
Is it possible to highlight a search pattern when codemirror loads

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-12 10:06:48
问题 Is there a way for codemirror to highlight the code matching a pattern (like if I use the search addon) when the page load? So I could load the page with ?search=my_pattern and pass the pattern to codemirror. Here's a sample code and a jsfiddle. You can use CTRL+F to use the search addon. <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src="http:/

CodeMirror - styling Tern intellisense labels

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-12 09:10:36
问题 I'm using the Tern plugin for CodeMirror, which adds intellisense features to the editor (i.e. pops up inline hint-labels). I want to change the hint-labels style, how to do so? 回答1: Tern attaches CSS classnames to the hint box, you can utilize them to style it, e.g.: .CodeMirror-Tern-tooltip:before { content: url(''); width: 20px; height: 20px; } … which will result in this: 来源:

CodeMirror - Using RegEx with overlay

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-12 04:57:08
问题 I can't seem to find an example of anyone using RegEx matches to create an overlay in CodeMirror. The Moustaches example matching one thing at a time seems simple enough, but in the API, it says that the RegEx match returns the array of matches and I can't figure out what to do with it in the context of the structure in the moustaches example. I have a regular expression which finds all the elements I need to highlight: I've tested it and it works. Should I be loading up the array outside of

codemirror can't type to the editor

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-12 04:13:28
问题 The problem is that after initialising codemirror plugin i cannot type to the editor if textatea in css is set as display:none; , these are the steps i follow: a) create and append textarea element: var txt = document.createElement('TEXTAREA'); document.body.appendChild(txt); b) initialise codemirror plugin: var html_edit = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(txt, { mode: 'htmlmixed' }); At that point if textarea is untouched in css i can type to the editor, however is i do this: textarea { display:none;

Load grid row data into CodeMirror - get CodeMirror reference

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-12 03:59:36
问题 I am building a small extjs 5.1 app for personal use, designed to save examples of functions / methods used in my extjs apps. I've given the most important steps with the help of Navaneeth-Kesavan and Tarabass in this Post Now I'm struggling to load in CodeMirror editor the grid row data. After several unsuccessful attempts, I am trying to load the data into a hidden textarea and then get value of this textarea and paste the value (setValue) in CodeMirror. However, I am not able to get the

Error: uiCodemirror3 can only be applied to a textarea element

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-12 02:17:48
问题 According to the doc of ui-codemirror: The ui-codemirror directive plays nicely with ng-model. The ng-model will be watched for to set the CodeMirror document value (by setValue). The ui-codemirror directive stores and expects the model value to be a standard javascript String. However, my following code (JSBin) returns an error Error: uiCodemirror3 can only be applied to a textarea element in the console. <html ng-app="flapperNews"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="

CodeMirror editor within a panel

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-12-12 00:29:31
问题 I am building a small extjs 5.1 app for personal use, designed to save examples of functions / methods used in my extjs apps. The most relevant part, has a grid with a list of functions, and a panel with a textarea that displays the contents of records (scripts). This works. Now I'm trying to replace the textarea field by CodeMirror editor for optimal scripts viewing and have syntax higlighter. I downloaded CodeMirror and put it in one the folder of my app with the name CodeMirror. In my app

How to create search and replace dialog box in codemirror?

怎甘沉沦 提交于 2019-12-11 21:51:01
问题 I have been using codemirror textarea in my project. In this, search and replace demo I can get the feature of search and replace. But I need like this dialogue box. I tried a lot but am unable to get as I expect. This is the js code I have customised so far. var queryDialog = 'Search: <input type="text" style="width: 10em" class="CodeMirror-search-field"/> <span style="color: #888" class="CodeMirror-search-hint">(Use /re/ syntax for regexp search)</span>

CodeMirror foldCode method not working

最后都变了- 提交于 2019-12-11 10:46:48
问题 I am trying to write an online editor and at the moment am trying to implement code folding. On the CodeMirror website they do a demo that uses the foldCode command that comes from the foldcode.js addon. Here is my code. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Code Mirror Test</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="codemirror-5.4/lib/codemirror.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="codemirror-5.4/lib/codemirror.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=

Code Mirror: Get Text Around Changes

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-11 09:45:01
问题 Using Code Mirror, I need to map change event data to a list of tuples containing: (Text before change, Change text, Text after change) I am currently listening on the change event and can handle input changes, but have to code specific solutions for deletions, selection movements, and undos. Is there a more reliable approach that works with the standard events? Edit Adding current work . Thinking a bit more, I only care about the first (in terms of position) change in a document. Here is