
HibernateEntityValueEncoder NullPointerException

三世轮回 提交于 2020-01-06 12:45:49
问题 I'm using a CRUD framework called Tynamo, which in turn relies on Apache Tapestry and Hibernate. This all works fine, except for when I try to use it for CRUD on a table with a composite/compound primary key. I've decided not to go the @EmbeddedId route, since it seems to not work at all with the framework. That being said, I have been using the @IdClass method, which is mostly working; I think I'm a line or two of code away from success. The issue is that when it starts using reflection to

Query using composite keys, other than Row Key in Cassandra

前提是你 提交于 2020-01-01 09:30:35
问题 I want to query data filtering by composite keys other than Row Key in CQL3. These are my queries: CREATE TABLE grades (id int, date timestamp, subject text, status text, PRIMARY KEY (id, subject, status, date) ); When I try and access the data, SELECT * FROM grades where id = 1098; //works fine SELECT * FROM grades where subject = 'English' ALLOW FILTERING; //works fine SELECT * FROM grades where status = 'Active' ALLOW FILTERING; //gives an error Bad Request: PRIMARY KEY part status cannot

How to make a composite key to be unique?

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-01-01 09:11:31
问题 I am making a database of students in one school.Here is what I have so far: If you don't like reading jump to the "In short" part The problem is that I'm not happy with this design. I want the combination of grade , subgrade and id_class to be unique and to serve as a primary key for the students table. I can remove the student_id and make a composite key from the 3 but I don't want that either. Maybe I should make another table lets say combination_id where grade , subgrade and id_class are

How to make a composite key to be unique?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2020-01-01 09:10:09
问题 I am making a database of students in one school.Here is what I have so far: If you don't like reading jump to the "In short" part The problem is that I'm not happy with this design. I want the combination of grade , subgrade and id_class to be unique and to serve as a primary key for the students table. I can remove the student_id and make a composite key from the 3 but I don't want that either. Maybe I should make another table lets say combination_id where grade , subgrade and id_class are

Duplicate columns when using EmbeddedId with a ManyToOne mapping with Ebean

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-01 07:58:45
问题 I have a model called "EventCheckin" which has a ManyToOne mapping to an "Event" and a "User". The PrimaryKey of the "EventCheckin" table is the id of the user and the id of the event. I'm trying to represent this using an "EmbeddedId" in my EventCheckin model but when I attempt to save an EventCheckin it tries to put the user_id and event_id values into the table twice which obviously fails: Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Duplicate column name "USER_ID"; SQL statement: insert into

Entity Framework CTP4 and composite keys

和自甴很熟 提交于 2020-01-01 06:38:30
问题 I was playing with EntityFramework CTP4 and decided to apply it to one of my current projects. The application uses a SQLServer database and there is one table with a composite key. Say, table "MyEntity" has "Key1" and "Key2" as both foreign keys (individually) and as a composite primary key. I made a configuration class derived from EntityConfiguration : class MyEntityConfiguration : EntityConfiguration<MyEntity> { public MyEntityConfiguration() { HasKey(m => m.Key1); HasKey(m => m.Key2); }

Ebean EmbeddedId mapping column to ManyToOne relation

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-30 11:12:35
问题 I'm facing a problem with Ebean when trying to create Composed Keys (EmbeddedId). This is a draft of what I have: @Entity public class EntityA extends Model{ @Id private String ID; @OneToMany private List<EntityB> listEntitesB; public EntityA(){ ID = UUID.randomUUID(); } } @Entity public class EntityB extends Model{ @EmbeddedId private EntityB_PK ID; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="entityA_fk", referencedColumnName="listEntitiesB") private EntityA entityA; public EntityB(String entityB_ID){ ID =

how to create a composite primary key hibernate JPA?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-29 08:19:27
问题 i try to create composite primary key in table from 2 foreign key using hibernate JPA,but gives me error.I find some solution on net but nothing The relations between tables looks like this: Table Client clientID(PK) FirstName LastName . Table CarService serviceID(PK) DescriptionOfFailure . . Table ServiceDepartment clientID(PK) serviceID(PK) price . implementation of my code looks like this: @Entity public class ServiceDepartmentBean implements ServiceDepartmentI { @EmbeddedId private

Creating Composite Key Entity Framework

社会主义新天地 提交于 2019-12-27 12:00:27
问题 Shortly, I want to create composite keys on my table remaining with the primary key in order to improve sql server search performance. The performance issue occurs on 200k data table whenever I search an entity without primary key (i.e a string of GUID). Assume that I have 3 classes public class Device{ public int ID { get; set; } public string UDID { get; set; } public string ApplicationKey { get; set; } public string PlatformKey { get; set; } public ICollection<NotificationMessageDevice>

Composite Foreign Key from multiple related tables

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-25 08:49:46
问题 Just beginning to learn about SQL and had a question I couldn't figure out. I have a setup based on the following tables and their primary keys, the columns with the same name between tables are constrained by foreign keys: Company: CompanyId Division: CompanyId DivisionId Resource: CompanyId ResourceId DivisionResource : CompanyId DivisionId ResourceId DivisionResource is used to create a many to many relation between division and resource and constrain them so that divisions can only be