

孤人 提交于 2020-08-11 09:45:38
方法一、input标签上传 如果是input标签,可以直接输入路径,那么可以直接调用send_keys输入路径,这里不做过多赘述,前文有相关操作方法。 方法二、非input标签上传 这种上传方式需要借助第三方工具,主要有以下三种情况: 1.AutoIt 去调用它生成的au3或者exe格式的文件 2.SendKeys第三方库(目前只支持到2.7版本)   网址: 3.Python的pywin32库,通过识别对话框句柄来进行操作 pywin32库的安装因为文件较大,建议使用豆瓣源直接pip安装: pip install -i pywin32 前两种在这里不考虑,只采用第三种方法即可,使用之前可以借助工具winspy来辅助定位,winspy下载地址: winspy工具的定位方法采用的是绝对路径定位,即 根路径为点击上传按钮后的弹出框的整个窗口页面 ,一般 根据Text文本值和Class属性来定位 ,如图所示: 根路径如图所示,它的Text文本值为“打开”,Class属性值为“#32770”。 在winspy工具左上角有个聚焦按钮

Fetch href from webpage after selecting from combobox

旧巷老猫 提交于 2020-08-10 19:26:38
问题 I'm trying to scrape data from "" and need to achieve: Set "Iowa" on the state combobox and "Adair County, IA" in the County/city/area combobox Bring the Property Search button Click the Property Search button and get to the next page After all this, the browser gets to "" which is my main goal. I filled the comboboxes (tagname="option") but the next problems

C#+SQL Server的数据库管理系统常用的代码

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-08-10 13:22:32
数据库管理系统 数据库 管理 系统 (Database Management System)是一种操纵和管理数据库的大型软件,用于建立、使用和维护 数据库 ,简称 DBMS 。它对 数据库 进行统一的管理和 控制 ,以保证 数据库 的安全性和完整性。用户通过 DBMS 访问 数据库 中的数据, 数据库管理员 也通过 DBMS 进行数据库的维护工作。它可以支持多个 应用程序 和用户用不同的方法在同时或不同时刻去建立,修改和询问 数据库 。大部分 DBMS 提供 数据定义语言 DDL (Data Definition Language)和 数据操作语言 DML (Data Manipulation Language),供用户定义 数据库 的模式结构与权限约束,实现对数据的追加、删除等操作。 接下来博主分享下开发一个数据库管理系统所需的基本知识。 C# Part: 1、try、catch语句 try { } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); } 2、需要引用的空间命名 using System.Data.Sql; using System.Data.SqlClient; 3、常用的变量 SqlConnection pConn; SqlDataAdapter pAdpt; SqlCommand

WPF datagrid combobox 使用枚举

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-07-28 20:38:38
< Window x:Class ="CY.FQC.Client.demo" xmlns ="" xmlns:x ="" xmlns:d ="" xmlns:mc ="" xmlns:local ="clr-namespace:CY.FQC.Client" xmlns:core ="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" mc:Ignorable ="d" Title ="demo" Height ="450" Width ="800" > < Window.Resources > < ObjectDataProvider x:Key ="SexEnumKey" MethodName ="GetValues" ObjectType =" {x:Type core:Enum} " > < ObjectDataProvider


会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-07-26 15:43:39
前言 本文主要讲解采用WPF MVVM模式设计OPC Client的过程,算作对于WPF MVVM架构的学习记录吧!不足之处请不吝赐教,感谢! 涉及知识点 C#基础 Xaml基础 命令、通知和数据绑定 Prism+Blend MahApps.Metro(第三方框架) OPC 项目实现功能 用户登陆(模拟登陆过程,未连接数据库) OPC同步读写、异步读写操作等 开发环境 Window 10 Visual Studio 2019 .Net Framework 4.8 成品效果图 项目详解 MVVM框架搭建 为了节省开发时间,在事件绑定上使用了Prism框架,OPC通信方面使用了OPCDAAuto.dll类库,二者均可以通过Nuget方式安装到项目中。 定义了一个DelegateCommand类用来处理属性和命令; 定义了一个NotificationObject类用来通知属性和命令的改变; 注意:在使用事件绑定时,需要添加引用 xmlns:i="",然后根据控件对应事件的名称设置绑定命令即可。 比如我们想给ComboBox的SelectionChanged事件设置一个事件绑定,可这么写 xaml代码: < ComboBox x:Name ="CombServerList" Width ="120"

CComboBox not selecting CurSel when dropped down

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-07-20 17:26:21
问题 I have an alphabetically sorted combobox in a dialog. This combo contains multiple strings, but some are duplicated with different cases. i.e. we have an 'On' and an 'ON', an 'Off' and an 'OFF'. This may seem redundant but there is a reason, although this is not important right now. The duplicates obviously appear one after the other in the list, with the capitalized strings first. i.e.: OFF Off ON On When the user selects the 'On' (lower case), the correct index is set as CurSel and the

CComboBox not selecting CurSel when dropped down

空扰寡人 提交于 2020-07-20 17:26:19
问题 I have an alphabetically sorted combobox in a dialog. This combo contains multiple strings, but some are duplicated with different cases. i.e. we have an 'On' and an 'ON', an 'Off' and an 'OFF'. This may seem redundant but there is a reason, although this is not important right now. The duplicates obviously appear one after the other in the list, with the capitalized strings first. i.e.: OFF Off ON On When the user selects the 'On' (lower case), the correct index is set as CurSel and the

VBA - Get OLD Value of Combobox

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-07-15 15:31:27
问题 I would like to get the old value of a ComboBox when the combobox value will change. I have tried something like: Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Application.EnableEvents = False newVal = ComboBox1.Value Application.Undo oldVal = ComboBox1.Valu End Sub or Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Application.EnableEvents = False newVal = ComboBox1.Value ComboBox1.Undo oldVal = ComboBox1.Valu End Sub but it seems not to work... Thanks 回答1: You could use a Static variable that holds its value between calls

Why doesn't ComboBox show the Selected Item?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2020-07-14 12:04:32
问题 Here's what I've in my QML: import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 Window { visible: true width: 640 height: 480 title: "Test Window" ComboBox{ width: 300 model: testContext.List delegate: ItemDelegate{ width: parent.width contentItem: RowLayout{ Text{ text: } Text{ text: " | " + modelData.age Layout.alignment: Text.AlignRight } } background: Rectangle{ color: hovered? "green" : "white" } } } } When I click on the

How to easily get a data reference from an SWT Combo drop list

佐手、 提交于 2020-06-28 12:32:17
问题 How do you get a data reference from an SWT Combo drop list? Currently I need to get the text from the Combo box, then run through my data objects until I reach one that has the same text as what the Combo box reports. Combo combo = new Combo( new Shell(), SWT.READ_ONLY ); for (Person person : People.getPeople()) combo.add( person.getName() ); for (Person person : People.getPeople()) if (combo.getText().equals( person.getName() )) System.out.println( "Person: " + person.getFullName() ); While