
How do you provide labels for the axis of a Core Plot chart?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-17 22:34:18
问题 I am using the Core Plot framework, and attempting to work through the example applications. Are there any tutorials for using this framework? Specifically, how do you provide labels for X and Y axes in a chart? 回答1: Unfortunately, given the fact that the API of the framework has not yet stabilized, there aren't that many tutorials out there, and several of the ones that do exist are already outdated. The example applications really are the best sources to see how to work with the framework.

CorePlot failed to build in XCode 4.4

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-17 13:03:41
问题 I am using CorePlot 0.3, everything was ok until I upgraded XCode to 4.4 (2 days ago), CorePlot failed to build and I got some errors with message: clang: error: -Z-reserved-lib-stdc++: 'linker' input unused when '-c' is present Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 1 I have tried to search and it seems there are many people have a same problem, and I also found some suggestions and solution to fix it, I have

real time plotting on iPhone using core plot?

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-17 10:17:33
问题 I want to use core-plot for drawing line graph dynamically. data won't come at a time, we will be receiving point by point dynamically. Is it possible to draw the chart dynamically using core-plot i.e drawing point by point as on when we receive the (x,y) point? Please help me, Thanks. 回答1: Yes, you can do this reasonably easily. For each received data point, append it to an array of values to display. As these data points come in, call -reloadData on the Core Plot graph (or just the

CorePlot/Swift method not found

别来无恙 提交于 2019-12-14 04:21:51
问题 I'm working on building a Swift iOS app, and integrating CorePlot via CocoaPods. Things are working pretty well, but I'm running into a problem where I'm unable to call certain methods in a CorePlot class. I'm not sure if this is a compiler bug or if I'm not understanding the way the methods map over. Basically, I have this variable called xRange, and I'm casting as CPTMutablePlotRange, then attempting to call the expandRangeByFactor method on it, but XCode is complaining that it isn't found.

x-axis labels in coreplot not displayed

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-14 02:07:49
问题 I have attached the entire code which I am using but the x-axis label is not being generated .I have no clue where it is going wrong .I am a noob in core plot .PLease Help me out .Thanks in Advance and Happy New Year. #import "BarPlotViewController.h" @interface BarPlotViewController () @end @implementation BarPlotViewController #define BAR_POSITION @"POSITION" #define BAR_HEIGHT @"HEIGHT" #define COLOR @"COLOR" #define CATEGORY @"CATEGORY" #define AXIS_START 0 #define AXIS_END 50 //

Using Epoch time on the X-Axis coreplot

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-13 21:33:58
问题 Is there a way I can use coreplot scatterplot x-axis with epochtime? This is the plot range that I used. plotSpace.xRange = [CPTPlotRange plotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromFloat(1329375688) length:CPTDecimalFromFloat(100)]; I'm reading the epoch values from a file. -(void)plot1{ // Start with some simple sanity checks before we kick off if ( (self.scatterPlotView1 == nil) || (self.graphData == nil)) { NSLog(@"TUTSimpleScatterPlot: Cannot initialise plot without scatterPlotView1 or data.");

Enable x-Axis (Horizontal) scroll in coreplot

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-13 19:21:38
问题 I am using code from this link . And currently If I have 50 bar columns or 150 bar columns then the labels below is compressed and I would like to have horizontal scroll on x-Axis instead of having compressed x-Axis. I have tried this: plotSpace.xRange = CPTPlotRangeplotRangeWithLocation:CPTDecimalFromInt(-1)length:CPTDecimalFromInt(50)]; Attaching code from the file : #import "GraphView.h" @implementation GraphView - (void)generateData { NSMutableDictionary *dataTemp = [[NSMutableDictionary

Core plot- prevent zooming/scaling of plot to show full axes range

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-13 15:20:57
问题 I have a y-axis boundary from 0 to 100 and an x axis boundary from 0 to 10. When I plot data points (0,85) and (1,86), only the portion of the plot with data points is shown. I understand how this is useful, but in my case I need the entire axis shown, unscaled. Is there a way to show the complete axes, without zooming to the data points? Thanks for your help. 回答1: Is more a hint than an answer.. but, as I already said in comments: you can try to remove "scaleToFitPlots" and set xRange and

How can i change the values to BarChart dynamically in Core-Plot iphone?

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-13 12:42:02
问题 I am using Core-Plot library to draw bar chart in iPhone. I am using CPTTestApp-iPhone to my training. In my project the bar appear very good thats looks like from the sample project. But, i dont where i need to give the values to draw the bars. Then, in my actual project i need to change the bar values dynamically. How can i do this? Please help me to find out the solution. Thanks in advance. Below the sample datasource code, #pragma mark - #pragma mark Plot Data Source Methods -(NSUInteger

How to repeatedly call a method (reload…) with a timer to animate a transition

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-13 08:58:58
问题 I implemented corePlot in my xcode project. I'm trying to "explode" a slice of the pie chart with animation. Here is the method I'm using: - (void)radialOffsetForPieChart:(CPTPieChart *)pieChart recordIndex:(NSUInteger)idx { if (myIndex == idx) { return 20; } return 0; } I have another method which calls [pieChart reloadRadialOffset]; . For example: - (void)thisMethod { [pieChart reloadRadialOffset]; } How can I animate the reloadRadialOffsets ? 回答1: I just added an example to the "Simple Pie