_KEYLENGTH); rnd.GenerateBlock(key, key.size()); byte iv[AES::BLOCKSIZE]; rnd.GenerateBlock(iv, AES::BLOCKSIZE); To encrypt a file,I open it in binary mode,and dump the content to a string : std::ifstream fin(file_path, std::ios::binary); if (!fin) { std::cout << "error"; }