
NextJS - Set dynamic environment variables at the start of the application

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2020-02-02 13:22:45
问题 In our implementation process we created a single building and went through the different stages (integration, staging and production). In each of the environments, we have variable environmental differences. The problem is that when we started the server it only referred to the environment variables on the server, but in the client the process.env file is empty. stack: "next": "5.0.0" "babel-plugin-inline-dotenv": "1.1.1", for load .env file is used "inline-dotenv" 回答1: You can use

NextJS - Set dynamic environment variables at the start of the application

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-02-02 13:22:06
问题 In our implementation process we created a single building and went through the different stages (integration, staging and production). In each of the environments, we have variable environmental differences. The problem is that when we started the server it only referred to the environment variables on the server, but in the client the process.env file is empty. stack: "next": "5.0.0" "babel-plugin-inline-dotenv": "1.1.1", for load .env file is used "inline-dotenv" 回答1: You can use

Dot separated clientside date validation in asp MVC 4

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2020-01-28 10:14:05
问题 So I've been banging my head to wall with this problem for hours. I'm creating localized validation for my date input fields. I've overwritten the default jquery date validator and the method seems to be working fine. Everything seems to go as planned but jquery validator just won't let me to post the form. Breakpoint placed in the custom validation method is hit properly in the firebug and it returns true as it's supposed to. Once I continue executing, the validation error fields with red

DHTML library for handling pictures and videos using AJAX

徘徊边缘 提交于 2020-01-25 18:40:54
问题 This is based on my full question. I decided to take it in parts and see if I still can't get any help. What are all the options we've got for client-side frameworks? I've heard mostly about prototype and jquery , but I know there are way too many options out there beyond those two, and I don't know if they handle async download. From all of them which one is the fastest, both on the DHTML (interface) and the AJAX (download)? What are the advantages it has over the others? 回答1: What is it

DHTML library for handling pictures and videos using AJAX

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-25 18:40:37
问题 This is based on my full question. I decided to take it in parts and see if I still can't get any help. What are all the options we've got for client-side frameworks? I've heard mostly about prototype and jquery , but I know there are way too many options out there beyond those two, and I don't know if they handle async download. From all of them which one is the fastest, both on the DHTML (interface) and the AJAX (download)? What are the advantages it has over the others? 回答1: What is it

Right after ASP validation fails, I cannot invoke the service method ONLY first time even if I provide the correct input

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-25 10:14:15
问题 I have a small form with asp validations. After validation fails with the wrong input, I provide the correct input and press a button. Nothing happens with * still displayed indicating an error. However, when pressing button second time, the service is called. This is the first scenario when providing the wrong Bin: This is a second scenario: When the input is correct and pressing "Search" button should cause the service method call, but it does not do anything. Only after I press on "Search"

What is the alternatives for Java Applet to launch client programs using Chrome browsers?

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-23 06:47:06
问题 I am working in a web application using and C#. My target is to check on a desktop application on the client machine .. If it was exist then I should launch it. Else if it wasn't exist, we should download, install and then launch it. I could develop this module using Java Applet but unfortunately, Google decided to disable NPAPI in September 2015, So the applet will not working on Chrome. My question is about the Applet alternatives to help me implementing the above scenario ? 回答1:

Client side ssl in J2me?

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-01-16 07:07:40
问题 How can we implement client side SSL in J2ME? Any available resource or source code?? I want to validate the particular service is accessed by a particular phone. 回答1: The bouncycastle Java libraries have a J2ME version (now called JME) that includes an SSL/TLS api. 来源:

Primefaces, dataexporter and watermark

流过昼夜 提交于 2020-01-15 07:54:06
问题 i have a dataTable with filtered columns and using watermark to set input value and save some space in header, but when try to use dataExport the pdf file is rendered with some kind of reference from waterMark, like: Column Title org.primefaces.component.watermark.Watermark@46339a4c The desired column content (...) and the structure of my xhtml is basically: <h:form id="formID"> <p:commandButton value="Export"ajax="false"> <p:dataExporter type="pdf" fileName="file" preProcessor="#{my.stuff}"

How to set vendor prefixed CSS values (NOT property names) | client-side

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-01-13 08:33:11
问题 <edit> I actually guessed this would happen but just some seconds after posting I got a flag for "possible duplicate" which is not appropriate! This question is about CSS values and NOT about CSS property names and so it's not a dup of this or this question!!! Its also not a dup of this one because I'm asking for a generic solution. If you are still not convinced or unsure about what this post is not about, maybe you take a look at the bottom of this question: "What I'm NOT Looking For" and