
Android - Comma as decimal separator on Numeric Keyboard

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-08-24 06:34:50
问题 We need to have a numeric keyboard for an EditText . The Keyboard should have decimal separator based on the device's selected locale. We implemented this by setting the custom DigitsKeyListener to the EditText public class NumericDigitsKeyListener extends DigitsKeyListener { @Override protected char[] getAcceptedChars() { char[] acceptedCharacters = null; acceptedCharacters = new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.getDefaultLocale())

How can I set tmux hotkey as Ctrl-, that is, Ctrl+comma

寵の児 提交于 2020-08-21 05:29:57
问题 I've got some trouble when setting my preferred tmux hotkey on Mac OS X. The most common hotkeys that invokes tmux's magics are CTRL + A and CTRL + B . But I would rather select other keystrokes for the following reasons: C-a is the global hot key for "jumping to the beginning of a line"; C - b is for "moving backward on a line" and "Page UP in Vim". I don't want to break these nice rules in tmux. So, I try to set some non-so-frequently-used keystrokes for tmux hotkey. What I choose is CTRL -

data frame with commas as decimal separator

。_饼干妹妹 提交于 2020-08-06 05:04:48
问题 I have data frame as csv file, numbers are separated with commas as decimal separators, I managed to import and read it in R using read.csv2 . But now numbers are seen as characters . What I want to do is to replace commas with dots and have a numeric value. My df looks like this: var1 <- c("50,0", "72,0", "960,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0") var2 <- c("40,0", "742,0", "9460,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0") var3<- c("40,0", "72,0", "90,0", "1,30", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0") df <-

What regular expression can I use to find the Nᵗʰ entry in a comma-separated list?

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-07-28 19:10:20
问题 I need a regular expression that can be used to find the N th entry in a comma-separated list. For example, say this list looks like this: abc,def,4322,,3321,alpha-beta,43 ...and I wanted to find the value of the 7 th entry ( alpha-beta ). 回答1: My first thought would not be to use a regular expression, but to use something that splits the string into an array on the comma, but since you asked for a regex. most regexes allow you to specify a minimum or maximum match, so

What regular expression can I use to find the Nᵗʰ entry in a comma-separated list?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-07-28 19:07:28
问题 I need a regular expression that can be used to find the N th entry in a comma-separated list. For example, say this list looks like this: abc,def,4322,,3321,alpha-beta,43 ...and I wanted to find the value of the 7 th entry ( alpha-beta ). 回答1: My first thought would not be to use a regular expression, but to use something that splits the string into an array on the comma, but since you asked for a regex. most regexes allow you to specify a minimum or maximum match, so

What regular expression can I use to find the Nᵗʰ entry in a comma-separated list?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-07-28 19:07:11
问题 I need a regular expression that can be used to find the N th entry in a comma-separated list. For example, say this list looks like this: abc,def,4322,,3321,alpha-beta,43 ...and I wanted to find the value of the 7 th entry ( alpha-beta ). 回答1: My first thought would not be to use a regular expression, but to use something that splits the string into an array on the comma, but since you asked for a regex. most regexes allow you to specify a minimum or maximum match, so

Formatting tick label for the German language, i.e., with a point as a thousands separator and comma as a decimal separator

自作多情 提交于 2020-07-22 21:20:35
问题 I want my tick labels to be formatted according to the German style, with the comma as the decimal separator and the period/point as the thousands separator. The following code works for the decimal separator on the x-axis, but does not do anything for the y-axis. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import locale # Set to German locale to get comma decimal separater locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, "deu_deu") plt.ticklabel_format(useLocale=True) # evenly sampled time at

Regular expression to match and split on chinese comma in JavaScript

雨燕双飞 提交于 2020-06-25 04:57:28
问题 I have a regular expression /\s*,\s*/ that matches left spaces followed by comma then right spaces. Example: var str = "john,walker james , paul"; var arr = str.split(/\s*,\s*/); Values in arr = [john,walker james,paul] // Size: 3 Example with Chinese characters: var str = "继续,取消 继续 ,取消"; var arr = str.split(/\s*,\s*/); Values in arr = ["继续,取消 继续 ,取消"] // Size: 1, All values at index 0 no splitting happened Tried splitting characters with unicodes: var str = "john,walker james , paul"; var

Regular expression to match and split on chinese comma in JavaScript

限于喜欢 提交于 2020-06-25 04:57:04
问题 I have a regular expression /\s*,\s*/ that matches left spaces followed by comma then right spaces. Example: var str = "john,walker james , paul"; var arr = str.split(/\s*,\s*/); Values in arr = [john,walker james,paul] // Size: 3 Example with Chinese characters: var str = "继续,取消 继续 ,取消"; var arr = str.split(/\s*,\s*/); Values in arr = ["继续,取消 继续 ,取消"] // Size: 1, All values at index 0 no splitting happened Tried splitting characters with unicodes: var str = "john,walker james , paul"; var