
CUDA compiler is unable to compile a simple test program

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-01-20 09:19:32
问题 I am trying to get NVIDIA's CUDA setup and installed on my PC which has an NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 2080 SUPER graphics card. After hours of trying different things and lots of research I have gotten CUDA to work using the Command Prompt, though trying to use CUDA in CLion will not work. Using nvcc -o build.exe From the command line generates the executable and I can run it on the GPU, however I have the following error when trying to use CLion: I believe this is the relevant part, however

无限重置idea试用期过期时间插件 简单方便 亲测可用

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2021-01-17 10:34:51
相信破解过IDEA的小伙伴,都知道jetbrains-agent这个工具,没错,就是那个直接拖入到开发工具界面,一键搞定,so easy的破解工具!这个工具目前已经停止更新了,尽管还有很多小伙伴在使用,但是对新版本IDE的支持已经不是很稳定了。下面我会分享一个无线重置IDE过期时间的插件,让你不太再为IDE频繁时效而烦恼。 当然,如果你习惯了使用老版本的IDE,这个工具还是可以继续使用的,关注公众号【终码一生】,公众号后台回复关键词“破解工具”即可获取jetbrains-agent下载,这里不再过多介绍。 如果不嫌麻烦,习惯了使用激活码,也可以。我们也提供, 定期更新。 ok,下面是使用插件无限重置IDE的试用期。做好准备! 老规矩,先上一张图片,永远都是30天的试用期,哈哈哈~~~ 先把工具下载到本地,下载方式在最下面。 使用也很简单,直接把插件拖入到IDE界面中即可(这里以DataGrip为例演示)。如下: 第一次拖入会提示是否重置过期时间。可以直接点击重置。 如果第一次没有重置,可以打开插件界面。简单设置下。 勾选默认自动重置,这样我们就不用每次都通知了。 结束了,直接点击Reset,重置时间,然后重启IDE。 目前支持: IntelliJ IDEA AppCode CLion DataGrip GoLand PhpStorm


ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-01-06 04:26:47
使用c++开发跨平台的程序 背景 在开发过程中,使用c++作为开发语言,通常被认为是痛苦的,啰嗦的,超长开发时间的.最近几年有各种各样的语言被广泛使用,相对比来说c++不是那么出彩.c++虽然年龄大,但是它不是坐以待毙的,它自己也在急剧变革,最近几年,为了方便c++的开发,涌现出非常多的工具.我结合自己的工作经验,打算写点东西,介绍一下. C++诞生初期解决了很实际的问题,但是随着时代的变革c++遇到了新的情况. 首先就是包依赖管理,c++并没有在这上面有所约束,导致开发在管理依赖包的时候,非常的困难,有时候可以说是一团糟.c++的处境,有点像nuget出现之前的c#,maven出现之前的java.不过现在这个也得到了解决.微软推出了vcpkg.此工具完全解决了这个问题.当然,针对c++包管理,还有其他的工具,此处,我只推荐vcpkg.理由如下:1.它切合了现代c++的开发流程.2.它真的很好的管理了包以及包依赖,以及头文件.3.它易于使用.在开发过程中每个平台的操作方式都是一致的. 其次项目组织方式,c++并没有在这上有所约束.好吧,所处的时代的确没有考虑到未来的情况.我这里选择cmake. 段子 A:我写c++代码, B:具体的工作是? A:你具体指的是写c++代码,写c++代码的代码,以及写c++文件的代码?....虽然是段子,不过cmake就是c++文件的代码.现在也算是c

C - Cmake compiling program with libcurl

房东的猫 提交于 2021-01-03 06:25:31
问题 I'm trying to use some curl code to test the lib but I can't compile it :( I'm using Clion (Cmake + gcc) and I've got a libcurl.a, a libcurl.dll and a libcurl.dlla What am I suppose to do with those 3 files ? This is my CmakeLists.txt : cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(curl_test2 C) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 99) ADD_DEFINITIONS( -DCURL_STATICLIB ) include_directories( "include" ) set(SRCS" srcs/main.c") set(HEADERS "include/curl/curl.h" "include/curl/easy.h") link_directories("lib")

C - Cmake compiling program with libcurl

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2021-01-03 06:24:42
问题 I'm trying to use some curl code to test the lib but I can't compile it :( I'm using Clion (Cmake + gcc) and I've got a libcurl.a, a libcurl.dll and a libcurl.dlla What am I suppose to do with those 3 files ? This is my CmakeLists.txt : cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(curl_test2 C) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 99) ADD_DEFINITIONS( -DCURL_STATICLIB ) include_directories( "include" ) set(SRCS" srcs/main.c") set(HEADERS "include/curl/curl.h" "include/curl/easy.h") link_directories("lib")

How do I use wxWidgets with Mingw-W64 and CLion?

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-12-15 11:59:20
问题 When attempting to build the wxWidgets (3.0.5) library with MinGW-W64 (x86-64) GCC 8.1.0, I get the following output: wxWidgets-3.0.5\build\msw> mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc SHARED=1 UNICODE=1 BUILD=debug -j4 if not exist gcc_mswuddll mkdir gcc_mswuddll if not exist ..\..\lib\gcc_dll mkdir ..\..\lib\gcc_dll if not exist ..\..\lib\gcc_dll\mswud\wx\setup.h copy ..\..\include\wx\msw\setup.h ..\..\lib\gcc_dll\mswud\wx\setup.h gcc -c -o gcc_mswuddll\wxregex_regcomp.o -g -O0 -mthreads -DHAVE_W32API

CLion 使用googleTest demo

房东的猫 提交于 2020-12-06 19:47:28
CLion 使用googleTest demo 1. 基本步骤 创建C/C++项目 将googleTest克隆下来 git clone 将整个googleTest复制到项目里 配置CMakeLists.txt,下面是示范 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9) project(GTest) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(googleTestDir ./googletest) #Add the google test subdirectory add_subdirectory(${googleTestDir}) #include googletest/include dir include_directories(${googleTestDir}/googletest/include) #include the googlemock/include dir include_directories(${googleTestDir}/googlemock/include) set(SOURCE_FILE src/add.cpp test/addTest.cpp src/add.h ) add_executable(GTest ${SOURCE

White space on the end of output string not printing with the string, but rather with the next printed line after it

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-12-06 07:06:09
问题 I tried to print a line that asks for input from the user, get the input, then print again some line. The problem is that the white space at the end of the first printed line is printed not at the end of the line, but rather at the beginning of second printed line, after i get the input. I'm completely new to C++ so I couldn't really try much, but i tried printing the code without the part that prompts the input from the user, and it prints the space just fine, but when i add std::cin <<

Step through C++ code with CLion while PyCharm plugin is enabled

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-12-06 06:54:11
问题 I am having a problem in CLion when the PyCharm plugin is enabled. This is what I do: Run a Python program from the shell. This program creates multiple processes (like workers) in which the Python code calls C++ code that I want to debug. From CLion, attach to the original main Python process. Step through code after C++ breakpoint gets hit in one or more of the created processes. Usually, this works fine. But if I have the PyCharm plugin enabled, CLion seems to treat the main process

Step through C++ code with CLion while PyCharm plugin is enabled

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-12-06 06:52:14
问题 I am having a problem in CLion when the PyCharm plugin is enabled. This is what I do: Run a Python program from the shell. This program creates multiple processes (like workers) in which the Python code calls C++ code that I want to debug. From CLion, attach to the original main Python process. Step through code after C++ breakpoint gets hit in one or more of the created processes. Usually, this works fine. But if I have the PyCharm plugin enabled, CLion seems to treat the main process