How to set the attatchment file name with chinese characters in C# SmtpClient programming?
问题 my code is as below: ContentType ct = new ContentType(); ct.MediaType = MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet; ct.Name = "这是一个很长的中文文件名希望能用它在附件名中.Doc"; Attachment attach = new Attachment(stream, ct); but the attachement received is not with the right chinese filename, and I found the ct.Name becames "=?utf-8?B?6L+Z5piv5LiA5Liq5b6I6ZW/55qE5Lit5paH5paH5Lu25ZCN5biM5pyb?=\r\n =?utf-8?B?6IO955So5a6D5Zyo6ZmE5Lu25ZCN5Lit?=" in the VS2010 debuger. plz advice, how do I use the chinese charaters in