

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-01-26 12:30:26
1、JQ函数: <script> $(function(){ $("#b1").click(function(){ $("#111").css("background-color","red"); }); $("#b2").click(function(){ $(".mini").css("background-color","red"); }); $("#b3").click(function(){ $("div").css("background-color","red"); }); $("#b4").click(function(){ $("*").css("background-color","red"); }); $("#b5").click(function(){ $("#two,.mini").css("background-color","red"); }); }); </script> 该函数的功能是获取特定的元素值并添加颜色。 基本选择器共有四种: $("#id") //ID选择器 $("div") //元素选择器 $(".classname") //类选择器 $(".classname,.classname1,#id1") //组合选择器 <body> <input type="button" id="b1" value="选择编号为111的元素"/>


谁都会走 提交于 2020-01-25 16:12:32
引入 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/click/click.css"> <script src="/static/click/click.js"></script> CSS文件: * { margin : 0 ; padding : 0 ; } body { width : 100% ; height : 100vh ; } .text_popup { animation : textPopUp 1.8s ; position : absolute ; user-select : none ; white-space : nowrap ; z-index : 999 ; //保持文字在最上层显示 } @keyframes textPopUp { 0% { opacity : 1 ; //不透明度为0% } 100% { opacity : 0 ; //不透明度为100% } 50% { opacity : 0.6 ; } 100% { transform : translateY ( -140px ) ; } } JS文件: var getRandomColor = function ( ) { return '#' + ( function ( h ) { return new Array ( 7 - h . length ) .

Using intent for sending SMS on Button click from widget

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-25 12:29:05
问题 Ok this is code for my widget. I have two buttons, that are making calls when clicking on them. I want to implement three more buttons for sending SMS, but i can't implement intent for that... I my main app I use smsmanager function .... import; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.appwidget.AppWidgetProvider; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.widget.RemoteViews; public class

Tooltipster plugin not firing jquery function when link in in the tooltip is clicked

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2020-01-25 11:53:07
问题 I am using a jquery plugin called Tooltipster ( and I am insterting some HTML into the tip which contains an href. If I click the link the page is opened as I expect. However, if I try to use that same href, add a class name and then try to fire a jquery function it will not fire. I have been pulling my hair out for hours trying to figure this out. Any help would be appreciated. Here is some stripped down code to illustrate an example. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC

Draw bing map pushpin using custom shape & click event should only work for shaped pushpin

耗尽温柔 提交于 2020-01-25 09:40:28
问题 Feature Overview I am using Bing Map V8. As per the requirement, we need to create custom pushpin (ref. Custom Pushpin) which contains three different html elements. E.g. Canvas, Image & Label. That pushpin will be looks like below, In this pushpin, all three elements are being set dynamically on run time. Like, Canvas radius, Pushpin Name font style (color, size), etc.. properties are different per pushpin. This feature we achieved by merging these three elements into the canvas and then by

Python click 'More' button is not working

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-01-25 08:05:26
问题 I tried to click "More" button for each review so that I can expand these text reviews to the full contents and then I try to scrape those text reviews. Without clicking "More" button, what I end up retrieving is something like "This room was nice and clean. The location...More". I tried a few different functions to figure it out such as selenium button click and ActionChain but I guess I'm not using these properly. Could someone help me out with this issue? Below is my current code: I didn't

jQuery code does not work on iOS

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-24 23:59:49
问题 this code is working fine on desktop browsers, but on iOS (iPhone 5 / iOS 7) it doesn't. By clicking outside the clicked input, the clicked input does not get readonly->true again. UPDATED CODE: <script> $(document).ready(function () { $("input").prop("readonly", true); $('input').bind('click', function () { $(this).prop("readonly", false); }); $('input').bind('blur', function () { $(this).prop("readonly", true); }); }); </script> 回答1: Use this for adding readonly attribute, To add, $("input"

Remove from arraylist

女生的网名这么多〃 提交于 2020-01-24 22:07:54
问题 My code is this: public class startgame extends Activity implements OnClickListener { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.level1); final Random rgenerator = new Random(); //setup the questions List<String> questions1 = new ArrayList<String>(); questions1.add("Who is the actual CEO at Apple?"); questions1.add("Who is the actual CEO at Microsoft?"); questions1.add("Android is made by:"); String thequestion =

C# how to click an IWebelement in a IList?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-01-24 13:35:29
问题 So I tried to click a button on YouTube, but I can't find the button by the Xpath because there are so many buttons, so I tried saving them in an IList, now I want to click a specific button in the list. ChromeDriver chrome = new ChromeDriver(); List<IWebElement> textfields = new List<IWebElement>(); chrome.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); textfields = chrome.FindElements(By.XPath("//*[@id=\"button"]")).ToList(); 回答1: As per the documentation of Selenium

C# how to click an IWebelement in a IList?

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-01-24 13:35:08
问题 So I tried to click a button on YouTube, but I can't find the button by the Xpath because there are so many buttons, so I tried saving them in an IList, now I want to click a specific button in the list. ChromeDriver chrome = new ChromeDriver(); List<IWebElement> textfields = new List<IWebElement>(); chrome.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); textfields = chrome.FindElements(By.XPath("//*[@id=\"button"]")).ToList(); 回答1: As per the documentation of Selenium