
WPF - MenuItem with children not firing bound command

无人久伴 提交于 2021-01-28 05:09:26
问题 So I've been butting my head against the wall with this one all day. In my WPF application (using MVVM Light), I have a context menu which is bound to a collection of viewmodels, and it is not behaving quite correctly. I can create my menu, and everything works perfectly with my tree of MenuItems behaving, commands being executed, and the correct parameter coming through. I'm using this to make a context menu which allows a user to add items to folders. The problem that I've run into is that

Is there any way to override the (dark/light) user interface style of iOS 13 Context Menus?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-01-27 21:12:45
问题 My app supports iOS 13 dark mode, and provides the user the option of matching the system appearance or forcing the app to always use either dark mode or light mode, irrespective of the system setting. The app also allows presenting a Context Menu when the user presses a UILabel . However, when presenting Context Menus using UIContextMenuInteractionDelegate methods, I cannot find any way to override the dark/light appearance of the menus, nor the appearance of the UITargetedPreview view that

跟我学Android之八 ActionBar与菜单

别来无恙 提交于 2021-01-13 08:24:23
视频课: 本章内容 第1节菜单概述 第2节选项菜单和子菜单 第3节上下文菜单 第4节使用XML定义菜单 第5节 ActionBar的作用 本章目标 了解各版本菜单的特征。 掌握创建选项菜单的方法。 掌握菜单事件的处理方法。 掌握动态改变菜单的方法。 掌握创建上下文菜单的方法。 熟悉扩展上下文菜单的方法。 了解ActionBar的作用。 Android系统中的菜单 u 菜单通常有两种情况:选项菜单和上下文菜单 Ø 与Activity相关的叫选项菜单,在显示Activity时按MENU键弹出 Ø 与具体视图相关的菜单叫上下文菜单,长按视图将弹出 选项菜单是个当前Activity关联的菜单 u 对于Android2.3.x及以前的版本 Ø 通过设备的“菜单”按钮弹出 Ø 出现在屏幕底部 u 对于Android3.x及以后的版本 Ø 出现在ActionBar的右端 Ø 点击ActionBar的右端或设备上的“菜单”按钮弹出 Ø 菜单项可以出现在ActionBar上 Ø Ø u 可以在Activity的子类和Fragment的子类中定义选项菜单 Ø 如果两者都定义了,那么在显示的时候将会合并两者的菜单 Ø 合并显示时先显示Activity的菜单 添加菜单或子菜单的步骤如下: Ø

WPF Contextmenu itemtemplate commandParameter binding returns null

早过忘川 提交于 2021-01-07 07:01:19
问题 I have a problem. I am trying to create a context menu with databinding in wpf. The context menu items would are bound to an observable collection of objects. The population of context menu is fine - however, I want to add the command to it. The way I am using it is: in XAML <Grid.Resources> <local:RestoreCommand x:Key="RestoreCommand" /> <local:ShowBalloonCommand x:Key="BaloonCommand" /> <local:StartTaskCommand x:Key="StartTaskCommand" /> </Grid.Resources> <ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding}

WPF Contextmenu itemtemplate commandParameter binding returns null

半世苍凉 提交于 2021-01-07 07:01:07
问题 I have a problem. I am trying to create a context menu with databinding in wpf. The context menu items would are bound to an observable collection of objects. The population of context menu is fine - however, I want to add the command to it. The way I am using it is: in XAML <Grid.Resources> <local:RestoreCommand x:Key="RestoreCommand" /> <local:ShowBalloonCommand x:Key="BaloonCommand" /> <local:StartTaskCommand x:Key="StartTaskCommand" /> </Grid.Resources> <ContextMenu ItemsSource="{Binding}

c# How to open the Windows Shellex inside my App? [closed]

雨燕双飞 提交于 2021-01-05 08:53:19
问题 Closed . This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed last month . Improve this question There are plenty of questions on how to alter Windows Shellex but I couldn't find any on how to show the Window Shell inside my Desktop app. Is there any Windows functionality? I managed to find out that Explorer.exe is calling C:\WINDOWS\System32\shell32.dll I could find

c# How to open the Windows Shellex inside my App? [closed]

三世轮回 提交于 2021-01-05 08:53:15
问题 Closed . This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed last month . Improve this question There are plenty of questions on how to alter Windows Shellex but I couldn't find any on how to show the Window Shell inside my Desktop app. Is there any Windows functionality? I managed to find out that Explorer.exe is calling C:\WINDOWS\System32\shell32.dll I could find


[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-12-18 21:17:20
1、v-on:click 单击事件 <! DOCTYPE html > < html > < head > < title > Page Title </ title > < script src = "vue.js" /> < script > var c = new Vue({ el: ' #box ' , data:{ arr:[ ' a ' , ' b ' , ' c ' , ' d ' ] }, methods:{ show: function (){ alert( 1 ); }, add: function (){ this .arr.push( ' e ' ) } } }); </ script > </ head > < body > < div id = "box" > < input type = "button" value = "button" v-on:click ="show()" > < input type = "button" value = "button" v-on:click ="add()" >        <br>         <ul><li v-for = "value in arr">{{value}}</li></ul> </ div > </ body > </ html > v-on:mouseover、mouseout


旧时模样 提交于 2020-12-16 11:24:52
前言 对于Unity编辑器的扩展方法众多,本文从最常用的一些方法入手,例如Inspector脚本栏的扩展、顶菜单栏的扩展等,图文并茂阐述其完整用法。 本文大部分内容整理自 独立游戏开发 - indienova 所著的 Unity使用技巧集合 ,但仅选取了最常用的一些方法,并在自身项目上加以实现。 项目地址: UnityEditor - SouthBegonia https: // 本文仅供学习交流,如有任何侵权行为立即删除。 脚本栏的扩展 该部分的扩展方法集中在Inspector中脚本面板,主要体现在代码实现脚本栏中可视变量的规范化、便捷化 [Header] 属性标题 为后续区域代码拟订一个标题,用于区分和概述该区域代码含义 [Header( "武器" )] public int weapon; public int ammunition; public int aurability; [Tooltip] 属性提示 实现在Inspector中,鼠标位于该变量名字上时,提示该变量的描述信息 [Tooltip( "玩家的名字,肯定不再是JOJO对吧" )] public string playerName; [Space] 空行属性


我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-12-14 08:26:18
Jetbrains家族和Pycharm版本划分: pycharm是Jetbrains家族中的一个明星产品,Jetbrains开发了许多好用的编辑器,包括Java编辑器(IntelliJ IDEA)、JavaScript编辑器(WebStorm)、PHP编辑器(PHPStorm)、Ruby编辑器(RubyMine)、C和C++编辑器(CLion)、.Net编辑器(Rider)、iOS/macOS编辑器(AppCode)等。pycharm现在在官网[]是分为两个版本,第一个版本是Professional(专业版本),这个版本功能更加强大,主要是为Python和web开发者而准备,是需要付费的。第二个版本是社区版,一个专业版的阉割版,比较轻量级,主要是为Python和数据专家而准备的。一般我们做开发,下载专业版本比较合适。 PyCharm 是我用过的python编辑器中,比较顺手的一个。而且可以跨平台,在macos和windows下面都可以用,这点比较好。是python现在最好用的编辑器,没有之一。 安装包 PyCharm 笔者使用PyCharm2018.3.2,请根据机器是64位还是32位来选择对应的PyCharm版本。(相信绝大部分人都可以很从容的来查看自己机器的位数