
How to send multiple arguments to jQuery click function?

喜欢而已 提交于 2020-01-10 18:53:41
问题 Currently I'm using something like: $('.myclass').click(function(){ var msg = $(this).attr('id'); alert(msg) }); And HTML: < a href="#" class="myclass" id="101">Link</a> If I need additional parameters how would I read them? Also is the current way I am using the proper way? Originally I was using hidden input fields so it was already a step up. :p 回答1: jQuery Events jQuery .click() $('.myclass').bind("click", { Param1: "", Param2: 2 }, function(event){ alert(; }); 回答2: you

How to send multiple arguments to jQuery click function?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-10 18:53:08
问题 Currently I'm using something like: $('.myclass').click(function(){ var msg = $(this).attr('id'); alert(msg) }); And HTML: < a href="#" class="myclass" id="101">Link</a> If I need additional parameters how would I read them? Also is the current way I am using the proper way? Originally I was using hidden input fields so it was already a step up. :p 回答1: jQuery Events jQuery .click() $('.myclass').bind("click", { Param1: "", Param2: 2 }, function(event){ alert(; }); 回答2: you

Cancel click event in the mouseup event handler

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2020-01-10 00:27:11
问题 Writing some drag&drop code, I'd like to cancel the click events in my mouseup handler. I figured preventing default should do the trick, but the click event is still fired. Is there a way to do this? This doesn't work: <div id="test">test</div> <script> $("#test").mouseup (function (e) { var a = 1; e.preventDefault(); }); $("#test").click (function (e) { var a = 2; }); 回答1: I had the same problem and didn't found a solution either. But I came up with a hack that seems to work. Since the

Clicking HyperLinks in a RichTextBox without holding down CTRL - WPF

若如初见. 提交于 2020-01-09 03:41:15
问题 I have a WPF RichTextBox with isReadOnly set to True . I would like users to be able to click on HyperLinks contained within the RichTextBox, without them having to hold down Ctrl . The Click event on the HyperLink doesn't seem to fire unless Ctrl is held-down, so I'm unsure of how to proceed. 回答1: I found a solution. Set IsDocumentEnabled to "True" and set IsReadOnly to "True". <RichTextBox IsReadOnly="True" IsDocumentEnabled="True" /> Once I did this, the mouse would turn into a 'hand' when

How to open a modal clicking on SVG javascript d3

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2020-01-07 07:28:18
问题 I'm working on a data visualization proyect, using javascript and d3. In this proyect I'm showing the data using various charts (the data comes from an external source). I'm new in this language so I´m using pieces of code from differents parts of the internet and a lot of the work comes from editing those pieces in order to make them compatible with each other. I have succefully deploy the charts (A big accomplishment for me, since I started with javascript and HTML just one week ago). Now i

Handle Windows Mobile Click event so that it doesn't “queue” while my program is blocking

跟風遠走 提交于 2020-01-07 06:06:40
问题 I've written a simple application for WinMo 6.x to entertain my daughter. It holds a set of animal image to animal noise pairs and randomly displays one of the images. When the image is clicked the animal noise plays and the two year old is distracted :-) and then the next image is displayed. However, since she tends to bash at the screen the actual flow is that the image displays and she clicks several times; several animal noises are played and then the image changes to the next random

Python Selenium click() doesn't work

不问归期 提交于 2020-01-07 02:52:05
问题 I am trying to automate a web file downloading program with Selenium in Python. But I have some difficulties in clicking one particular button with Selenium: The program succeeds in leading to this url '', but it cannot click on the button of the first document (d10k.htm). The button is defined as 'formbuttonElement' in the following code and I tracked it by Xpath. In addition, I used both click()

Android - ListView using onItemClick and onTouch

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2020-01-06 18:14:03
问题 I try to implement something like a "drag and drop" for a ListView. The task is simple. I have a "side menu" where I put some objects in a list. They are all shown there. What I want is to drag and drop one of them to the screen. I first tried to use the OnTouchListener which offers me the drag&drop functionality I seek. So I do something like @Override public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent movEv) { if (movEv.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) // DRAG else if (movEv.getAction() =

Android - ListView using onItemClick and onTouch

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-06 18:13:41
问题 I try to implement something like a "drag and drop" for a ListView. The task is simple. I have a "side menu" where I put some objects in a list. They are all shown there. What I want is to drag and drop one of them to the screen. I first tried to use the OnTouchListener which offers me the drag&drop functionality I seek. So I do something like @Override public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent movEv) { if (movEv.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) // DRAG else if (movEv.getAction() =

The order of click event handled by parent view and child view

别来无恙 提交于 2020-01-06 14:55:11
问题 I have been working on android development for a while, but I am still confused about this question.. From android documentation said, the event will start from root view, and dispatched to the child view. Which means viewgroup should get touch event before view(which is its child), but from what I have debugged, this is not the case... I create a RadioGroup, then add three radiobutton into it, every time when I click radiobutton, its click event is triggered. Radiogroup's click event is not