
Including Delphi Type Libraries in repository (SVN)?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-05 03:28:23
问题 What is the best way to save a Delphi Type Library in SVN. The file changes every time you compile the Application The file is not saved in a readable form of AscII It is very difficult to work out what changes have been made from one version to the next This is a major problem when more than one person is changing the file QUESTIONS: 1) Should one save an exported ‘IDL’ file in the version control ? 2) Can one covert an ‘IDL ’ into a Delphi type library If so how ? 3) What are the best

Including Delphi Type Libraries in repository (SVN)?

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-01-05 03:26:11
问题 What is the best way to save a Delphi Type Library in SVN. The file changes every time you compile the Application The file is not saved in a readable form of AscII It is very difficult to work out what changes have been made from one version to the next This is a major problem when more than one person is changing the file QUESTIONS: 1) Should one save an exported ‘IDL’ file in the version control ? 2) Can one covert an ‘IDL ’ into a Delphi type library If so how ? 3) What are the best

Delphi and COM: TLB and maintenance issues

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-18 04:44:13
问题 In the company that i work, we develop all the GUI in C#, but the application kernel is mainly developed in Delphi 5 (for historical reasons), with a lot of components made in COM+. Related to this very specific sort of application a I two questions: Experienced guys in Delphi and/or COM, do you have any workrounds to work with the buggy TLB interface ? Some of the bugs are: IDE crashing during edition of a large TLB, lost of methods IDs, TLB corruption, etc. Here, we haven't found any good