
How to use iDangerous Swiper and jquery .click(); at the same time

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2020-08-27 22:00:14
问题 Im stuck on the following: I'm using the iDangerous Swiper plugin, which works fine. However, I would also like to use jQuery's click function on that same iDangerous swiper. For example: <div id="swiper-container"> <div class="swiper-slide">(lots of stuff here)</div> <div class="swiper-slide">(lots of stuff here)</div> <div class="swiper-slide">(lots of stuff here)</div> <div class="swiper-slide">(lots of stuff here)</div> </div> and : $('.swiper-slide').click(function() { //more

How to use iDangerous Swiper and jquery .click(); at the same time

狂风中的少年 提交于 2020-08-27 21:56:40
问题 Im stuck on the following: I'm using the iDangerous Swiper plugin, which works fine. However, I would also like to use jQuery's click function on that same iDangerous swiper. For example: <div id="swiper-container"> <div class="swiper-slide">(lots of stuff here)</div> <div class="swiper-slide">(lots of stuff here)</div> <div class="swiper-slide">(lots of stuff here)</div> <div class="swiper-slide">(lots of stuff here)</div> </div> and : $('.swiper-slide').click(function() { //more

How to count click about dblclick and do something after 4 clicks in jQuery?

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-08-20 11:15:01
问题 To let doSetTag function take effect, before that and the first clicking(doule click, 2 clicks), some html elements will be highlight displayed, when user click button again(the second double-click, 4 clicks), then doSetTag(tagid); takes effect. Below colde takes effect at once double-click(2 clicks), so I would like to count the dbclick and let doSetTag(tagId) works after the second double-click(4 clicks). $('#tagLabels .minitag-label').attr('title','Double-Click to cancel the tag').unbind()

How to count click about dblclick and do something after 4 clicks in jQuery?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-08-20 11:13:53
问题 To let doSetTag function take effect, before that and the first clicking(doule click, 2 clicks), some html elements will be highlight displayed, when user click button again(the second double-click, 4 clicks), then doSetTag(tagid); takes effect. Below colde takes effect at once double-click(2 clicks), so I would like to count the dbclick and let doSetTag(tagId) works after the second double-click(4 clicks). $('#tagLabels .minitag-label').attr('title','Double-Click to cancel the tag').unbind()

How to count click about dblclick and do something after 4 clicks in jQuery?

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2020-08-20 11:13:40
问题 To let doSetTag function take effect, before that and the first clicking(doule click, 2 clicks), some html elements will be highlight displayed, when user click button again(the second double-click, 4 clicks), then doSetTag(tagid); takes effect. Below colde takes effect at once double-click(2 clicks), so I would like to count the dbclick and let doSetTag(tagId) works after the second double-click(4 clicks). $('#tagLabels .minitag-label').attr('title','Double-Click to cancel the tag').unbind()

Click only through holes in svg mask

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-08-07 09:51:46
问题 I have svg mask which determines holes in rectangular. Behind svg mask I have some clickable elements and I would like to pass events to them, but only through holes. I've experimented with pointer-events values, but I can only make either whole mask to pass events or whole mask to capture them. For one hole it can be simply done using clip-path, just determining outer part of the hole, but several holes make things more difficult. Is there any possibility to avoid using clip-path? I also

Click only through holes in svg mask

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-08-07 09:50:51
问题 I have svg mask which determines holes in rectangular. Behind svg mask I have some clickable elements and I would like to pass events to them, but only through holes. I've experimented with pointer-events values, but I can only make either whole mask to pass events or whole mask to capture them. For one hole it can be simply done using clip-path, just determining outer part of the hole, but several holes make things more difficult. Is there any possibility to avoid using clip-path? I also

Detect if input was touched (tablet) or clicked (mouse)

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2020-07-20 07:12:07
问题 We are developing a Web-App, which launches on Desktop and on tablets (iPad, Android or a surface). Now we are building our own keyboard for number inputs. When you set the focus on an input field with a mousclick, the costum keyboard opens correct. But when you set the focus to the input with a touched click (tablet), the default keyboard opens also. Our idea is, to detect, if there was a mouse-click or a touched click. If it's a touched click, we can set the readonly="true" property to the

How to convert JavaScript code to jQuery?

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-07-20 04:08:29
问题 symbolen.parent = object; object.element.onclick = function() { this.parent.position.x = 0; this.parent.position.y = 0; this.parent.position.z = 0; this.parent.scale.x = 4, this.parent.scale.y = 4; }; i want to convert the javascript code to jquery. Because i want to use "siblings". how can i change it ? is there any website for that? for example i tried this code with scale first , there is no error message, but it is not working... $('object').click(function(event) { $(this).parent().css(

Angular - Check if all options are selected to enable button

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-07-14 12:38:52
问题 This is a quiz app, in this scenario my next button will redirect to another page and it's disabled by default . If I choose all the options it should enable . NOTE: My functionality of selecting options and choosing correct/wrong is working fine, I just can't figure out how to enable when each single option is selected. Any help or suggestions? Working demo: buttonDisabled = true; <button class="btn-next" [disabled]="buttonDisabled"> Next <