
Fastest way to compile SCSS (Compass) + refresh the browser?

爷,独闯天下 提交于 2019-12-04 04:54:24
Just wondering what in your opinion is the fastest way to have your SCSS compiled and browser refreshed? I'm currently using LiveReload, but it seems to be a bit slow sometimes, it can take from 1-3sec. It doesn't seem much, but I feel like I'm losing my proper coding pace. What do you guys use? would CodeKit be faster? Or maybe Sublime LiveReload plugin (not the actual app)? Or maybe I should give up Compass and use something else? Any suggestions would be appreciated. PS. I'm on OS X I use this stack: gruntjs grunt-sass (uses libsass via node-sass instead of ruby sass) grunt-watch-contrib

Test emails locally with mamp

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-11-29 01:11:34
问题 First thing first, i'm totally new to this kind of localhost server setup and i've been spending the last couple of days trying to figure this out, but with no luck. I'm developing a php website with an email form. I'm on a MAC using codekit and MAMP FREE and everything works fine. Now my question is, is it possible to test the email that should be sent from the form locally? I've tried a lot of examples, like uncommenting the [mail function] bit in php.ini file, installing 3rd parties app